I have 2 questions about this video.
1. If I drop a stone from my hand, I know for a fact it will fall on the ground. What should we do with these kind of beliefs that seem to be facts? For example, if we want to achieve something, don't we need to have the right beliefs in order to make the best decisions and actions within that field we want to achieve things in? Someone who wants to build a device, can not do this without having the right beliefs about technology right? If we want to be healthy, we obviously should eat a certain kinds of food. Aren't facts like these beliefs that are necessary? Why would we read new books and gain information, if it's just all new beliefs?
2. At the end he says that once u realize you are playing a game, you will stop it. what game is he referring to? Don't we need to operate within certain guidelines to do the right things and get the most out of life? as an example: the belief from a father that needs to take care of his kid?
I would undertand if he at the end means to be aware of all the thoughts in your head.. but how can you function if you don't trust any of the beliefs anymore