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About Gregory1

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  1. @Raptorsin7 please shut up and stop calling Nahm a "sharlatan"
  2. @Raptorsin7 @Breakingthewall you are both speaking with the voice of ignorance currently...
  3. @Breakingthewall @Raptorsin7 please stop spreading nonsensical lies under my thread.
  4. @Breakingthewall @Raptorsin7 Guys Nahm was genuine. Stop spreading nonsense and lies.
  5. Go for it brother❤️
  6. @roopepa what a lovely post... All the best on your way?? Hahahahahah???? Plot twist: Dollar is a concept too Haha good one @Raptorsin7 STOP BASHING NAHM!!!!!!
  7. @roopepa what a lovely post... All the best on your way?? Hahahahahah???? Plot twist: Dollar is a concept too Haha good one HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHY CAN'T I DELETE ALL THESE QUOTE BOXES ON MY PHONE... IT SUCKS!!!!!
  8. Maybe if you drank some alcohol you would act less drunk?? Seems counterintuitive but might work^^
  9. Ok Leo, sorry for the speculation on my part. @mods: you can close this topic to further replies if you want.
  10. @Leo Gura The video where you explained the take down of your solipsism video was taken down. Was this an accident? Or did you regret the fact that you claimed being the "most woke" being that has ever lived? Will there come a new video explaining the take down? (Obviously it's ok if you don't explain it but I think it might help people understand the take down) Thx for your reply.
  11. Well technically Leo asked him to "leave the forum..." So it's not his fault:(