Tim W

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About Tim W

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  • Birthday 11/02/1996

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    The Netherlands
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  1. Can you please stop with the ...'s! Anyways, I know the feeling of lack of interest that can become of a thing while you grow up. I'm 19 years of age myself and I'm struggling with finding a passion as well. I suggest you should widen your perspective, be more open for different things in life. Read books, watch videos, travel. It really helps. I think you have defined a strong and clear passion very early on in your life. This may look like a good thing at first but I think you shouldn't hold on to one thing for your entire life. My advice is: explore and be open for anything that lands on your path in life!
  2. @Sarah_Flagg That would keep me fill for like 5 minutes..
  3. I've lived very close to a forest until I turned 18. Now I live in the centre of a much larger town. There are a couple differences. I don't feel like living in a city is less healthy in any way. Sure, you I don't take a walk in the forest too often anymore, but at the same time, the city has much more to offer regarding sports/fitness/cardio/health etc. I do feel like living in a city can be more stressful though. Especially if you live at a busy street, the sound of the cars and motorcycles can be disturbing. Maybe this is just something I need to get used to as I have only lived in a city for a little over 6 months. Sometimes I do miss the stillness of nature, especially during the winter as I don't go out biking/running too often nowadays. When the weather gets better, I will be going out to enjoy nature more often.
  4. @FindingPeace Thanks for the advice. I will try to create some plans to travel, and perhaps even share my experience in here as I feel like the people on this forum are very honest and resourceful.
  5. Hello. I want to see more of the world by traveling by public transport. I don't have a very clear vision for my life nor a well-defined life purpose. The problem being, I don't really have anyone to accompany on my journeys. It feels awkward to have this conversation with someone: "What was your weekend like?" "Great, I've been to X." "Oh, what were you doing there?" "Just exploring. On my own." I don't know how to overcome these situations and I want to step out of my comfort zone but I don't know how. Does anyone have experience with traveling on your own? What is it like?