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About Kambido

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  1. @Harlen Kelly I am not thinking of the same thing as you are... i'm thinking of the definition of love. My definition is different than the norm. With that said, models, and anyone used in media, is suppose to be the "attractive" person, right... but i get you bc i really don't care what i'm shown. My battle is more so if my love exists. The world is showing me the process of finding it, and that process never worked... but i don't know if that's the process or just me.
  2. @ivankiss But what if i've already done that and i want more? I'm comfortable with it, but what now? I got me figured out, but there are many around me that don't know... am i suppose to help them out of it, or are they exactly what they need to be?
  3. Whatever the world is showing me as this should be the standard of beauty and love.. I sometimes forget that i absolutely disagree, and that's okay. Why can't i love a girl that wants to be vampire biting my neck with a middle finger to the world? Why can't i be a middle finger to every idea and find the one that wants the same middle finger? Idk... in this love sense i'm lost, so i may be a foul imagining something that doesn't exist or something, idk.
  4. @Harlen Kelly I absolutely agree with you. The more i live i see the bias others are trying to build against me, but music has no bias... it's pure love. That why i love it. I do have my taste, but every cuture and person is waiting for me to say hi... i fully agree that this propaganda got a little of the good of me, but no more... i love all as long as they fit me. It's very freeing even if i don't find my one... i know i can love more than what the world says i should love.
  5. I don't owe any of you an awakening .. but, i do the people i love. And i want everyone i love to dance in their mind like i'm dancin. That's what i owe the world, to make those i love dance! Please do the same... skrew reaching god, we are god now, make rest feel it as much as we do. Don't retreat from that, don't get stuck on that... find a way to make everyone feel that. Please! Make those that have hard time feeling that feel that... we are all there... i may not love you, but i do love it when you dance and let go... that's what the new age has taught us... i can watch you dance to a song i love all day... it's okay if i skip the song bc it's not one i love, but someone does, so keep dancing! Literally and in your mind.
  6. Don't deny it, just make it your past. I love your post, i can relate to it in so many different levels. I'm the type of fool that people say "your beautiful" but never have i seen it... at this point i don't give a fck. Who cares my dude... who cares what the answer to your question is. Just keep continuing to be you. All this i'm ugly or not is pointless. Some will think you're ugly asf or some may find beauty... even if that's few. Who cares though. I can get any laid i want... but what is the point. I understand how it gives me some privilege's like people liking me... but crap, i like people that are real, bc i feel fake bc of the acceptance, so be you, bc i will respect that and need you to exist. As a person others call beautiful ... i need you to call me ugly. Understand that my dude, i need you.
  7. I'm usually not attracted to certain looks. I mean no offense but most the time it falls in black and Indian girls ... but this girl is a mix of both, and i'm love with her. How weird how life smacks you in the face. Even in your tastes that you think are iron clad... i love her. Great song so please listen, but to me it was a lesson of shut up... you know you love both so open your mind.
  8. That isn't my intent. If we're lost, please explain to me where? I'm more than glad to clarify my position or understand yours.
  9. But none of that matters bc i don't agree with you... what does that mean? **honestly, i do agree with some of that, but not all. Just think, in infinity, you may never be me... what does that mean? Even in books, sometimes you skip over something... i'm saying i'm the part you slightly skip over... what does that mean?
  10. @Preety_India I don't mean to be offensive. But what do you mean???... bc to me, that means being aware to someone that isn't conscious. But you are being vague to my question. Be more specific, like i don't understand you... please. Bc many don't understand you with what you said. It sounds like ego only... you are beyond me but so what... i don't care, same with the most... what do we mean by being aware of conscious? Other than being aware of i am me, and you are you.
  11. To understand infinity, you must understand me, even if you can't. First paradox. I exist too. Someone different than you exists too. How can you become "fully" enlightened to the "different" ... bc by definition, that is not you. It's different, right? But no matter what, i exist too. And so do you. We exist together and that's beautiful. But what does that mean if you really think about it? We're both here, even beyond science and those close minded to your position, i believe in you... but not exactly. Bc you're not me and i'm not you. That is the beauty of the finite imho. I can agree with you to the end, but never exactly. Do you really want me to be exact? Do you really ever want me to be exactly like you? Never right? But what does that mean times infinity. Seriously just think of this... the duality of the beauty of the infinite and finite. We can dive into either of them... but the duality is there, so the answers are different, and the same, but think. Why can't i disagree but still want you in my experience.
  12. @Someone here I like where your mind is at on your last words: "You have no access to other's experiences. So it's just a belief and will remain a belief. " But now there is a bigger question, is our beliefs, even when we don't know, the creation of reality? I would say yes. That's why reality isn't up to par. You may disagree or agree... but to what level? Do you hate me? or do you want to talk to me? That is the question. We need to meet, and we will. And in that, you'll grow and so will i. But, in reality, that's just how it works bc we have to follow finite rules.
  13. @Javad "All you say and all you know is you, Know thyself, that you are all there is to know."" Out of so many posts i've read about we are all... this relates to me the most, bc i know i am all, but i also understand that i am not all bc the all want me to be me... that is what you learn when you are beyond stages, it circles back to you... who are you? Who are you to the infinite? Who are you in infinity? That is beautiful if you understand where i'm coming from.
  14. @cookiemonster We have the A theory, B theory of time, plus other creative ideas of time... what are you talking about when you say "time" ...? I don't get why this is such a contested idea for how little it matters.
  15. @Karas What does "matter" mean in this question?