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Everything posted by Magnanimous

  1. I know that I've said multiple times on this forum that my Life Purpose will be quite social but my Zone of Genius has writing so I'll be doing that as well. I was wondering what degree I would need for Sci Fi, since I could take Physics because of all the futuristic sorts of things, Biology to write about aliens, Engineering for all the tehnology, and what not
  2. Basically all sports will cause a form of brain damage. I've really wanted to take up a sport, but find myself hesitant to do it. Obviously 99.9% of the time it won't give you a major brain injury, but the impacts you acquire will stack through the years, thus negatively impacting the brain, and in turn minimizing the amount of value you can churn out through life purpose. But so many people and personal development experts recommend playing sports, so I was wondering if I should still do it. And what kinds of sports should we avoid, if we have to pick and choose?
  3. I heard Napolean Hill didn't practice what he preached, at least in that book
  4. Hey guys I've been socially awkward for the last six years because I've been so into personal development and thus had nobody to talk too. But I'm naturally exceptionally extroverted, and from what I have observed (when I enter the mood) I have exceptional charismatic talent (resulted in me getting crowdsurfed four times at my school formal party). I also have all this socialization experience from the past so maybe if I practiced it would reactivate dead nuerons or something. My question is that because my life purpose will probably end up being social, how quickly could I get exceptional at it? I know I'm talented and about the 10k hour rule, but I'm in doubt because every normal person probably has socialized with others for that long, probably more since socialization is just a human thing to do.
  5. Yea right mood is the key to all my charisma at the moment thx for the help
  6. I could definitely do that, in a way. I ride the bus to and fro from school, giving me a total of nine hours socialization time for five days a week. Plus I have the weekends; who knows how long i could talk during them How many hours would you suggest?
  7. Personally I just found that when I get in the right mood (very rare because I need the right circumstances since im not skilled enough to induce a peak socializing mood) I just get sublime results with people I reckon its some genetic freak shit bcoz there's no way it's normal
  8. How much time would you consider hardcore?
  9. A lot of men on this forum experience deep socialization awkwardness and problems. As a result, they find they.... - Can't get women - Are uncharismatic and uninteresting - Cannot hold even a basic conversation - Suffer immensely from their social definciencies Post below!
  10. Also, what's taking you so long to upload? Are you trying to do something like articulate your Alien breakthroughs and haven't managed to find a way yet, are you busy with growth, other things, etc.
  11. As I grow in personal development I find myself growing envious of others around me who are ahead of me in their personal growth. It doesn't even have to be related to personal development but in any area of life really. How to deal with/eliminate this?
  12. Looking to develop charisma and I thought sales might be a good option. It involves a lot of social skills, but I feel that a lot of it would jsut grow sales skills and other non-transferrable things. What do you think?
  13. Are watching the videos necessary if we can find a high quality summary? I feel that it's not but plz tell me
  14. In response to another question in the Forum Leo once said that we should become a master of all trades (fields we're interested in) as possible. But that is extraordinarily time consuming, so I was wondering what we should be considering before doing that or not.
  15. I feel that even though you hold these as a waste of time we can still learn valuable stuff from them. They talk about a HUGE variety of things from the brief glimpses I've had in their books and I was just wondering if the breadth and subsequent quality of that information was worth studying them. P.S. Done no spiritual work. Newbie knowledge level
  16. Just a wild curiousity. Perhaps Elon Musk could do it in this lifetime but who knows; it sounds really difficult to me, translating computer information into the human nueron. You would have to figure out a way to format all that digital information so that your brain could recieve it.
  17. Hi all. So I entered my first writing competition after only 6 months of training. It was national, against people from 12-16 years of age (in my age), and I got 2nd place. But I always don't feel this raging passion inside of me when writing. Why is that? I feel that its because when I'm writing most of the time, I'm writing without a grand vision in mind. I'm usually just doing a fight scene. Thrilling but not really ambitious. But even when I have something with vision going on I can feel kind of dead and resent the act of putting words to paper/laptop. So what am I doing wrong? And is this the right thing for me?
  18. Defo love it Especially the more visionary the thing is But if I'm not as inspired (I can get into writing flow state easily regardless of my inspiration) there's a little resistance to the process
  19. Why? I've heard many stories of many a prodigy despising and resenting their field, wanting nothing more than to not participate in it.
  20. This has me worried. I've always wanted to be a genius from the day I was inspired to become a writer, but seeing so many of the greatest having these dillemas puts doubt in me.
  21. Guys I really don't think we're gonna convince charlie cho of anything. He's too stuck in his head. Just leave him. Lost cause. It's useless to convince him of anything other than his opinion because he is so egotistical. If you want a practical benefit of getting out, because of the hyper-ambitious nature of everyone here, here is one: The way you feel is your point of attraction. When you feel happy, you attract circumstances of happiness. When you feel sad, you attract circumstances of sadness. What we're all doing here with charlie is getting angry, getting upset, and recieving unfair and dickhead treatment from him. And we're promoting those lines of circumstances down our lives. I'm not saying having a debate is necessarily bad, but they should be healthy, and not be taken so far negatively, like what this guy is doing, shut up in his own thougts. We're leaving him. We're not going to waste time arguing with fools; Remember, everyone on this forum is crazy ambitious, crazy spiritual, have high levels of talent in their fields. Don't waste your time on this squabble that he's not going to concede too. It's pointless, and eventually, he's gonna pass a tolerance point and make up some bullshit excuse to why he won't speak with you all anymore. We're Done.
  22. Dude you did insult him. Read your post again. Stop trying to deny it. Get out of your ego and just THINK for a moment. Dude everyone here thinks you're a heavy narcissist. The way you're talking is so high (in a bad way), brash, and inconsiderate. If you get let go of your ego for a moment and actually see the situation in a more unbiased manner you would tell that you were insulting him. Nobody here is buying your shit.