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Everything posted by Magnanimous

  1. I'll always practice safe sex with a stranger, but I fear if we get into dating and hooking up at least semi regularly she could lie about not having an STD. How to spot girls like this? And I fear with the amount of girls I could bang I'll get one anyways. Any tips to prevent catching STD'S?
  2. @Leo GuraAny people person jobs?
  3. I've slowly realized over a course of years that writing isn't my true passion; I've tricked myself into believing it. Now I realize charisma is what my true passion is. But I'm 17 now. With horrible social skills (not talent, I have done insane things because of my talent.) I've heard that mastery takes 5 years, but greatness takes 10-20 years. I'm worried that with my advanced age I won't be able to achieve world class status because of the energy fall off you experience when you enter your thirties. Could I still do it? Type (glitch I can't remove this "type")
  4. @SandhuI don't even think it's my life purpose, I just know it's my Zone of Genius and it's something I wanna master
  5. @hyrugaout of curiousity how long do you think it would take to be no.1? I don't think I'll go for it but because of my interest in charisma I'd want to know
  6. @Thought ArtHow come you think it's perfect? If I were to raise a kid who had legendary charismatic talent I would've had him practicing charisma when he can first hold a conversation Type
  7. I want to be a genius charismatic. Leo says that pickup gives you social skills that transfer from girls onto other parts of your social life, eg being able to schmooze with strangers among other things. But I've always dreamed of getting a girlfriend and staying committed to her. And pickup artists say never stop gaming your girlfriend. So I was wondering, could I get the same social skills from pickup with a single girl, or do I need experience with lots of girls? If I need mass experience I can hold off from a girlfriend Type
  8. What do you thinks better for my charismas growth? Pickup, or Relationship
  9. @Leo Gura How worth it is getting pickup-sourced social skills if I want world class charisma? I can hold off from a relationship for a few years if needed
  10. Leo implies any world class performer is a genius, so when I say genius charismatic I mean a world class charismatic
  11. I'm undertaking the course "Calling in the One" which has been shown to manifest your soulmate. However, I am uncertain of manifesting my soulmate, because a committed relationship would sacrifice me learning game, pickup, and all these other valuable social skills. Becoming a world class charismatic is one of my goals. Should I delay manifesting a soulmate in order to get casual dating experience first? P.S. At the end of the course, you don't have to "Call in the One." The course teaches you how to become the best lover you can be and attract high quality mates, so the author doesn't require to summon your soulmate. Type
  12. life purpose Type
  13. I want to master writing and socialization simultaneously. I'll write in the morning when I have my peak hours, and within my recreation time I'll socialize a lot. Do you think that's a viable plan for mastering two fields simultaneously? I know it's a big commitment working during recreation but I LOVE socializing, and I want to master multiple fields in my lifetime. Ty
  14. You said that you've recently had new insights about attraction and that looks matter to women. I've been wondering with your new understanding how much looks matter to women, and how physical appearance interrelates with a mans charisma, intellect, leadership ability, and other factors.
  15. Leo recently discussed that for science to finally acknowledge the validity of spirituality, todays scientists would all have to die because they're too locked in contemporary paradigms. He estimated 100 years for these changes to occur for mankind to accept spiritual truths. My question is how to put yourself in a state where you won't be locked, and are able to change your truth to incorporate higher understandings. I mean, for people on the forum like us that's kind of not necessary, since we are naturally at the setting where we embrace spirituality as truth, but... perhaps there may be some scenario where we have to rise above redundant viewpoints. (Just now I thought of moving up the Spiral Dynamics tiers/Ken Wilber's system so perhaps just that)
  16. How do I find and meet people who are both self improvement and spiritually minded in real life? It's so difficult to find one of these individuals. I've been so lonely for 7 years because I couldn't find a mate who had these qualities, and all my social skills are gone, and I don't see how I can make progress in my LP, which I'm sure will be very social since I'm so naturally extroverted. But I'm sure a lot of people here struggle to find likeminded friends too, so yea.
  17. @Leo Gura where would you rank any other cornerstone/important factors?
  18. @Leo Gura would you still say that a man's verbal skill is the number 1 factor in getting girls? And out of all the the things where would you rank physical appearance out of the most important factors for male attractiveness?
  19. When should we read DU, because CwG is has a lot of material focus, and a lot of us are still at the stage of development where we need to exhaust (better said, burn) our material desires before we can start delving DEEP into spiritual development.
  20. I know that I've said multiple times on this forum that my Life Purpose will be quite social but my Zone of Genius has writing so I'll be doing that as well. I was wondering what degree I would need for Sci Fi, since I could take Physics because of all the futuristic sorts of things, Biology to write about aliens, Engineering for all the tehnology, and what not
  21. Basically all sports will cause a form of brain damage. I've really wanted to take up a sport, but find myself hesitant to do it. Obviously 99.9% of the time it won't give you a major brain injury, but the impacts you acquire will stack through the years, thus negatively impacting the brain, and in turn minimizing the amount of value you can churn out through life purpose. But so many people and personal development experts recommend playing sports, so I was wondering if I should still do it. And what kinds of sports should we avoid, if we have to pick and choose?
  22. I heard Napolean Hill didn't practice what he preached, at least in that book
  23. Hey guys I've been socially awkward for the last six years because I've been so into personal development and thus had nobody to talk too. But I'm naturally exceptionally extroverted, and from what I have observed (when I enter the mood) I have exceptional charismatic talent (resulted in me getting crowdsurfed four times at my school formal party). I also have all this socialization experience from the past so maybe if I practiced it would reactivate dead nuerons or something. My question is that because my life purpose will probably end up being social, how quickly could I get exceptional at it? I know I'm talented and about the 10k hour rule, but I'm in doubt because every normal person probably has socialized with others for that long, probably more since socialization is just a human thing to do.
  24. Yea right mood is the key to all my charisma at the moment thx for the help
  25. I could definitely do that, in a way. I ride the bus to and fro from school, giving me a total of nine hours socialization time for five days a week. Plus I have the weekends; who knows how long i could talk during them How many hours would you suggest?