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Everything posted by sethman

  1. unconsciously I was doing it.
  2. Understand first this thing Religion = being and resembling God. Goodness Religion culture = chrstianity / Catholism, Islam, Buddhism, etc they are most likely Protype once the sprtual motivation diminish. Religion institutions - Orthodox Christian, protestant, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc. Religion non-institutions - such as vudu, withcraft etc. Religion Agency -,,, for example for to become religion institutions at this time is impossible, it takes probably few hundreds years. the list goes and goes. God is a real thing and goodness always flows to creatures and the universe, because goodness flows through the universe and always has a specific diameters that limit you from going to badness. in order to step out of goodness and becomes evil it is very hard. The universe project goodness beyond your ability to control it, like gravity, it is very hard to be free from this sprtual law. The universe is love and perfect mind. people use different terms to explain and refer God. such as your higher self, God, sprit, science, self actualization, love etc.
  3. there much truth in it. Sprituality and truth is being and looking the universe as temple and everything in it as a family and yourself, so you could have a less reactive and non-against approach to anyone. Because Leo has no-egoic unhelathy survival agenda, if you defend and create an ego, people will perceive it as a threat and a dangerous place. we aren't doing anything here on, we are doing only self actualization, as musician, footballer, athletes, models, etc are doing. nothing to brag and nothing different than any other ordinary humans do. you have to be loving, understanding, righteous to the universe and the human Generations. we are together for uplifting and enhancing humans potential, we aren't meant to boast, be prideful or we see ourselves as a champion of truth. warning ⚠ Don't submit and get yourself in to destructive pattern. our journey is filling our 50+ trillion cells with light and consciousness. that means a lot of work in front of us.
  4. My understanding on truth is Reality or God is beyond truth. Truth has degrees. A human truth, angels truth, animals truth, microbes truth, God truth etc. God is beyond truth, time, space, etc. Truth is one subset of God quality. A gnostic mythology also explains God replicate himself as godhead and gave truth for his wife feminine aspects and to his child the light, and the child inherited the truth and it become subjected to it. As we can see the singular God is beyond comphershion, no one able to understand him or be conscious of him, because he is beyond everything. We deduct the degree of truth God sprit God infinite light truth God Consciousness truth God Angel truth God human truth God Animal truth etc. What do you conscious?
  5. @Rajneeshpuram don't expect to learn everything from one guy. You need millions teachers. By criticizing him you criticize yourself. Take the gold leave the soil.
  6. Science by itself has no flaws. science is perfect at approaching the world, everthing we have amazing today is because of science. science is best and flawless. to understand you are God you need Sprituality or religion, not science.
  7. What about approaching reality with constructing?
  8. being irreligious
  9. most personal development blueprint resources such videos, content, etc aren't done by Leo? what is the case? If leo has self actualization version what version stage it is it?
  10. enlightenment can't be guaranteed. you can spent 100 years doing enlightenment work but couldn't be enlightened. Enlightenment is equivalent as having religion. not all Religious people are true Religious people, it depends on the person. serving others is already an enlightenment. psychedelic isn't the only option. you have to understand what suits you. and what is comfortable to you. psychedelic is equivalent with bapstism, holy communion, meditation, prayer, yoga, shamanic breathing etc. do which things will you take deep. you have to understand yourself. you have study yourself which things you are comfortable and you can do it perfectly. no method guarantees but your talent and abilities.
  11. Isn't it becomes easy if we label as Religion agency? most people confused about it. isn't officially acclaimed as Religion institutions but it is Religion agency. so people can understand what it is exactly?
  12. @Frosty97 Your enlightenment is your Religion. so you can't ignore it. it has nothing to do with life purpose.
  13. what is your point of view about Newtonian mechanics? and what about quantum mechanics? is Quantum mechanics override the Newtonian mechanics? isn't newtonia mechanics necessary for quantum mechanics to exist and for the future?
  14. @Andrew John postive pride is good. he is Spritualy advanced. but he is very low at other domains of life.
  15. @Leo Gura I truly understood and benefited from them too much. is one the greatest Religion agency on the earth I can say. but now I can see why I have all difficulties taking them up seriously as educational materials. the video has a fresh sprit in them, true seeking, honesty, genuine Spritual motivation. but towards helping and changing people they are very low. I understood why I have mental cognitive dissonance and lack of understanding. the video only have true Spritual motivation but towards changing society and science is impossible. the way the videos are communicated are more inclined to intuitive understanding, that is all creatures have it by nature. what we need is a High processor mind, an updated version latest smart OS (mind). no-mind = Conscience. Mind + Conscience = perfection. in order to transform people you need to write like 100 million errors free code (thought) to bring out best new OS (mind) for people. that is why science is effective through evolution and has dramatically changed people lives.
  16. Wrong terminology used in and some critics about his content. There are many wrong terminologies used in that makes the resources unusable. Such as : you are God,why morality is wrong, why Rationality is wrong, why cultures are artificially created, why perception doesn't exist, etc. Let me start on why you are God is a wrong. The terminology you are God will consequence cognitive errors. To be God you have to satisfy certain qualities. such as : light, spirit or consciousness. God is infinite sprit, infinite light, infinite consciousness, infinite mind, infinite Rationality, infinite logic and emotions etc. God by infinite spirit he is unknown. God by infinite light he knows himself. God by infinite consciousness he replicates or manifests himself, with protocols such as godhead, thrice-sprtual etc. God by infinite mind he structure reality. God by infinit rationality he gives orders to reality and by infinite logic and emotion he gives Realm, Etc. as we can all see, the terminology we used here in is totally wrong and misleading. the first thing is God isn't only infinite consciousness, but he is infinite spirit. and above infinite consciousness, because consciousness comes when God wants to replicate himself. the second thing is God is not irrational, no-mind, immoral etc. These is technical mistakes and they are not the truth. To have a God identity is wrong and will consequence misundersing between peoples, as peoples use language to communicate with one another. It is declaration errors and creates confusion. If $God = (eat , excrete, sleep, dance), Language is a human construct helps them to live and makes their life easy. As you can't function in different lungstic environments. the Christian declaration that you are the image of God, is appealing. they take account that you are human and God and the sum will produce and image of God. $image_of_god. The Christian that you are image of God, the Buddhist that you are enlightened, the hindu moksha, the Islam that you are servant of God, etc, are perfectly Wright. You have to be very careful about language, because language plays a vital role in human life, as language is a human survival we can't dismiss it, we can't simply change everything otherwise we will end up miscommunicating. If a doctor prescribe some medication with swapped name with the other, it creates fatality. If I refer as $ = ,it doesn't work that way. God is a domain name. The other thing is Reality is infinitely Rationality and infinitely moral, infinitely perfect, But looks irrational and chaos for finite beings. leo proposition of "why Rationality is wrong is! " wrong itself. Reality is infinitely Rational because of our inability to process the infinite amounts of consciousness bit in our finite mind doesn't makes it irrational. Reality is infinitely Rational and has degrees and order. reality is infinitely coded simulations realm within realm without any errors. Another leo Proposition is "why morality is wrong"! This proposition itself is wrong. Because Reality is infinitely moral and has degree, levels and stages. He uses tiny, insect and microbroes living beings hurted as excuses to conclude Reality is not moral and concluded it is amoral. But this is mistake, Reality is infinitely moral and amoral as pair. Like left hand and right hand. Reality is infinitely moral because it has order and perfect mind. Reality is amoral because it is love, intuitive and emotional. Leo Proposition why perception doesn't exists! also isn't a truth. Because perception does exist because you are perception. to see, hear, taste, smell etc, are perceptions. The more higher consciousness you elevate yourself the more perceptible it becomes. God is not a blind, deaf, tasteless and non existent void. God is perceptions and you are perception too, with lower degrees, as you are microcosm being.
  17. @OctagonOctopus Yes. I am infinite in the finite. When you play Mario the game , as a game character, he is limited with certain movements and abilities even though you can do everything, that he can do. Consider yourself as Mario. Yes. I am the infinite light in the finite matter. When people refer God they are saying the highest infinite light that isn't mixed with darkness or matter. God with his infinite light only. Here is the critical mistakes happened. Leo is highly conscious person on the earth, but that doesn't Guarantee he can help other people. In order to help people to understand your terms, you need to convert your experience to precise words and language. You and your doctor can only communicate with correct prescription paper. the doctors knowledge and consciousness is nothing to you, if he write wrong prescriptions things can go fatal. So many people have lost their lives by some irrespnsible words and language use. So words , languages are vital. Words and languages are spiritual by themselves. That's makes the resources unusable because it is against scientific approach and human mind working mechanisms. Leo teaching is very broad and wide in sphere but all are mistakes and false. He try to install angelic consciousness to a human mind. ,which is the same as trying to install 100Tb data on 1 GB computer processor. It doesn't work. I squeezed some juice from it. And converted to my own understanding. But it is not pure gold, you need to filter more. Useless.
  18. free will exist but the degree and the amount varies. free will is like how much money you have on the bank. you have to work for it, free will and detrminsism aren't two opposing force but they work together according to thier role. like left hand and right hand. they always are together act according to the situations.
  19. what is your idea about God? is God is like a distrbuited giant systems? like the Internet that has no owner, the Gnostic emanation of God tells that God emanate himself and gave order with a Protocol of Godhead, and at some point on emanation error occurred, which consequence physical realm (reality) with less divinity and Sprituality. that why we struggle with Sprituality instead of being it, we need to work for it. the more our sphere expand the more Sprituality becomes difficult. what do you think also about mixed reality (realm), augmented reality (realm), Xtended reality(realm) isn't this technological reality (relam) don't corrupt most people?
  20. gnosticism and Sprituality.
  21. I know I am God. but how do I know my god and your god is the same. there multiple orders of God's. Jesus has thought his disciples the emanations of God and thier rank and their order. when you say God which God are taking about? otherwise we should change the word something like, God to G1 and consciousness Co2, then we clearly can understand what we meant saying.
  22. how am I God Or consciousness? why I am not Coca-Cola instead of God. how do I know the word God or consciousness will refer to the thing I want to point. why i am not G1 instead of God?
  23. God is the brand name for Generations, otherwise it is stealing a brand name. as we can't label ourselves Coca-Cola, Pepsi or macdonald, etc. we need to find new name for this terms for god and consciousness.
  24. @King Merk yes absolutely. I agree with you, and me too. I need to get the basis addressed. even though I am God. I need to resolve the most fundamental. I will be back to Leo teachings after decade.