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Everything posted by sethman

  1. he took much time because he isn't preparing well enough. he simply come and talk. but if he prepared as a scientific seminar presenter do, he can minimise the time he took. not the long hours video make a sense but the best jucied insight with high motivation.
  2. @Moksha studying the loophole helps you not to fall in to the same trap, by studying his Lacks you can understand which area you need to fill yourself.
  3. @K VIL2 2x is too much fast I use 1.5x.
  4. develop a great personality and associate yourself with high quality personality people from every kind of field.
  5. not like that, being careful about and deeply thought about what he gonna present, hardly prepared about the word, the message he want to intend to transfer, and try to make it juicy, instead of free talk. if he make it 30 minutes like video with all the a effort and preparation, I think it makes more smarter. using time properly is one quality.
  6. scientists degrees and understanding varies, he said this to show that some physicist don't grasp quantum mechanics. every one understands based on his grade.
  7. what are your Religion, Spritual principles, belief system doctrines and dogma? My Religion is Orthodox 7. I accept Orthodox culture as a Prototype for true Religion. The Ordinary orthodox culture Religion is at stage 1. my belief system simply expanded or updated, not deconstructed or destroyed. I see the universe as God and act loving towards it. and I follow the doctrines of orthodox Chrstian dogma and doctrines in updated manner. What are your value system?
  8. I don't see any epistemic problems in religion, ever religion has grasped some aspects of reality and God, all religion are absolutely true. no physics isn't invented, physics was a reality. it simply intellectualized by human mind, it become apparent what was there. absolutely true, science is objectively true. science is truth.
  9. Science has no error because it is God essence, science add up new discovery every time, science doesn't grow by error, science simply expand. Science creates models because humans mind is limited. science is for humans, not for other species. people do science, not other creatures. science is a human intellectual activity, not other beings. you have to understand which position you are at, an angel and a human have different layers and degrees of science, description is the lowest representation of the thing described. nothing beat science, because science is God. @Leo Gura critique of science isn't critique but mixing two unrelated phenomenon, but it is good idea to discuss and being open to subjects like this, it grow consciousness and will help to understand other people perspective.
  10. you can't critique science because science is God. Science is flawless and Perfect. People manipulate god essence through science and Spirituality.
  11. Science divide in three formal science, natural sciences, and social sciences. when science grow it includes other Displine too. but to be science everthing must be Rational and logical otherwise it isn't science. logic and Science is the language of the universe. you can't do science with irrationality and illogic. When I say material, science present the Spritual essence of nature into material tangible things. examples quantum mechanics. quantum particles aren't material elements, but science convert them to material visible experience. everything in science isn't material. everthing is Spritual but science brings out the immaterial to material. computer, infrared light, Bluetooth, everthing. you can't mention one error in science. science is grows through generations. science is identical to the universe. also don't confuse science with consciousness and Spirituality.
  12. truth is God. truth is goodness. truth is love. truth is loving the universe as thyself.
  13. Everything that is done through logic and rationality is science.
  14. you are misunderstanding science. science uses and assume anything that exists in reality. science has its own method of understanding reality it does mean science deny Sprituality or any else. science not only deals with psychological but other quantum mechanics types of things. but it does mean science becomes Sprituality. see science as husband and Sprituality as wife, they don't interfere.
  15. we are one with soul but we are different in sprit. you aren't Leo as a self, but you are one with Leo in soul, your soul and every infinite beings soul is fetched out from same light ocean. so soul doesn't experience realities.
  16. it does not change the way science is. science does not lose its nature, science simply expand to infinite. this we call it life. I can see the error of Leo, he is applying Sprituality to science. science and Sprituality are two different aspects of God. they never become one. they are like husband and wife, they simply play their role as they are.
  17. to be science a thing must always be repeatable. if it isn't repeatable, it isn't science. no. science can't be non-material. non-material deals with Sprituality and religion. science must maintain it's paradigm. science is very effective. if science wants to study Spritual phenomenon it will be branches of studies but never change science and its ways. no. it is possible to do personal investigation. no. no. corporates help science to grow more and for better. psychedelic, introspection, contemplations doesn't guarantee truth. science accepts psychedelic simply as other drug. everyone is basically doing it. everyone from baby, grade 1 up to professor is a scientist. Science deals this by creating another department of science. science does not leave the gap for religion or Sprituality.
  18. science is reality nither discovered nor invented. science is a human natural state of being. metaphysics never disprove science, it strength science. science simply expand. scientific discovery simply bold what was there. science can't be end because science is reality. don't confuse science and Sprituality, they are two different ways of dealing with reality but they are one. like husband and wife. Science has no limits, science expand through generations.
  19. what can we expect from in the future? is will become Religion institutions or continues as agency. what principles and it's conclusion about reality God and nature. does has hope being inclusive of other Religion cultures? what is the next 5 years of teaching would be? only philosophy? what about motivation, money, dreams, being good father, mother, or a public figure? how wants to influence and change the world, does has the gut, the energy and the motivation to do this things?
  20. I don't want an answer you are God or look within, God is everthing etc. let's communicate in different way! what is God and what isn't god? can we able to say we are God? or we have a divine aspect that makes us resemble God, and how we decide we are god? if we have half part of God? to which direction identity goes? human or God? is god the devil? what is non duality in precise manner? is evil and good are one and the same?
  21. maybe contemplations should be seen as Spritual exercises like praying, meditation, running, or gym weight lifting, etc. Contemplations must be developed through times and years. also you need to be from being relaxed position. take the journey of contemplations for the next 10 years. what i see a trap for contemplations is once you start to derived your answers you will fall a trap of you figured out reality and stop doing contemplations. but contemplations must be contunied for the rest of your life as food you eat everyday.
  22. @Leo Gurawhat do you say about the conversation? here we assume we are communicating but this kind of thing is happening.
  23. requesting a mega thread for converting Spritual insight in to logical reasoning. this will help people to understand what has been communicated in level of their understanding. this will solve most people grudge and irrationality. Example by Leo gura "From the absolute perspective there is no difference between a hotdog and the sun, no difference between Jesus and a cockroach." converted by me all souls are fetched and dropped out from same light ocean source, and they are one and the same. Jesus has a soul and a cockroch too. therefore Jesus soul and cockroch soul are one and the same. etc.
  24. this are some of the problem of 1. Spritual language error - not understaning the power of language. Spritual experience must be precisely and accurately must be expressed like science. language has effect on human well being and understanding. language are faculty of human cognitive mechanisms, so we can't neglect language, one example would be psycholinguistics science, accelerating human psychology and language. 2. being unprofessional - talk with irreligious approach and unscientific manner. bad mannerism. such as you are devil, chrstian are devils, it's hard to smell your fart, etc. 3. negative Spritual and self actualization approach - everything proposed as a title video are from negative side. 4. preduice - assuming knowing everything, not bother to ask forum members their opinions, not facilities and giving chance for people ideas to express. lack of discussion. when some one confront the teaching, demeaning people, by saying such as be here to learn. 5. intuitive teaching - misunderstanding the power of mind, not understanding mind and intuition are one aspect of the same coin. an ability Lacks to have a perfect mind, poor articulatig with words. operating only from Conscience. misusing Spritual techniques teachings, without perfectly understanding embodying it. 6. non-dual mistake - wrong non-duality teaching and understanding. teaching that evil and good are from one source and they are one and same. proposing God doesn't bother about weather you do evil or not, forgetting to recall, God is also a collection of people too. 7. deconstructing mentality - instead of helping people to become better by updating or constructing people's reality with perfection, using a method of deconstructing which is destroying people reality. 8. using brand names for personal gain - using humans survival brand names for personal gain. such as you are God. not understanding this will affect humans cognitive comprehensions ability and survival issues. 9. half enlightenment - unknowingly speaking half truth. 10. logical errors - making too far logical claims, if the things has said would be in practicality reality they are almost far from the practical truth, it is like 99.9999% percent far. 11. Demonising science - not understanding science and consciousness can't coexist. conflating the two, pushing science to be part of the consciousness arena. if science want to study consciousness it becomes a field, consciousness will not override science, Science only deals with materiality. consciousness with Sprituality. not understanding science doesn't deals with consciousness. consciousness more inclined with Sprituality and religion. 13. Negative attitude about survival - encouraging people to abolish their survival impulse. forgetting reality is infinitely god and everthing is God, and survival too. over emphasising self actualization as priority, for every human beings it is must, lack of understanding that everyone is actualizing by his own pace and capacity. 14. Being negatively critical about religions and cultures - not understanding Religions cultures serve as a prototype for once true experience happen in the beginning. Religion culture serve as a Spritual verification for once journey, weather one is going at the right path or not. 15. being irreligious - not being Displined, suggesting people he can deceived and Manipulate people if he want, but has no need. a true Spritual and religious person wouldn't say or think like that. 16. all videos he made is wrong in their message - all videos he has made are only high conscious, which is he has made a lot of effort, but ultimately everything he has proposed and said and teach is wrong. there are a lot but I don't have time and energy to list them.