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Everything posted by Wildcattt555

  1. You’re very kind thanks…. Oh yeah if you’ve ever seen Mormons lol. Everything banned even coffee, the happiest most energetic people I’ve ever seen. Yeah I think that’s a good way to put it” by doing nothing you get everything. “ then if we ever get to that level of sobriety there’s always room to grow .. emotional and higher physical sobriety ,the sins( I’m not religious ) but lust greed jeoulosy laziness anger pride gluttony…. Those are all more subtle energy theives. And those are pretty standard for most cultures anyway , at least in the sense that they aren’t ideal.
  2. Thank you for saying that. He was a good guy just very troubled. ? You sound mature in your view on drugs now , I’m trying to get off everything as well. you are right about natural highs. You can have a pretty good experience just meditating if you get into a groove. And yeah if you want to get high you could do it sleep deprived and there are more calculated ways to get your dmt levels up. Lots of people trip sober. I wish the brain and drugs were explained to me in a different way early on . The brain is constantly producing “drugs,” it’s just we want unnatural levels. If you are sober and healthy and exercising you are going to feel better than being on drugs. It’s like sacrificing the entire day to feel euphoric for a few hours. Rather wake up and feel good, work out and feel great, have good sex with my gf, get restful rejuvenating sleep and do it again the. next day. These are all little highs that make being sober actually better. It’s hard to grasp in the throes of addiction but we aren’t sacrificing anything by being sober. good luck to you and your friends. Hopefully they come around
  3. Yeah I’m not talking about relatively responsible lsd use like that or cannabis. He is markedly less articulate and charismatic now than his older videos, his energy is much different. His content went from good to virtually unwatchable for me personally. his appearance has rapidly deteriorated , though that could be somewhat natural for a guy approaching his 40s . He’s Sluggish at times, Starting to have some prolonged pauses and going blank for a few seconds where he wouldn’t before. His eyes are different. More rigid muscle movements in his face in general. Going back to the content , the belief that his latest solipsism video is so profoundly awakening it’s dangerous. Grandiosity , obviously false , and Just a gimmick bc he is literally out of ideas. He can’t put his unique spin on old ideas that was kind of his trademark. I get that creativity fades before other areas of intelligence , but Leo is pretty damn intelligent. Like, you’re going back to hookup videos and making just a generic war video, cmon. His videos were pretty fire just a few years ago. If you watch videos of him from 6 or 7 years ago you can see he isnt happy like he was, he has this arrogance and annoyance with people that is chemically based. Being around addicts and being one myself I know the irritability that comes when your brain just isn’t in sync. Pretty sure he’s messed up his serotonin receptors . The weight loss ( or inability to maintain a healthy weight )and delusion of blaming gus health issues on heavy metals when he is likely malnourished. a high protein diet and exercise would likely help him . His affect is at times almost the same as my friend who was a psychedelic addict. It’s this kind of weird way they look at people sometimes. Hard to describe, but not if you’ve seen it before. ( Watch Charles Manson interviews if you really want to see the end game. He’s a long ways off from that admittedly) It’s inevitable for anyone who gets a hold of “pure” acid and doesnt realize they should not do it more than about a dozen times in their life. I’ve never done heroin but my buddy got this pure acid one time, the cleanest stuff I’ve ever had, and yeah it was like seeing heaven , better than good coke or any experience I’ve ever had , being at one with the sun, having every cell of my body vibrate in ecstasy for 4 or 5 hours, seeing hieroglyphics in the air. ( weird symbolic archetypal Jung stuff) Feeling like you are absolute pleasure / love / joy or whatever you want to call it a lot of people have these “ god realizations “ that wear off. It’s called being high. It’s not a God realization because it fades. the idea that continued use of anything resembling that isn’t going to damage the sensitivity of your brain is just baffling. The depression is setting in, it’s natural. My friend was trying to do kratom to fight the depression of lsd abuse, then he eventually went to ketamine and drowned in his bathtub. I don’t like Leo bc he recklessly promotes drug use in my opinion , but obviously I wish he would just get sober because the road he’s heading down isn’t good. all this stuff is pretty slight if you aren’t looking for it , the body loses its healing capacity in its 30s so…. Time to sober up .
  4. People posting about the vaccine being dangerous and ineffective will be banned.\ Watch what you post. I'm getting tired of reading this anti-vax crap.// why can’t people talk about the relative risk of the vaccine? It’s not nothing. Why can’t people talk about the effectiveness of the vaccine? The vaccinated can apparently still get and transmit Covid. what do you have to gain from stifling all talk about it? Honestly asking
  5. Oh Will Ferrel spilling wine in a hospital bed has no ulterior connotation. So stupid hateful and a Liar. You’re a cu** little demon. Delighting in the pain and death of people who don’t share your medical views.
  6. Nice little meme. Is people dying funny to you? You are Full of hate and stupidity.
  7. What are you referencing? Skyrocketing right wing terrorism? You sound insane
  8. Hallucinogenics mimic one aspect of liberation, the “reward” from the perspective of desire and craving… The fleeting sensory experiences that aren’t even valued that highly , let alone stressed as an end in itself. When legitimate schools use the term enlightenment, it is/was more like a bench mark than an experience to strive for. when *they didn’t need food or sleep because they had insulated the body and mind from those core needs, or were able to build up a physical and mental strength that allowed for these needs to be disregarded for long periods of time. “ they then have enlightenment experiences.” IT IS THE BUILDING UP OF THIS STRENGTH WHERE YOU “DO” EVERYTHING THAT IS POTENTIALLY VALUABLE. Learning about your mind and body , and how they function against the constraints of nature in a very deliberately intense fashion. It’s honestly not even like taking a helicopter to the top of the mountain. That’s a really poor analogy that people like to use. Doing drugs is like doing drugs. Accept it. I don’t even think most people realize how crazy it is to consider yourself enlightened without some sort of ascetic practice. Or really any discipline whatsoever. LETTING GO OF ATTACHMENTS, is a literal physical phenomenon, it’s not some trite little thing to contemplate when you are high out of your mind. when you are high, you feel transcendent because you have manipulated your neurotransmitters to mimic a state of complete comfort /ecstasy / joy and liberation from yourself and the world. This is the exact opposite of a “ spiritual practice , and it is literally having the exact opposite effect of becoming liberated. It almost guarantees you will never undertake a legitimate effort at any true practice. people really need to accept the world as it is, and stop pretending that they have a way around thousand year old eastern truth. You aren’t God. You are in a decaying body. Unless you ACTUALLY discipline yourself to lose attachment , you aren’t doing anything. The suffering will come raining down in buckets because not only do you have all the same fears and desires as everyone else , the drugs are shielding you from very fundamental realization , and causing a delusion that you have Already transcended everything. people still do legitimate shit, honestly do you think they are they wrong? to fast and constantly meditate and abstain from earthly comforts for years at a time? Are they misguided while Leo has this life hack in a pill or tab that grants you easy access into that experience? It’s a joke. They haven’t heard of the new variant of dmt at the ashram or something lol Why even use words like enlightenment and “ god realization.” Why aren’t you all talking about Terrence McKenna. Leo is really a *version of him more than a conventional spiritual teacher. Stop with all the talk about enlightenment long enough to realize how laughable it is from a grounded “ traditional “ perspective.
  9. Yeah you are right about awakening I guess, that’s why I said enlightenment or god realization. Anyone can have an awakening. Mooji has meditations that will put you in a pretty crazy state of awareness that could be deemed awakening, where you’re kind of asleep but detached and conscious. Don’t know how valuable they are. My post is more about the irony of enlightened god realized beings who suffer immensely and have no recourse other than drugs. Or the need to come back to drugs after becoming enlightened. Just blatantly contradictory statements if we use conventional definitions for those terms. How do you get high while sober btw? Exercise meditation or sleep deprivation can all give me a little high, but nothing like drugs ?
  10. True I meant mostly psychedelics , but coke is good for realizing that the greatest feeling in the world can be completely hollow. I realize that statement is subjective. Most drugs make u feel pretty good
  11. yes exactly. In your mind, the “ insight “ is the whole thing. That’s my point. An insight , or an experience is not the goal in a legitimate practice. It’s your goal, because you likely can’t commit to any real discipline. And no, food doesn’t get you high. And Fasting is not the same as “quitting food.” I can’t think of any religion ( including mystical extensions )that doesn’t include fasting practices. You can’t seem to concede giving up anything. Just gimme the drug and my insight ! and I’m not discrediting those CEREMONIOUS drug practices. But it’s Funny how you use an extinct people to make a point. How much could you actually know that? I don’t think the general idea of what you are referencing aligns with “ enlightenment “ and god realization in the way it is used on this forum though.
  12. The many topics like” I am the perfect embodiment of god”…. The general belief that drugs are good for spiritual development I disagree with those sentiments and ideas
  13. That makes sense thx. Maybe I can just pose a theoretical question of a very deadly virus, with a perfectly effective vaccine, should the government have the ability to force people to take it. I’m just baffled by the current support for forced vaccines, and wonder how people who dojustify their support. Or even simply the notion of a forced medical procedure. How could that ever be justified outside of someone posing a direct threat to themselves or someone else? do people see a danger in a setting a precedent , even if forced vaccinations or “ punishments ( social or otherwise ) could be justified in one case, for abuse in future situations ? Not to say anything of public medical records, which is also unsettling. how many people are really on board with this?
  14. Something about this post( or our exchange yesterday) really helped me ..and caused actual introspection. “ don’t confuse me with him, the enemy is within.” I don’t know, I was just thinking about all the people I blame for my failures, and got to a point where I saw that I’m at the root, and it couldn’t be otherwise in any meaningful sense. I think I was trying to bait you into coming down to my level , and when you didn’t, it triggered something. So thank you. More than you know.
  15. You briefly talked about interacting with the people on tv and the entities. Are you still on the low dose? You don’t have to answer here, but if you tolerated it well and it helped your symptoms, it may be a good option. If you had a ten year gap between symptoms though , who knows. Hope you are doing well. Glad you are feeling better today.
  16. Thank you, you are very kind. I would love to hear about your experience doing it the right way. I couldn’t use it as a tool, only a drug.
  17. Yes and thank you. I apologize for my earlier rudeness. On a kind of unrelated note, but explanatory , I had a mentally Ill friend drown in his bathtub on ketamine. So I just really hope this person doesn’t turn to drugs if they do indeed need medical help. I understand nobody here advocates for k use yet to my knowledge, but that has always been a gripe with this site. I know Leo talks about the dangers and precautions, but for a lot of people drugs are inherently unsafe. I just don’t want someone to say “ this is an issue that can be resolved by a trip.” Or something to that effect. You get it.
  18. I really don’t understand what you are saying. It’s definitely not about suppressing emotion. Any more than exercise suppresses negative emotion. It just happens. that’s exactly what I’m saying. U sit through pain and negative emotion without suffering. Strong determination sitting is one of the few things I can do without a teacher that I’m pretty sure is a legitimate path to less suffering / joy/peace. It’s very straightforward. Its 100% not a way to “ suppress emotion by replacing it with pain/endorphins The pain isn’t constant. If it was and you just went from being in pain to at peace and blissed out and back to pain without normal meditation intervals where normal emotions arise I would see your point. oh I see what you meant. I meant for me having strong unhealthy emotions. Not to try to numb normal unpleasant ones that are inevitable.
  19. Yes they change/ lessen in intensity. But you have to fight through unpleasant thoughts and sensations in the beginning. That’s a big part of it. I’m still in the beginning. Never gone beyond 2 hours But I’ve had periods of “ quiet “ and some highs. remember that not the goal. pretty sure in theory they stop. Tibetan monks literally do this for 3 weeks straight. That’s just speculating on your question though. Who knows what happens to them.
  20. Do you dispute that it is obvious that the best option for the op is to seek medical advice immediately ? Social Paranoia , evil entities, changes in weight, special powers. (its very obvious what this is) In general , I would hope that a moderator for a site that encourages spiritual growth through illicit substances would be able to discern obvious mental health issues that need to be addressed by a doctor… And that there would be some sort of protocol. That’s my only point. So that they aren’t just getting random advice from people online You’re right, your own response was compassionate. But given the nature of the site, maybe close the thread and send a message to the op would be the best option in threads like these.
  21. U can block me I rarely post. This thread just seemed like a cry for help and the responses were appalling (to me). Esp in the context that someone from this site committed suicide. That’s all. My apologies for calling you that. But I don’t know why u would post to address me, and not the matter at hand. I should have just alluded to your narcissism more politely.
  22. Huh? It’s shocking to me that so many people offered “ spiritual advice” ( like you, fuck face), to someone who is fairly obviously in a mental health episode. That’s the gist. not about your reply in particular. I tagged your reply bc u are a mod.