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Everything posted by Wildcattt555
Wildcattt555 replied to Grateful Dead's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
i asked u a simple question about why it is so improbable: and you said 69.1% of the global population has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Don't you think that if these vaccines are so fucking bad, you would have seen actually tens if not hundreds of millions of the vaccinated dropping dead or at the very least tens of millions of the vaccinated people flooding the hospitals with serious side effects? IF THE VACCINE IS BAD IT MUST BE EXTREMELY BAD AND THAT MUST BE OBVIOUS BY NOW wow idiot... nice one (people are dying at much higher rates btw retard ) "You also have an unsurprisingly big misunderstanding about the long term side effects when it comes to any vaccination. Do you seriously believe (of course you do,because you haven't done any serious research, and because you have no idea how any of these processes work) a vaccination let alone an mrna vaccination can lurk in a body not causing anything for 1-2-3 years and then suddenly it can cause serious side effects? I know this is another suprise for you" HOLY SHIT, ARE YOU SERIOUS.YES, WHAT EXTENSIVE STUDIES HAVE U SEEN ON THE LONG TERM EFFECTS OF MRNA VACCINES, AND U KNOW FOR CERTAIN THEY CORRELATE TO COVID? YOU GAVE ME NOTHING RELEVANT TO ANSWER THE ONE THING I ASKED two inapplicable logically flaweed arguments terrible arguments, poor writer, flawed thinker, no reasoning ability... thats why i say you are stupid.... you call me stupid because thats all you can do... you cant supply any good arguments. when u try you look fucking pathetic . YOU LACK THE INTELLIGENCE TO UNDERSTAND EVEN YOUR OWN LIMITATIONS you are an actual stupid person, examine your own arguments, seriously -
Wildcattt555 replied to Grateful Dead's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
u took the evidence of absence quote out of context. even after i explained it lol.. not going to re-explain it you can go back and try again. "the only thing that matters is how rigorous the epistemic process im using to arrive at my conclusions?" are you serious? the only thing that matters is if the vaccine is causing these cardiac arrests and sudden deaths. i listen to the opinion of doctors, all i did was point out a reasoning error that you still dont understand. many physicians are risking their careers and publishing studies exploring the link between the vax and health issues... its not my fault if you dont do any research or listen to the evolving opinions of medical professionals. "safe and effective," i get it. thats your little mantra that comforts you and wont abandon it for any reason. every death is coincidental. for you the vaccine can do no harm. i am extremely stupid. you are right, and you take this fact as further support that the vax is 100% safe and effective. which although no doctor claims we can know definitively right now , given unknown long term side effects, you cling to this faith like a zealot. what" epistemic " reasoning are you using that makes you so sure it is extremely improbable that serious side effects are arising from the vax?? thats not a rhetorical question, if yourre so smart and im so dumb explain it... it's the terror that you could be wrong /so you dont entertain the possibility.. if not, prove me wrong. every time you call me stupid you reveal your fear.. i feel bad for you. i can be stupid and you can still be wrong.. but i dont like false humility... obviously i am not stupid, and i do not think you are particularly smart. id say you have a very emotional mind and a pedestrian intellect ..you are tough to distinguish from most people here:) address the one thing i asked you to...tell me why it is so improbable and prove my stupidity for not understanding the difference between possible and probable lol ( i doubt you even have a competing theory to explain the rise in excess mortality rates in age groups that have extremely few covid fatalities) ...this rocket science concept i cant grasp -
Wildcattt555 replied to Grateful Dead's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
yeah, you understand that logical reality.but you dont seem to understand why i brought it up. implying that the probability of hitting a jackpot and having that money is somehow tied to the likelihood of serious vaccines side effects is not compelling . or however else you may have thought that was a relevant counter example... i honestly dont know there is already circumstantial evidence of excess mortality rates building that seems to separate issues with the vax from covid itself. you just created a completely arbitrary equivalence linking their probability without any justification for doing so... you have no evidence that i have thumbs, and no evidence that i dont. im doing exactly what you did just using something very likely as opposed to something very unlikely.... see how silly that was for you to say that? i didnt speak to the probability of any covid related issue with that " counter analogy" at all and neither did you saying that if someone questions the safety of the vax without undeniable proof is tantamount to believing there is a causal link between fire hoses and house fires is absurd. thats why i brought that phrase up. they are implying that it is inherently counterintuitive and baseless to assume the vax potentially does any damage without direct evidence. this is demonstrably naive and illogical. i get that its a waste of time trying to educate people here. this will be my last post. good luck to you all. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Grateful Dead's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
i know you are scared, but the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. that very data is being compiled as we speak. you better stay off the internet if you dont want to see it. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
i addressed about 5 specific things, geez... oh im insufferable now... u sound so cool, smart. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
yeah that was in poor taste thats why i immediately removed it from my post. glad u caught it in the 5 minutes it was up and addressed it, and not the actual thing we are discussing. thats great that you have proof that the covid vax does not cause clots or heart issues ect. covid itself causes the heart issues and clots then? how convenient. doesnt matter your opinion carries no weight with me.. i do appreciate you responding directly to me for the first time that wasnt a coy little threat advising me to be careful. not only did i enjoy your legitimate spiritual videos of long ago, i admire the social intelligence you demonstrated in creating a cult.., super impressive that you convinced a good number of people that you are an actual guru by reappropriating past spiritual and religious ideas. i just hate that you send people down a shallow and fruitless path and deceive people into thinking they can achieve " god realization" deep spiritual insight and a transformed mode of being without the traditional practices of self restraint snd discipline outlined in every major spiritual/religious work...your " teaching" is at odds with everything from kabbalah to the tao te ching.. literally the first thing they talk about in tao te ching is the need to conquer desire...im sure u dont respect the kabbalah or the bible so i wont waste my energy.., . trying to bypass this crucial step in self evolution is damning and prevents any change of value, but it sure does appeal this this generation of ADD riddled pleasure seeking degenerates u cant take a helicopter to the top of the mountain... you know this to be true. u are a fraud. putting new wine in an old jug... sewing new fabric on wilted garments... its just so arrogant to think you know more than thousand year old traditions... they had drugs back then... means to hallucinate...this is explained at length why it doesnt work in many texts.. youre smart enough to know you are selling a fundamentally different and inferior way of life. cheers -
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
anti vaxxer... because i oppose the forced administration of one vaccine i must be fundamentally opposed to all vaccines... false i didnt bring up a surface level argument, i questioned the idea of NDT's social health contract that requires one to take experimental vaccines in a health crisis what research are you referring to that would unequivocally justify the US covid vaccination policies, or should have lead me to agree with them? if u are going to patronize or insult someone, you should have to address one fucking thing you disagree with. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
thank you for not addressing a single thing anyone said and calling me dumb. you really put me in my place. i am not anti vaccine or a conspiracy theorist, i simply do not think people should be forced to take vaccines that have not been adequately tested, such as the covid 19 vaccines. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
5 years of covid? do you even know what year it is? holy sh*t dude the vax doesnt stop transmission and to claim that "10 millions more" people WOULD have died when you accused the guy in the video of making statistical leaps and logical fallacies... just wow. youre also misusing the word murder, like a "demagogue" may to play on the fear and emotion of a people , another word you misused. you are a low iq person. im sorry if that is hard for you to hear, but you may benefit from that knowledge if you read about logic and statistics and the actual scientific process. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
you must take an experimental vaccine before the long term efficacy or side effects are known to avoid transmitting the virus to others as part of a social health contract. that is his argument and it is not a good one, with little to no precedent in america. please tell me how the other guy behaved like a demagogue or used logical fallacies? is it because he brought up that people * may have suffered cardiac arrests due to the vax, and neil agreed while adding that if he said the vax definity caused this he would be confusing co-occurrence with causation? further, how was forcing children, who have little to no risk of serious complications from covid, to take a vaccine justified? to protect the sick and elderly, a group who most americans sadly do not give a shit about? potentially endanger the lives of children to maybe protect the elderly if the vax is effective at stopping transition, which it turned out not to be?? does any of this make sense to you? he is doing damage control. before i watched the video or heard NDT say anything about the vax i knew he would be defending it. please open your eyes and try to think critically. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Wildcattt555's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
would appreciate feedback on this idea, even if critical. ty -
if u consider the covid outbreak at face value u cant place malicious intent on the vax. it was/is a real disease, people were dying and they had very little time to stop it from spreading. do u produce a possible remedy immediately or or do u let people continue to die while u are making sure it works/ is safe. the bare reality is scarier than the conspiracy theory. the medical establishment could have been acting in completely appropriate, even honorable fashion and still not produce an effective or safe vaccination given the time restraints caused by the growing death toll . now depending on how dangerous it is, they will "lie" to reduce hysteria, also for the greater good as the damage is done to assume that they deliberately created the disease and the poison vax with the intent to reduce the population is tantamount to 9/11 theories. its technically possible but there is no real reason to be cynical to the point of paranoia rather than accept the official narrative/ truth our fragile psyches prefer our tragedy to be evil and not random
they meant his literal and hyper analytical /intellectual style, not the nonexistent political content. u wont understand hawkings. a lot of his methods would be considered ascetic for people on this site, and will just be dismissed as nonsense because you would never attempt them or be able to put them in a practical context to understand or confirm them. ( similar to those who criticize the idea of gurdieffs work)
telling people you cured your depression by going on and off two anti psychotic medications that you believe to be ssris isnt good. im not attacking you personally, just letting people in this thread know not to use any aspect of this as advice for a similar situation, because what you did is dangerous. those drugs effect your brain chemistry powerfully and long after you stop taking them. there is NO WAY IN HELL, your doctor prescribed those medications to be a temporary fix for anything and advised you to stop taking them when you felt better. if he did you are seeing a state doctor who literally does not care about you or wasnt qualified to be treating you. jesus you said u take insulin and didnt know the most common serious side effect of zyprexa is elevated blood sugar. this thread is a monument to pharmacological ignorance.
why wouldnt you google what an ssri is, or the medication you used to take before responding? ssri is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, that is the most common type of anti depressent, and only prozac is one. whats more, you were on medication for bipolar disorder. so really not a good idea to stop taking it unless you were misdiagnosed which is rare. the invega and zyprexa were prescribed to treat mood swings. so its common to believe you dont need them if you are feeling better. the thing is they are likely to return if you havent addressed the inherent health issue that was causing that to happen. this almost never happens. u would know if it was a thyroid issue or you were misdiagnosed bc of drug use ect, whatever it could have been....you can go up to 2-3 years unmedicated for mood swings before having a mental health relapse btw. you didnt fix it with exercise and meditation. trust me
youre aware you listed 2 very potent anti psychotic medications that arent ssris, right? sounds like you are doing well but ive heard this happen many times where a psychiatrist will medicate the patient for a serious condition without telling you while they are waiting to confirm your dx. you have a right to know what you are taking and the potential side effects. make sure to ask why they have you on Zyprexa and invega. and why u need both unless you were having serious issues before the second was added. it is very very dangerous to pile on medications like that unless absolutely neccesary. you have to advocate for yourself.
this rise in " green energy" has coincided with the downfall of the american educational system. dropping from top 5 to outside the top 20 internationally. but im glad women are graduating at higher numbers and we are more protected from offensive ideas.
Wildcattt555 replied to bloomer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
exactly, this has always happened. it's easy to find hundreds of similar articles in 2020, 2019 ect. we just dont pull them up to prove it because it's so redundant at this point. it is 100% normal, even common, to be born with heart issues and have problems in your 20s and 30s because of it. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
gaslighting usually refers to interpersonal situations. to see " wokeness" as an almost sentient entity that has fundamentally bad intentions rather than occasionally negative expressions in society is a very flawed *interpretation of what is happening. there is a backlash on both the right and left extremes with even the most benign social justice intent. white people not being able to accept black lives matter as a slogan because they " claim" they cant understand that specializing a race in a slogan for social justice doesnt inherently demean their own race. But this backlash is not really a backlash on the name BLM, or wanting to be racist, but a fear that the blm movement will be forced to deprive them of limited resources to help Black people and fuel the movement( you know, politics), it is not racism disguised as anti racism, but a venting of potentially valid issues they have within consequences of the movement, and often fear disguised as racism or anger all these issues have a hidden crux. what truly ought to be done to make ammends for slavery? its not ignore it entirely and its not give everyone huge sums of financial reparations , its somewhere in between, and it is incredibly difficult to both agree on shat that solution is, and implement it. i have heard people get mad for uber eats having a " black owned restaurants category displayed prominently on the front page . like, really is that too much reparation.. society isnt inherently evil and gaslighting itself because we dont have a brilliant solution to heal our national shame.. again the name BLM or the black lives matter movement or sj in general is not consciously created with the intention to deceive or "gaslight." no , society isnt gaslighting itself. shes not even using that term right if it were true as gaslighting refers to denying someones objective reality, not a simple deception. all deception is not gas lighting. yes all of these tag along movements latching on to the emotion of blm and almost implying they have suffered a comparable wrong really muddies things, but there is no " intent" that creates the madness. it could, like most things, be a giant conspiracy that all these movements were created to fight against the " racist homophobic patriarchy and against themselves for attention and resources to create chaos, but it can and likely did happen organically. shoehorning every aspect of social justice into " marxist dynamics/ subversion tactics is also another popular yet horribly flawed take. attributing every social evil to a corporate or governmental power play is the very definition of a conspiracy theorist. this is why alex jones thought he could just say he was playing a character. because he is just playing a character. (he doesnt really see everything in terms of a hegelian dialectic. that is absurd. if he did he wouldnt be able to manipulate people who are actually in that mind state) but all this conflict arises because people cant sift through what is happening in real time with any sense of understanding so they flock to a "side" out of embarrassment fear and political requirement it is so complex that you either become naive and credulous, or dismissive and paranoid of the " official narrative." it is very difficult to even articulate the problem, let alone the solution: its literally at its core a disagreement on the perception and structure of reality itself...appraising the relative importance of LITERALLY competing injustices and distilling their estimated impact into a heirarchy of historical ill...all tainted by trauma and emotion( because injustice causes emotion not cognition) ...rather than the required intellect, and attempting to divide up current resources that in no way could even be supposed to be sufficient for this impossible theoretical task.but even using the resources available in a " fair" way which gives any degree of satisfaction to various groups with history of slavery or genocide or extreme prejudice ...is not achievable. trying is making it worse. trying is good the outcome is bad the road to hell is paved with good intentions. -
Wildcattt555 replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Wildcattt555 replied to no_name's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
im just curious what negative traits you presuppose religious people to have. are you prejudiced against all religious people or is there one specific group that inspired you to place them in the same category as narcissists? -
Wildcattt555 replied to bloomer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
yes many used to be dozens not hundreds. ? and dipshit, we were talking about the nfl. u arent * debating honestly. maybe im the parochial American idiot. but we are the center of the sports world. please list other instances like this in american sports. I HAVE WATCHED AMERICAN SPORTS FOR HOURS EVERY WEEK FOR 30 YEARS AND HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT. do you think im lying? what could my motivation be? I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE COLLAPSE ON A FIELD OR COURT LIVE. i have now, multiple times. again what is my motivation to lie? your motivation is quelling your fear that you maybe should have waited to get the vax and just want to convince yourself u didnt mess up. im sorry for that. it sucks. i hope issues like this are more rare than they appear they could be now. but dont tell hysterical lies and distort facts and reality to make yourself feel better. jeez dude u are trying to cite facts to combat evidence people are seeing with their eyes. wake up. ( there are cardiac arrests in sports every year)... so if people start getting struck by lightning on tv a lot you are going to argue that its a natural occurrence because it is a possible occurrence? obviously not. u are emotionally reasoning. thats why your arguments are so silly. -
Wildcattt555 replied to bloomer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
no, a person's heart stopping for ten minutes, obviously. you people are too dumb to talk to. i watch the nfl so thats why im being rude. you are misinformed or lying. and yes people have had heart attacks on the field pre covid in the global sports world. there is data that this has increased drastically post covid. so its either the virus or the vax, but people like you who claim this is normal reveal yourselves to be completely ignorant.