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About cupe

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  1. I don't agree with this idea of contemplating something until the answer magically comes to you. Just do it. Choose one randomly if you can't choose for yourself. Your other talents won't disappear if you choose to work on one. So work on one, and then you will be able to use the others later. It's that simple.
  2. Because people in crowds kick out those who are not like them. If the majority was successful, then everyone you see would be a superstar. But they're not. The majority of people are not successful or different, they will not change the world. The one who will change the world thinks different. So they are kicked out by the majority.
  3. Get off social media and stop frying your brain with excessive dopamine. Then, DO. Get out there in the world and start working. Do what's in front of you. Take action and you'll find what you want to do. Nobody "finds their purpose" one day after being lazy for their entire life, and then became an insane worker and turned into a billionaire in two years. Your vision is created with life experience. You don't get a vision lying in bed watching YouTube.
  4. Affirmations are just lies you tell yourself. To free yourself from trauma is simply to just accept it happened. And realize you're not worse for it.
  5. How is being disliked a Japanese phenomenon? What? Anyway, to answer your question.... Of course it's manipulation. One act leads to another. You praising someone eventually might lead to them helping you. So you made them help you. That's just a simple law of causation. If we mean "manipulation" as in making someone do something they don't want to do, then no, praise is not manipulation. Because you're not making anyone do something they don't want to do.
  6. Do things that raise your testosterone. Being masculine isn't supposed to be easy. People are the most masculine in difficult situations. You need to face discomfort. How about this motivation as a starter: "Stop being a bitch." Works pretty well for me. I saw you said that physical exercise was "Hell" for you. This shows you're lacking discipline. Cultivate discipline and your masculinity will grow. Stop hiding from hard things.
  7. Just DO. You will never find your purpose at a standstill. Nobody has ever found their purpose writing in journals while doing nothing with their lives. Go out there, and just DO. Whatever comes to you, do it. People find their purposes months or years after they've already started working on things.