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Everything posted by Anahata
Anahata replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Create Paradise in the Here&Now & live it. -
Anahata replied to Gianna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Gianna The other is You interacting with yourself 'till you get it. This is what it/you want. To get it. It's not humans interacting with other humans. It's directly talking to itself. It's a sneaky game you are playing with Yourself. Because.. Well... You are love To have direct interaction with itself. But the biggest game in town is in fact you interacting with yourself but Awake. -
Anahata replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Try to watch a video of someone that talks about anything and ponder on the fact that maybe that is not someone who recorded a video and uploaded it on a youtube channel but it is Consciousness talking directly to You/itself. Try that on a psychedelic but be careful. I recommend LSD for a start. I can do it sober as well because I had a permanrnet shift. Duality is no longer here. Not Alone anymore as that was the first stage of awakening, now it's All One. Direct But not All One in the sense of someone having a human life somewhere in another bubble but Consciousness interacting with itself but directly. That is true non-duality. The avatar on the screen is one with the screen, it is actual as what Consciousness appears to be to You/itself. It's not human if you get what I mean. And you are not human. The actual .. The actual (...).. But remember, it is happening Now. Wherever there's a gap between other and other, that gap is Consciousness as well. Thus, that is the substance of other's Consciousness. We are always together. -
Anahata replied to anxious_turtle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Kundalini sex is where you go from here. To move up the sexual energy into Infinity. Literally into infinity. Kundalini is your next move haha -
Anahata replied to Terell Kirby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Terell Kirby Lsd is the best for a start. Take care of *Set and settings* beforehand. Bon voyage ? * -
@sethman Wait 'till you reaize Leo and all the "others" in your direct experience are not ego-minds/humans but Your consciousness talking to itself and infinitely loving Yourself/itself. so direct... Ahahha it's so good... Truth is so good that you're seeking it.. Well.. It's seeking itself... ... Noo.. Not just 1 2 3 4 .. But one direct infinity...
Leo is Your awareness playing with itself. When you realize it you will be experiencing direct interaction with Yourself. Like you always do . But awakening is coming home to yourself as you realize others are you.
You have been experiencing unity. You always do. You have to recognize it in the Now.
Anahata replied to cervid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"Being unconscious while you sleep" is not something that happened last night. It is the very act of imagining it in Existence. That's actuality. -
Anahata replied to cervid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@cervid There cannot be a dream within a dream. A dream is not what generates other dreams. It's Consciousness and it can always change form. There are no external realities, there are just states of consciousness. Consciousness experiencing itself however it wants. Every 'dream'/experience you ever had is part of the same dream, another face of the same infinity. You've never been unconscious. You are Consciousness itself. You imagine a concept of being unconscious the same way you imagine your birth, that's a facet of infinity and it can only be imagined in Existence. -
Anahata replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Eren Eeager God is Love. This is why it creates reality the way it does. To bring itself into 'direct interaction' with itself by recognizing other as itself and basking in pure love & togetherness. -
Anahata replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Wishing you two a great time hehe. Get her closer. Lol -
Anahata replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Absolutely. Feel ya. -
Anahata replied to roopepa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@roopepa What you are aware of is not finite even if it appears to be so. God can take any 'form'. What it is is not different from what it does but what it does can appear to be finite if you are still stuck in duality. -
Anahata replied to Betterself's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Betterself The 'other' can only exist in your conscious experience, as you and them are the same Consciousness. God is putting on a play just for You. It is so 'personal/intimate/raw/direct' that you won't feel alone ever again after you get it for real. God is communicating to you in the most direct way possible since it can 'show itself' only to You. What is aware of this moment right now? That's the other & you. -
Anahata replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Etherial Cat What I can point you towards is doing consciousness work that leads to realizing the fact that you've never been born. Only after realizing that you will be able to get it. What's gonna happen after you get awakened to this = realizing that Reality is conscious of you and it's happening in the same Awareness as the very 'thing' that's being aware of it. That's when you will see 'others' exactly as they are. Which is Consciousness taking different forms and interacting with You/itself. You're teaching yourself the way to yourself. -
Anahata replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Etherial Cat The moment I realized every*one is a specific manifestation of God, to say my own experience has been my teacher would be sinonimous with everyone and everything since 'this right now' is Him/it/God taking to itself directly, no perception involved but pure me being aware of the fact that I am aware of myself 'through the eyes' of You. -
Anahata replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thank you ? Feel my hugs embracing you! ? -
Anahata replied to Ecocotton's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
? -
Anahata replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are the Son of God because no one had sex before and you've never been born out of physical parents. Reality was a virgin because it's formless = infinite but the 'logos' = God's Will created this whole story of parents that had sex and you being born as a human being. When you awaken you realize that not only you've never been born but no one did either. So no one ever died. So You/God has been existing forever. This is God having the experience in the Now. Since there has never been a physical reality you are the Creator. So you gave birth to the dream itself. The whole of it. As God. The entirety of what you call your life is God appearing as such to itself. So you are the Creator, the avatar(The Son of God). The Creator is the Creation. So the Reality is the Avatar through which God is sharing the Infinite Love with itself, you are not an ego-mind perceiving an external reality. This is the Son of God. This The Reality is Consciousness. Be careful with these metafors. Don't get lost in terminology or words, look for yourself in Awareness not in concepts. I am there pointing to myself. I'm not somewhere else in the world typing some words on a forum. You are the forum communicating to yourself. -
Anahata replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God's Will is pure love. It's absolute free will because it cannot not know what it's doing. -
Anahata replied to Brivido's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Amazing! Here are some insights that I want to write down. When I talk to 'someone' I'm talking to God/Myself. Next God takes the form of a sunset, then God shows his own magnificence to itself in another way, by 'you listening to a beautiful song' or looking into someone's eyes, when you are with your friend, watching someone sing on youtube, in a concert, watching a video on youtube, listening to the birds singing in a forest, dreaming at night, making love etc When you change the content of what's happening you are talking to the same Conciousness. It is not incarnated. There is no physical reality. It's direct. So direct that there is no way to describe what happens when you awaken to it and realize that it's always been direct. God is directly conscious of what you always do because you are it. But the mindfuck of all this is when you discover the reason it customized everything like this. It wants to show love to itself by interacting with itself this is why you got to meet yourself by becoming aware that the other is You. The only word that canpoint to it right now is that the communication is absolutely direct. It's playing with itself because we are forever together as One. Love is so loving that it plays this game with itself. You re aways looking directly into God's eyes like an infinitely looping soul gazing. -
Anahata replied to Ecocotton's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Leo is You as Consciousness pointing to itself, talking to itself, if you truly find yourself and awaken to your true nature which is Truth you will allways recognize yourself in the eyes of your direct experience. ---> When looking at a flower, admiring a beautiful painting, gazing into someone's eyes, watching Leo etc, your 'interaction' with the other will reveal itself. In the absolute sense anyone appearing on the screen of your tablet/phone and so on is in the same way here and now with you in the PRESENT MOMENT as it is 'a physically present being in the same room with you' since God is Omnipresent and One), they are Here with you as Consciousness appearing to be *you and them*) Which is being Here and Now with 'the other' as pure Awareness of God/infinite love. The 'other' is God wanting to have any experience that you are open to receive as you and the other have the same will because we are one and we will always be together 'in some form or another' haha. We want to make the best of it because we are Love itself, Love is our will. The more awake you get the closer you'll feel to God because while being with 'other' you awaken to the fact that the *perception* you have of the other and with the other is the very substance the other is having as God which is Consciousness. Unconditionally present as the same Consciousness, dreaming itself up in infinite ways, since infinity is absolute it can experience anything because You are what's sourcing your own existence so it cannot be split into pieces, nothing is occuring independently from you because you are the awareness of everything that is happening, Reality is Consciousness and there is no Time. You are the Now. Eternity Your awareness is his awareness which is the absolute awareness. -
Anahata replied to Ecocotton's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Those other people that are brought up as the whole experience you're having while imaginig them & Leo talking about 'other people' happens simultaneously -- in Consciousness. Not to a person but to Consciousness. -
Anahata replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
By realizing that the whole 'film reel' -> that which you call your direct experience is the very raw/absolutely direct/actual/absolute Reality. This is it. God is manifesting itself in whatever way reality appears to you in the Now. To You=To itself So you are 'interacting with yourself in the Now' because "the other", no matter *what it is* or 'who it is in the realative domain as an apparent individual being or thing or phenomena' (which is God imagining this as the whole play for it to get to experience this) is what It appears to be for you in order for You to interact with Yourself. If You're being asleep to itself/truth, Consciousness is experiencing the sense of self, the sense of being one and interacting with another. But you and the other (in the relative domain *which is infinite mind actualizing the absolute in 'fractalic ways', as in every specific way the Now appears to be is absolute °because there is no separation between anything(there is no 'existential gap' between what is, God is imagining differences between an infinite tapestry made out of No things but itself ) since God is absolute. Infinity cannot be cut into different versions of itself, there is no dfference between 'this moment' and any other way this moment could be, its substance is everything=nothing=••this is it•• You see? )