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Everything posted by Anahata

  1. Your ego might express the frustration of feeling disempowered in this way as a warning bell to give you a wake-up call. It's like physical pain. Why would you feel pain if you were to break your arm for example? Because something is not right, you cannot live like that, your body is meant to be whole. Same thing with emotional pain. The psyche wants to feel whole again. It got fragmented because of trauma. I suggest you look into shadow work, enmeshment & emotional neglect materials if you consider any of these to be related. I recommend finding a professional for this work.
  2. I think you might have experienced emotional neglect or the other extreme -> enmeshment.
  3. Also, notice that when you walk you have the impression of moving with the current of time and it seems like you go from one place to another. In fact every move you make and any distance you walk, no matter how far you go, only what appears to be the world of form changes it's content, but the existence you feel that you are is static just like a movie. "Wherever you go there you are." As an analogy, what happens in the movie is in a constant transformation yet the screen is not going anywhere. Same thing with reality. You've always been Here. But not here as in the same dream, here as the eternal consciousness. Here as not affected by time or space. Since time & space are part of your dream.
  4. When you become conscious enough the notion or impression of time passing completely vanishes. The present moment is you, you've always been it=here. The content/experience can become anything since you are the creator & the source. Your will is the 'remote control' which decide what channel you want to 'watch' out of your own infinity. Sometimes, when identifying with being a human being, God makes himself forget he is the remote control, the channels, the actors in the movie, the room, the screen and everything else but he also makes himself remember whenever you decide to since you=him. So God-realization is the purpose of life. You are the answer. Truth is it's own purpose. And God/You are Truth. And truth is love ❤ God is such a player lol
  5. Chronological order gives the impression that what's happening now is the result or the continuation of past events. Without dreaming up a past, reality would reveal itself to be groundless. Despite the fact that it is groundless in the absolute sense, reality is somehow designed to reveal it's nature at the right time, like.. divine timing. Of course, since God is dreaming it all up, the way everything is presenting itself must have an inteligent/perfect 'design'.
  6. Your memories give you the impression of continuity & causality, thus creating a storyline.
  7. Let's say you are in your kitchen right now. Think about your bedroom. What is your bedroom? A place in your imagination, right? Now go to the bedroom and think about the kitchen. What and where is the kitchen? Now, here as an imagined place/memory. What you recall as being your kitchen while you're in another room is no different than the room you're in. It's infinite imagination.
  8. Can you tell us more about where you're at to give some context? ❤
  9. When I say knowing I mean Being God. All your life you felt human, right? Now, imagine becoming conscious you are God. I'm not talking about taking it as a possibility or a belief and act as if but being it. Think about when you drink water for example. You know you're drinking water and every time you drink it you remember what it is as a direct experience. You know how water tastes like. You cannot mistake it for milk. Now imagine you've known what God is for eternity, no beginning no end, because you've always been it. But you assumed yourself a character in your own dreamworld and the character dissolves into nothing but pure Consciousness. Then you realize what you are without concepts, without narrating to yourself what's happening, without reason or doubt. You completely understand. The absolute will make you understand that any question you've always had as a human belongs to the relative side of things, this dreamland. That You are the answer to anything, because you understand It/God/Consciousness/Source/the Absolute/ is the only truth. It cannot be put into words, it cannot be explained through human concepts. You are the absolute. Think about when you were a kid. What did you imagine being a grown up adult is like? You had a belief based on what people told you & what you saw around you + interpreting it in your own childish way. It was a mental construct not the actuality of what it feels like to be a grown-up adult. It is a completely different 'universe' to be an adult vs when you were a child trying to put yourself in an adult shoes. The only way is direct experience. You are on the path. Keep at it. Best wishes ❤
  10. Here's the thing. When you get real God-realization, you get awakened to the fact that you are Love. All impurities of the ego get dissolved into love, baptized into love. The delusion of the survival driven evil thoughts and actions are gone for good.
  11. Sometimes it's all about collective consensus when it comes to what's normal and what's delusional. Now, of course, if certain behaviours come as a response to fear, things can get bad because the ego-mind can get very evil & aggressive due to fear & 'unconsciousness'. Think about taming a saltwater crocodile. You might get in real trouble lol Yes, in that case you can say that animal is delusional because it lives out of an extreme survival game. It does not know anything but how to survive so that it does not die. But you understand what's happening and you treat the situation in the most cautious way possible. It's a lesser level of consciousness, a very primitive one so to speak. Now think about a human driven by ego. Same thing. But an awakened person can see why he's behaving that way and thus again...he will treat the situation in the most mindful manner possible and they might get them on the right path with enough tact & love. Now, a person that consider themselves spiritually awakened might have a spiritual ego and they might act in a delusional manner because they believe a story their ego is telling them. So they might create suffering around them in some way or another. Let's say they become a yoga instructor and they start emotionally abusing one student. What's happening here? Delusion of course. Why? Because they are not over their imaginary ego. Still living in fear, insecure, lost. They want to feel superior to others. They didn't realize we are all one Consciousness, they didn't realize God is Love. So, a God-realized person might find out about this horrible situation and solve the issue with calm, taking a thoughtful strategic approach, out of pure love and understanding. The God-realized person will instantly recognize the behaviour for what it really is. Identification with the spiritual delusional ego-mind. They might even get this person on the right path, leading by example in a way. So yeah. There are degrees of how conscious one is. This is why enlightenement is the answer. The more awakened, the less delusional ego driven behaviour.
  12. Yet, for a bird that's a normal path of action to take. Whereas as a human being, if you were to create a nest in your garden and ask your family to come and have some insects for launch with you there, that would instantly be labeled as crazy behaviour, right?
  13. Would you want to make a nest for yourself in the middle of Amazonian jungle as a human?
  14. Because God wants to take buses, trains, ride bikes, drive cars, walk and fly on planes for a while ^^
  15. It's up to you which corner of infinity you explore, what you focus on becomes your experience in an unconscious vicarious way. Reading about terrible things humanity went through and getting trapped in the misery of feeling helpless will give you emotional nightmares. Beware of the tendency to focus on suffering. Help when you can in the Now, but let the past behind, what happened happened. Take it as a lesson. Do good and do not inflict harm upon anyone. That's enough. Be grateful for the fact that you are healthy, safe & not being tortured. You are love, it's natural wanting everyone to be happy and not suffer. That's it, we cannot help everyone in this relative plane of dreams. We do what we can. Much love, beautiful heart. ❤
  16. Maybe you should look into shadow work and find a professional that can guide you through the process. ❤ Best wishes
  17. It seems to me that you didn't have any serious breakthrough so far, I mean you only scratched the surface of what these dreamed up by consciousness beautiful tools called psychedelics can offer you. There are states of consciousness and there is you becoming directly conscious that you are the source of these and all there is, but on top of that you are at the same time the infinite states of consciousness, but your Will is what determines what you experience because you are all powerful and sentient. Thus, the afterlife is determined by God's Will
  18. Thought labeling meditation, dancing etc Also, having a to do list set in place that's intuitive can keep you away from worries and unwanted thoughts. Your mind tends to keep reminding you of things you have to accomplish, even day to day tasks. So I suggest you put in place a good system for planning & action taking where you have to check mark stuff and get things done in a strategic way.
  19. Oh and practicing mindfulness meditation at least 30 minutes in the morning can do wonders.
  20. In my experience practicing lucid dreaming hightened the state of awareness I have in the waking state as well as in my dreams so you might want to look into that. But this is just one practice that contributed to it. There are many ways to mantain a high level of awareness. Keep in mind that an important facet of this work is eliminating the stress factors from your life. You see, if you are in a hardcore or mild survival mode on a constant basis, your instinct takes over and you cannot achieve it until you get your life together. It's hard to keep your vibes high & highten your awareness in a healthy way if your mind is constantly battling against the anticipation of danger.
  21. Here is another suggestion from me. You might want to use that recording as a night audio program aka NAP, it can open your consciousness up to more embodiment, integration & a deeper realization because you might trigger some mind blowing lucid dreams where you get to explore consciousness deeper.
  22. You see, there are many ways in which you can awaken Yourself. Now, of course psychedelics are amazing if you do them the right way. I suggest recording yourself describing the experience you're having,(just for you to listen to after) well, depending on how big the dose is, you might be too immersed and not able to do that. But listening to that the next day might help you integrate the realizations.
  23. You are Love overflowing within its own infinity forever. You just have to awaken to it. Much love ❤