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Posts posted by Gennadiy1981

  1. 12 minutes ago, Raze said:

    Thank you, that’s nice source, how do you know those sources, I assume you are not Jewish?

    so let me start form the second source, it does not say Mesiah will gather, but rather God will gather (it used the word I) from four corners of the Earth. It speaks of very generic terms, but that prophecy from Isaiah does not speak of Messiah where in other portions he specifically ‘mentions Messiah. Indeed if you read the chapter you sent, this is very similar to 1948 indeed when Israel started and Jews flew form four corners of the Earth, so check one for that prophecy.

    The first link you sent, speaks of very complex three oath, a very strange contract made between God and Jews (again much to explain but will go in very narrow explanation). The contract was (and again it was made on a very weak premise which is not part of Halacha, a Jewish law as it derived from Songs of Songs which is not followed by Jewish Law). The contract says that Jews should not ascend en masse (individuals ok), should not bring holly vessels (various options on it) and the nations shall not persecute Jews in large numbers. However, during the Holocaust the contract was broken, we were persecuted in large numbers and hence the deal was dead, we can ascend en masse. Let’s say this was true, but the deal is deal. And you are correct, as long as gentiles would not have committed a Holocaust against us, you may have an argument that we should not have ascended to Israel, but oh boy, after that Holocaust, Palestinians, be ready, we are coming home.

    I am very impressed did you find that on your own? I know this website and I study myself from there, it has a lot of resources and useful information.

  2. On 6/25/2024 at 4:19 PM, Gennadiy1981 said:

    Hi @zazen I read and thought a lot on what you have said and you are right there, but...

    There is this thing that bothers me or should I say i have an internal struggle with and believe it or not, were the prophets spokespeople on God or for God. I will tell you even one step further, especially when i start to do the awakening work, I would go one step further and say that the prophecy is a bullshit as Leo stated few times. But then, how do you expect what they have said turned out to be true. And again i am not speaking of something what they prophesied few thousand years ago back then what was happening, its hard to say as maybe the events were backtracked and the credit to them was given. Even to some moderate clairvoyants like Nostradamus, again many could have backtracked and we cannot know for sure. We can only speak somersetting what either we ourselves or perhaps our parents who are here to tell us.

    Now Ia m an honest man, if there is something true, it would only be fair for me to acknowledge. Since I am Jewish and I am pretty verse in my religious portion for which i can speak off, lets take example with Israel, how the prophecies all came true, and those were prophesied few thousand years ago and how accurate they are. And this is something that happened within my grandparents time and even during our time.

    Pardon me, but I want to quote some bible items for educational purpose below so I am not making those claim form empty mouth. 

    (Deuterenomy 29:21-27) And the generation to come, your children that shall rise up after you, and the foreigner that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, that the whole land has only sulfur and salt, and burning, it does not give its produce nor anything can be grown on it, like it was after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah… You know that until 20th century Israel was a desolate place, a desert, only I believe 3 cities were inhabited, the rest was dead, and you can find from writings of Dio Cassius, Count Constantine Frangois Volney, an eighteenth-century French author and historian who wrote, the Palestine is ruined and desolate land. “Many parts ... lost almost all their peasantry. In others.... the recession was great but not so total. "the greater part of the provinces are impoverished and laid waste." Or better yet read Mark Twain in his writings “The Innocents Abroad”, just to quote a few but there are more.

    In the ancient book Zohar, chapter Exodus, 32a, Rabbi Yossi discusses with Rabbi  Hiya that when the children of Jacob (Jews) will come back to land, the Chldren of Ismael (Arabs) will greet with war. The return of Jews back to Israel is mentioned by (Ezekiel 37:12), “Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, O My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.” Basically saying that Jews would return to Israel almsot form graves, and thats true after Holocaust you can sya we were partially in graves. Then he continues that once Jews come back the land shall become furtile again, (Ezekiel 36:8) “O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to My people Israel; for they are at hand to come.”  Same as (Isaiah 61:4) “And they shall rebuild the eternal ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall renew the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.” Mode tail can be found in Talmud Sanhedrin 98a. 

    Prophet (Ezekiel 38:8-9, 22) says that Jews will have to fight their way to get Israel back  “In the end of times, they shall come against the land that is brought back from the sword, that is gathered out of many peoples, against the mountains of Israel, which have been a continual waste;

    And this is my favorite, Talmud (Masekhet Makkot 24b), speaks of four great Rabbis at the time when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, "Rabban Gamliel, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah, Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva were walking towards Jerusalem. When they arrived at the Temple Mount, they saw a fox running out of the area where the Holy of Holies had been. They began to cry, while Rabbi Akiva laughed.""They said to him, 'Why are you laughing?'" - "He responded, 'Why are you crying?'"

    The Rabbi reply, "'In front of us is the place that says, 'And the stranger who enters there, shall die,' we see a fox coming out, how can we not cry?'"Rabbi Akiva answered "'For that very reason, I am laughing. Isaiah the Prophet said, 'I will bring two reliable witnesses regarding my People, Uriah the Priest and Zechariah the prophet.'(Isaiah 8:2)  'Uriah quotes 'Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed under like a field.' (Uriah 3:12) In the case of Zechariah, we find, 'Yet again, elderly men and elderly women will sit in the streets of Jerusalem. And the streets of the city will be full of children, playing in her streets.'” (Zechariah 8:4-5). When Rabbi Akiva saw Uriah's prophecy coming true with the fox, he said that he has no doubt that the Zechariah's prophecy would come true. And walk on the streets of Jerusalem today, you will see elderly men and women sitting on the benches in the shadow of white buildings and you hear children's joy and the prophecy of Zachariah fully came to realization.

    By the way i can go on and on, but dont want to bore you. I can provide thousand of mroe quotes and thats being modest, but how can you say those people bullshitted hen they predicted such. And if they predicted such details, and they claim they were messengers from God, how can I now close my eyes and let it go?

    @Raze Read my prior post

  3. 5 minutes ago, Raze said:

    The three oaths in the Talmud explain Jews were not to reclaim the land of Israel. The Israel of today is irrelevant to that as Jews had already lived there for centuries, the country of Israel is a violent settler colonial project attempting ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, who are genetically closer to the descendants of the original Jewish inhabitants. 
    Given demographic and political trends all signs point to the project failing in the long run.

    Ooooooh I like that, you want to challenge me with Bible. My friend nowhere in the Talmud or Torah or Tanah that Jews are not allowed to reclaim Israel. There is absolutely nowhere. There are various opinions by some Rabbis in the twenty first century but at the end of the day it’s their opinion only. I will debate anyone on that issue. Did you see my post where I quoted the Bible earlier? Indeed prophet Isaiah says that Israel shall be liberated via the sword, through the wars it will, be fought. The Jews will come from the four corners of the earth to settle and we will have an issue with the children of Ishmael. 

    The Israel of today is precise based on biblical redemption and indeed it goes the way it has to go, indeed things are going perfectly as in the Bible and prophets predict, not any deviation. Indeed if Arabs say were kind enough and would negotiate with us back in 1947, we would not have Israel as we have today, exactly as stated in the Bible that we would liberate biblical Israel. Thank God they started the wars with us because if they did not, we would never liberate Jerusalem, again as prophesied in the Bible, and by the way, I am not going to sound radical, but if Arabs embraced Jews, and they would act like Europeans, today we would not have a Jewish State but rather a binational state. So my friends, everything indeed go perfectly as planned by heaven.

    I can debate any Rabbi who will speak otherwise. But again, no ancient text of any kind, does not speak not to resettle the land of Israel, and a lot of stuff thrown on internet is fake info, you need to verify with the source and I don’t bite that someone said, he hard form his friend, or a bar tender or a stripper, if you quote something then have a source next to it.

  4. 1 hour ago, gambler said:

    Who is we? You are not your ancestor. You did not get kicked out by anyone, you weren't even born yet. 

     My great great great grandfather was kicked out and not a day passed by that we have not stopped praying to return and now it’s ours.


    27 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    I dont think stuff from 4000 years ago is relevant in today's border definition. Every country has such claims. Israel should not get special treatment about it. You lost it 4000 years ago. Deal with it.


    That’s baloney, most other countries are built on someone’s else land. First speak to USA so they give back land to Native American Indians, who by the way did take it and Europeans were never inhabiting the land. You are right what happened back then happened, it was then and this is now. But what’s now is that we Israel owe this land and we owe it now, today and we ain’t give it to anyone as much as USA and most of the countries in the world. 

    The Arab world had chances back then to negotiate but they lost their chance and they lost it forever. There is no going back. Thank God for it.

  5. 3 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    So can you explain me why you support Ukraine fighting back Russia but not the other way around?

    Do you really think Israel is any more entitled to the West Bank than Russia is to Eastern Ukraine?

    Regarding West Bank, our justification is that we lived there before we got kicked out by Romans and also even in early twentieth century we purchased a lot of land in it. It is our cultural heritage and it’s Biblical Israel. Look a Jew has only right to  Tel Aviv which was built in 1905 only because of our right to Hebron which was built 4,000 thousand years ago. Abraham never walked on Dizengoff street (it’s like Times Square in USA) but he lived and was buried in Hebron, which is in West Bank.

    So I personally don’t support neither Russia or Ukraine to be honest, and I am not picking any side. Now if you ask historically, and this is just pure history, so Ukraine was earlier kingdoms which actually used to be called small Russia (but was not on the territory of todays Russia). At some point in medeval ages it was attacked by Poland and half of Ukraine asked Russia to be under its protectorate (which is eastern Ukraine) and then when Bolshevikcs came in and took entire Ukraine, so they were not happy and actually during the war, the western Ukrainians did help the Nazis and they even established Nazis colonies, though after the war Soviet Union kinda eliminated them and some ran away to Hungary and so forth. Then it was under Soviet Union but as a Soviet Republic not part of Russia, meaning hypothetically they could have always seceded and there were attempts by individuals, those once they spoke off they were either arrested or found dead, there was zero tolerance policy. Except Crimea, that was part of Russia but during the asoviet time actually it was exchanged some part from Ukraine went to Russian and some to Ukraine such as Crimea. Though Russia never returned that portion back.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

    I thought the same thing, it was interesting how across the board, the left media all denounced him instantly which felt like they had been given the green light to do so. 

    And it was done relatively fast, like within minutes he was denounced. I don’t know why but I was not surprised for some reason. Seems even like conspiracy. 
    I personally don’t like when things like that happen against democratically elected people. I would have also been upset if they would have done against Trump, like substitute him. That’s the entire point of elections, you give voice to the public so respect their decisions. What I am afraid is that the Democratic Party will use this as an excuse and will outs him. The only way legally he can leave if he decides so but doing anything else would be a dirty way out, I just hope they would not do that.

  7. Also I am wondering, (not that it’s a good idea) but Biden could have taken some kind of meds similar to dopamine and it would have awakened him more, meaning he would be more verbal. But I think he was set up by the party, cause traditionally we have debates somewhere in September and not that early. I think they on purposely threw him over the bus to make a deal that he needs to be replaced. Cause even this January when he gave state of the Union, (I didn’t watch back then but just watched now to compare) he is like day and night different. To me it was kinda done on purse to throw him under bus, I mean the entire world speaks now how bad his performance was. I am sure they could have done so much better, that is not an excuse. He was at his worse. But at @Vibes may be right he may be getting closer to death, especially with such stressful position he is having. And also the aftermath when he meet his wife Jil and she is treating him like a kid that he answered every question, added more to the wound showing that his mental state goes to childhood, that was extremely extra, and dems are the ones to blame unless they really want to get rid of him.

    @Leo Gura is right, presidents don’t have so much power as everyone thinks and it’s other departments that really run the show, they are more of representing the country. So I would not worry for Trump to win. Besides it’s the state department that makes all decision anyways.

    Now as far as RFK goes, usually I would say there are no chances of winning, but this maybe the only time that he can actually win, as most people don’t like neither Trump or Biden. I would say at this stage of the game he may have really high chances of winning. However, the deep state or whatever you call, they throw monkey wrench at him and he gets hard time. Like for example the CNN did not allowed him to participate in debates, I think he would have beat both of them. Also many were focused on Biden, but Trump wasn’t his best neither, if you remember back in 2020, he was so much more energetic. 

  8. is it only me but I felt that during this debate there was a promoter that’s why no one was invited in the audience. But I can be wrong.

    i honestly felt very bad for Biden, he did very poorly. I mean common give a person a break, he is 81 and most people at that age are either in nursing homes or six feet under. So for him to even stand on a podium for over hour and a half you have to give him a credit. 
    I watched only partial debates but Trump was also ok. I don’t know, this debate was pretty sad to watch. It’s like two elderly people whom you feel so bad that they got up from their rest and had to work. I felt so much pity I could not continue to watch. Seriously I felt so bad for them, like for your grandpas you know what I mean. 

    Look Biden was not a bad president as much as conservatives mocked him, he did few crazy things during Covid but all in all, he was pretty in the center, he is one of the old democrats who is not into extreme view. But with all honesty, I don’t think he has strength to even work at the White House, not that I am against him, I don’t think he can physically do the job.

  9. 1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


       If I had to guess, you lot specialized in being middle men, and selling jewels and coins amongst Christians, Muslims, even Romans and other religions. Also you lot began nomadic and are pretty good at travelling so...

    Your guess is totally off, like really off. I wonder if its in guessing people's occupation or in everything else you do.

    I am totally not a middle man, I am an engineer, doing design for construction. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

    It ain't WW2 anymore, I have not seen Azov saying or doing outrageous stuff I only saw them fighting like absolute warriors. 

    Thats true, but if we want to be truly honest they do have a swastika on their uniform. See image from the internet. When I saw it for the first itme I was not comfy. Again this guy brought it up and he has a point.

    Of course its not the same time, and its totally not WW2 anymore, we are almost 80 years away form it.

    But the more things change, the more they remain the same.



  11. @zazen Thanks, i did view it, and of course this person is known for conspiracy theories, though I am not saying that all conspiracy are falls, there are many that did come true like the origin of covid now was a bio leak while back in 2020, the social media would suspend your account if stated. I know this forum is tuff on it, but wait till they find out one day that we never landed on moon, lol.

    Look, i dont know what he is saying is true or not, some makes sense and to be honest, I would not be surprised if it was true. In the past USA did do similar gigs with Vietnam and Afghanistan and Korea I believe. So for USA its worth that some places be in conflict as he stated the defense companies make money and chaos is preferable so to switch away form other political stuff that is cooking. It is not unusual that most of the time chaos is preferred over peace, while they be telling you totally otherwise.

    Hi made one interesting point, that many kinda did oversee, and I am not picking a side in Russia/Ukraine war, and I do feel sympathy for Ukrainians and what they are going, but that was a fact that there was an independent battalion (if you remember they were barricaded in factory city underground) on their uniform there is a display of swastika. I remember when watching on the news, I even told my parents, holly s*** is that real. And that is true that when Nazis did occupy Soviet Union the western park of Ukraine did greet them and asked them to be under them rather than under soviets. The western Ukrainians along with Baltic states really hated the Soviets. But then who was better or worse, its like comparing who killed more of their citizens, there is still a historical debate who killed more Stalin or Hitler. Lets just say, it was a shitty situation to be in.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

    But you'll accept weapons and money from these countries you resent so much huh? Wait till they find out how much you really hate them and what you really think of them

    My friend, there is no such thing as love affair between presidents, every country has a personal and national interest to whether invest or not. First of all USA can count and Israel among all other radical Muslim countries. Second of all they have a Navy base in Haifa, which by the way is not free, they have a weapon storage arsenal in the Negev desert and so on and so forth. There is a two way street so you should know. And I am not even speaking that USA gives billions in economic aid to Jordan and Egypt that I still don’t know what they get back.

    There are political interests that are involved and if they find it necessary they will invest. No country does anything out of good heart for another country. A charitable organization may do that but not a country. 

  13. @Karmadhi based on what you said initially the country that came to my mind was Denmark but once you mentioned Muslim majority then it’s Albania. Yes those two countries hid the Jews. And thanks for that.

    Look we Jews were kicked out from 80 diffent countries historically way before what you guys call the Israeli occupation. What bothered the world back then?

    What bothered you guys with crusades against us or inquisition, occupied lands of 67?

    Why did you guys expelled us from Europe and why did you made pogroms in early twentieth century? Was it because we stole land? 

    Why did you kick us out of southern Europe, from Asian countries? What bothered you back then when state of Israel did not exist. 

    And you want us to just go and leave among you? After all you guys did to us?

    As I said, I am totally fine to have Israel as it’s much better to live then to die.

    I am perfectly fine that Israel destroys the enemies as it’s so much better to be a winner than a looser. 

    And what will the world say? Who cares what the world will say. You guys love us after every Holocaust and build us monuments and museums. You love the weak Jew. 

    And I tell you this, I would rather have a strong Israel hated by the entire world, then Auschwitz that would be loved by. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Merkabah Star said:

    @Gennadiy1981 You are what we call a bible thumper.. 🤡

    the bible makes me snooze. I guess you could say you snooze, you lose. 😀

    but even still, deeper answers lie within. 


    And by the way you probably be surprised but in the temple that I sometimes attend, I am the most moderate one, indeed many call me a disbeliever or someone who rejects God. Some even threaten me with hell and that I am possessed by Satan. So in my circle I am a big disbeliever. I am really surrounded by deep stage blue people. But on the other hand I am also more exposed and joined other spiritual communities who are more into higher development stages. 

    I actually have one fellow in the temple whom I communicate a lot with, he takes Bible literally for everything. He claims that it’s a sin to question God. If you would show him somewhere in the Bible that it’s God demands to jump off the bridge, he would not even question but quickly run to one and apologizing for not doing it sooner. 

    so actually in my temple I am the least believer there. I now go sparingly there. It’s not that easy to brush off everything. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

    I like your honesty, it’s obvious that’s the plan. Why doesn’t Israel have the balls to just come out and claim it as Israel proper? Instead they do this song and dance routine. The odd politician lets it out here and there, so it’s not like we all aren’t aware of it. 

    Israel is too weak and gutless to claim it out in the open. 

    Thank you for the compliment, so now you are raising a very good point and I will explain to you and that maybe my beef with them. I know @Nivsch will disagree with me and he probably does believe in a two state solution and I will give him that, but, look i used to be in activism/politics for some time, until I am focused on making money and awake myself, and much more, lol. 

    But, for your info, many do support annexing the territories, and remember the politicians resemble the people in a free elected country. So I used to meet with Likud for dinners (I actually was friends with Moshe Feiglin, he left the politics, but is really cool guy, was fighting to legalize weed there, I always told him that its DMT he needs to legalize, but that on a different chat), so through him I was able to meet some. And when i asked them why they dont have balls to admit (and I may take the dirty laundry out but lets be honest, I cant be honest only in one way) what they believe, and they replied it wont look nice in front of the world, the reputation will be very bad in front of American people so lets play this game, like the Palestinians will never want peace and we get a chance to keep the territories and play this game. And you may get surprised, but when i even tried to speak more n the hypocracy, they even attempted to silence me, but I cannot discuss that for many reasons. 

    But that was always my beef with the government, to be honest left or right or centrist, again some will disagree with me, but I did speak to both spectrum, though for elections they sell ideas to right people. But you are right, they claim its better to be smart and maneuver yourself properly and you can still accomplish, like look so many years passed by and we still keep the territories, but you are right its because of the games and lacking balls.

  16. I dont know exactly like Putin, thats stretching, but you got the point. I am not sure whats Putin's real motive, he is a former KGB, so there maybe layers of motives. But the difference is, we are not looking to colonize other neighboring countries, we are not aiming at Jordan, Egypt, Syria or Lebanon. But I will be honest, we as Jews, will not give up what you call West Bank, we call slightly different, The northern part is Samaria which had ancient Kingdom of Israel and the southern part is part of Judea, which is part of the upper Negev desert and etc. We have our ancestors buried there.

    Also I saw on this chat, you guys were mentioning about Zionism and Hertzl. Its not very accurate actually. So he is sort of a modern day Zionist, which was more appealing at the Start of the rebuilding of the State, but most people who followed him back then would classify themselves post Zionist, whatever complicated thing. 

    But I follow different Zionism, the first Zionist was Abraham, who lived in Mesopotamia and to whom God told to make an Alyiah (come to Israel), that was really begging of Zionism. And his descendants stayed in Israel until there was a famine and they left to Egypt, but Moses brought them back again as it was God's will. And even when Romans kicked us out, for two thousand of years every Jew prayed three times a day to return to Zion. The bond is so strong, it outweighs any political believe. I tell you this and mark my words, now I am not a prophet, but I can bet on it that there will never be Palestine in Israel, as was mentioned by prophet Ezikiel that no nations will ever make a home there until the Jews come back. 

    You will be surprised but for the 2,000 year gap, many nations came to settle the land, besides the crusaders and caliphate, the Scandinavians, Kurds, Albanians, Africans, Persians, Greeks, Berbers, Serbians, Cherkessians and believe it or not there was even an American colony in 1850, they stayed for few years and left as the land was dead. 

  17. @Merkabah Star I am not gonna lie to you, it is in our vision to annex it and as either you or someone else stated, its a heart of biblical Israel. Besides thats where our forefathers are buried and we have a deep connection to it.

    And looks at this irony, when we got Israel in 1948, west bank was not ours. So it was a great thing that Arabs attacked us and in the process they lost. 

    Man i really hope neighboring countries that fall within the boundaries of Greater Israel (Nile to Euphrates) wont attack us. Can you blame us?

  18. 20 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

    We should just consider that there is no solution and it is all out war forever until one side is completely obliterated. 

    But thats what i keep saying and all of you ignore me. You guys are being very stubborn. I am glad you are realizing.

    But yes there will be peace, only after Messiah comes, man its in the bible, besides listening to enlightenment all the time, get yourself a bible and at least read it before going to sleep. 

  19. On 6/21/2024 at 11:57 PM, zazen said:

    Fundamentalist religious people (shadow of stage blue) take end time prophecies that are myth as literal, and self fulfil them into existence to hasten whatever good they are promised from it (coming of a Messiah and the return of Jesus).

    Many problems come from taking myth that is fiction for a fact that is literal, not realising that the value of fiction is in its functionality, rather than its factuality.

    Fundamentalists view prophets as the spokespeople of God, rather than the spokesperson on God. As if prophets have a direct hotline to God and lecture us Gods message - when existence is a conversation not a lecture.

    Prophets are cosmic philosophers, not cosmic commanders. The movie series Dune actually shows quite well how fundamentalists belief in prophecy and prophets are used for political ends and power.

    That doesn’t deny there were prophets who awakened to certain degrees. It’s just important to remember that they were speaking to and from their own time. Treating them as eternal mouthpieces of God ignores the context, culture and limitations of their era.

    Forget the military-industrial complex; the power-prophecy-profits complex, which intertwines with religion, is far more dangerous. Daniel Schmachtenberger discusses the concept of “Moloch” as a metaphor for competitive systems that are destructive not due to a deliberate intent to destroy but because of incentives that drive us toward destruction. In the power-prophecy-profits complex, the prophecy element includes an intent to fulfill those prophecies that steer us towards WW3.

    ** Thanks for providing your life story above to get where you’re coming from.

    Hi @zazen I read and thought a lot on what you have said and you are right there, but...

    There is this thing that bothers me or should I say i have an internal struggle with and believe it or not, were the prophets spokespeople on God or for God. I will tell you even one step further, especially when i start to do the awakening work, I would go one step further and say that the prophecy is a bullshit as Leo stated few times. But then, how do you expect what they have said turned out to be true. And again i am not speaking of something what they prophesied few thousand years ago back then what was happening, its hard to say as maybe the events were backtracked and the credit to them was given. Even to some moderate clairvoyants like Nostradamus, again many could have backtracked and we cannot know for sure. We can only speak somersetting what either we ourselves or perhaps our parents who are here to tell us.

    Now Ia m an honest man, if there is something true, it would only be fair for me to acknowledge. Since I am Jewish and I am pretty verse in my religious portion for which i can speak off, lets take example with Israel, how the prophecies all came true, and those were prophesied few thousand years ago and how accurate they are. And this is something that happened within my grandparents time and even during our time.

    Pardon me, but I want to quote some bible items for educational purpose below so I am not making those claim form empty mouth. 

    (Deuterenomy 29:21-27) And the generation to come, your children that shall rise up after you, and the foreigner that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, that the whole land has only sulfur and salt, and burning, it does not give its produce nor anything can be grown on it, like it was after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah… You know that until 20th century Israel was a desolate place, a desert, only I believe 3 cities were inhabited, the rest was dead, and you can find from writings of Dio Cassius, Count Constantine Frangois Volney, an eighteenth-century French author and historian who wrote, the Palestine is ruined and desolate land. “Many parts ... lost almost all their peasantry. In others.... the recession was great but not so total. "the greater part of the provinces are impoverished and laid waste." Or better yet read Mark Twain in his writings “The Innocents Abroad”, just to quote a few but there are more.

    In the ancient book Zohar, chapter Exodus, 32a, Rabbi Yossi discusses with Rabbi  Hiya that when the children of Jacob (Jews) will come back to land, the Chldren of Ismael (Arabs) will greet with war. The return of Jews back to Israel is mentioned by (Ezekiel 37:12), “Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, O My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.” Basically saying that Jews would return to Israel almsot form graves, and thats true after Holocaust you can sya we were partially in graves. Then he continues that once Jews come back the land shall become furtile again, (Ezekiel 36:8) “O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to My people Israel; for they are at hand to come.”  Same as (Isaiah 61:4) “And they shall rebuild the eternal ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall renew the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.” Mode tail can be found in Talmud Sanhedrin 98a. 

    Prophet (Ezekiel 38:8-9, 22) says that Jews will have to fight their way to get Israel back  “In the end of times, they shall come against the land that is brought back from the sword, that is gathered out of many peoples, against the mountains of Israel, which have been a continual waste;

    And this is my favorite, Talmud (Masekhet Makkot 24b), speaks of four great Rabbis at the time when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, "Rabban Gamliel, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah, Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva were walking towards Jerusalem. When they arrived at the Temple Mount, they saw a fox running out of the area where the Holy of Holies had been. They began to cry, while Rabbi Akiva laughed.""They said to him, 'Why are you laughing?'" - "He responded, 'Why are you crying?'"

    The Rabbi reply, "'In front of us is the place that says, 'And the stranger who enters there, shall die,' we see a fox coming out, how can we not cry?'"Rabbi Akiva answered "'For that very reason, I am laughing. Isaiah the Prophet said, 'I will bring two reliable witnesses regarding my People, Uriah the Priest and Zechariah the prophet.'(Isaiah 8:2)  'Uriah quotes 'Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed under like a field.' (Uriah 3:12) In the case of Zechariah, we find, 'Yet again, elderly men and elderly women will sit in the streets of Jerusalem. And the streets of the city will be full of children, playing in her streets.'” (Zechariah 8:4-5). When Rabbi Akiva saw Uriah's prophecy coming true with the fox, he said that he has no doubt that the Zechariah's prophecy would come true. And walk on the streets of Jerusalem today, you will see elderly men and women sitting on the benches in the shadow of white buildings and you hear children's joy and the prophecy of Zachariah fully came to realization.

    By the way i can go on and on, but dont want to bore you. I can provide thousand of mroe quotes and thats being modest, but how can you say those people bullshitted hen they predicted such. And if they predicted such details, and they claim they were messengers from God, how can I now close my eyes and let it go?

  20. @hundreth @Raze I see both arguments but guys you are missing a very big point and until you will understand that point there is no way you can go forward. Hamas' main objection is the elimination of Israel, thats in their charter, even if one member will ok, this is going against their organizational principle. This is what their organization was founded on, this is what their mission statement is, you need to respect that. And before Oct 7th they were sending rockets to Israel, they started I believe from 2006 once they got the power, or maybe two weeks after, something along those lines. They want the State of Israel be gone from the face of the map. And they clearly will not agree to any Israel of any shape or size because they claim they also represent Palestinians who live on Israel's proper (whatever you guys call). Now accept that, and then lets start having conversations.