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Everything posted by Gennadiy1981

  1. Nice, so I’m still a little bit confused was it legal or not as it seems you just purchased in dispensary. And you seem like you had a full DMT experience, wow that’s nice and probably also scary, did you have a sitter or you do it away from your friend and girlfriend. And what kind of experience, your girlfriend ahead, you say, she relaxed, but did she have any visions or introspection.
  2. @Vrubel I get your point but what you are advocating is more like autonomous republic, where a landmass has their own police and their own governance but not their own military, that’s very typical in Eastern Europe actually and in middle eastern countries as well, actually take Iran, they have a lot of autonomous republics even one Arabic republic and Kurds and so on. So your point is, give them a state and if they will attack us, then drive them out. But keep in mind, once that state becomes legal, then you cannot eliminate that state, then you will have international sanctions, see as of now there is not state, but once a state be proclaimed it’s there to stay. Same with Gaza, I remember Sharon was beating his chest and saying that if one rocket will fall we will wipe out and take it back, but once you proclaim independent it’s almost impossible impossible to take it back and see the backlash, I mean see absurdity, they entered our border, took our citizens and on the next day, the rallies started even before Israel did anything. (By the way even back then, I was screaming of the mountain tops not to do the expulsion, that’s when I got into activism, but most people told me, not to worry, everything be good and if they dare to throw one rocket, they will be wiped out). So the sages in the Talmud ask, “who is wise?” And they answer “He who sees tomorrow, today”. You know that their go is elimination of Israel of any shape or size, so what you are proposing is to play the game, extending it, show to the world and then pretty much do what I advice to do. But in my case, it’s done quickly, swiftly and less causalities and probably less war and destruction. The end goal is the same, I am just foreseeing to save a lot of people and by the way both Jewish and Arabs.
  3. @Karmadhi I am not a slav and I don’t know such deep history so I will not argue with you on that, but I said way before the war with Russia and Ukraine that is happening now, they were two distinct people, and whenever they are abroad, a Ukrainian will never say he is Russian, which by the way many people abroad use the term interchangebly but that is a lack of historical knowledge. I don’t know about when they came all from one people, but if you want to dig so deep, we all come from Adam and Eve, how about that. It’s just during the Tower of Babel, God divided us into 70 nations. I am not saying for Israel to become like Iran, but I am saying for Israel to retain its Jewish biblical culture as same example I gave in my post about USA. Let me evaluate this more, when I worked for one American actually government company in the past, I had to negotiate with them to leave early on Fridays at noon, or during the corporate celebrations everyone were pigging on the food and I could not as no kosher food was available or I had to bring my own and etc. I don’t want to live like that, I don’t want to be a minority living among majority and if I will stay in one country, I know I have a ticket to go back at any time. And by the way, thanks to one Indian Boss, he allowed me to leave early but do you know how much I had to juggle with? Or for example you get say 2 weeks of vocation, but we have a holiday of Tabernacle (Sukkoth) and Passover, each 8 days, there you have all your vocation but what about Rosh Hashana (new year), Yom Kippur (day of attainment) and so much more. And those who want to be more observant by ranking additional holidays off, I saw how they had issues with work and were even let go. So why I do need to go through that S***. Not interested.
  4. @Karmadhi oh one more point, I see you constantly proposing to remove “settlements” basically Jewish communities who live in West Bank for Palestinian state, but what about the two million Arabs who live in what you call Israeli proper? Do we remove them and move to the future Palestinian state? Or your proposal applies only to Jews. Like it’s ok to be Jews from their home (by the way for most who were already born there) it’s ok to lock Jews out but God forbid we touch Arabs? Just want to know your logic? If you are ok to remove 700k Jews from WB, are you ok to removed 2M Arabs from Israel proper? I want to see if same logic applies there as well. That will tell me a lot about your perspective.
  5. Man you are so wrong, I was born in Ukraine and they are two different entities. Ok they are Slavs but so is most of Eastern Europe, you can’t judge that. Even before the war they were very different, they were friendly but man different. Each ethnicity has derogatory for the other. What do you mean Gaza and West Bank is not Israel, it’s more Israel than not, that’s where most of the Bible takes place. And Palestine never existed as a country, there was no such thing, they never had their own currency, no president, no flag, no language, nothing. Now if you are ok with your country being taken over (Albania, Ahem) that’s your problem, you refuse to fight for it, your loss. Regarding religious status, you missed the point, most countries have their religions embedded in them, I am not saying where people are being executed based on Bible but where the country runs based on religious dogma. Let’s not go to such extreme let’s take USA as many here are familiar on the forum. The Sabbath here is Sunday, everything is off on Sunday, all parking meters and road cleaning is suspended on Sunday, holidays like Christmas and Easter are national holidays, in every court room it says in God we trust, the dollar bills have word God, you will find Bible in pretty much every hotels room and so on, and this is the most moderate, now I am not even getting into Egypt and Jordan which is by the way more radical. @Vrubel I understand your point but I think you are referring more to autonomy not a state, cause if we keep Jordan Valley which borders with Jordan and most settlements which you say, there is Alamo no land mass left, let’s be honest, so you are speaking of he Palestinians to have self governance but within Israel. I get it, and it may be ideal solution in your eyes but I am going one step further and this will not work, it will just turn into a cycle of violence. @VrubelAnd this is a private conversation between you and I, as most on this forum will not understand, you realize that the only goal of Palestinians is the elongation of Israel, you do realize that they don’t want a state and if God forbid they will achieve that goal (which they won’t) they will join their lands with Jordan and Egypt, their only existence is to oppose Israel, that’s why the Arabs world values them, because the Arab world have no other way to get rid of Israel legally, so they are the only wild card they have, if PLO goes then Israel is here to stay forever.
  6. Leo no offense to you but you are extremely biased towards Trump. I mean I get your points and a lot of them are correct but you are being severely biased, like you find all faults in him. You went as far as saying he will make an authoritarianism but common in USA it’s not even possible not to mention you have 3 branches of government and even the executive branch is divided into many. Let’s be honest, president does not have so much power within US. And common give a guy at least some credit, praise him in anything. I remember in your trap video you said that he is charismatic (which made me say that hey Leo gives compliment) but then you said only for those who are not bright. Look no person is all bad as well as no person is all good.
  7. @Karmadhi first to start with Russia, no you are wrong on it, the KievRus was not Russia, it was a separate kingdom that was never on Russian territory. They were called similarly but were totally two independent states. The Russian kingdom was a merger of three smaller kingdoms, the Novgorod, the Moscow and I believe a smaller one something called Volga, but they were totally independent of KievRus, they were never as one country. As far as religious freedom goes, I have full rights as many people have it around the world. If we ban all religions and we ban all borders then we can have a conversation but until you have a dedicated Christian countries and dedicated Muslim countries where the law of the Bible is being practiced then it’s fair for me to have my own practice and my own borders. Now about food and holidays it’s not being spoiled, it’s a biblical mandates and those who defy according to Bible will go to Hell. Look I respect people’s religious beliefs so you need to respect my religious beliefs. Finally, I never didn’t eradicate Palestine from the face of the earth, all I am saying that it cannot be within Israel and by the way I can bet you all my money that it never will, and I don’t count Gaza is its own country as it is not. They are welcome to make it in Saudi Arabia or they may live under Saudi Arabia, that’s not my business how it will be called, it’s up to the Arabs and their choice. You keep mentioning that Jews migrated from diffent countries, but so did Arabs migrated from different countries because until 20th century Israel was a desolate land with only few cities being populated, so my argument with population transfer stands as Germans moved to Poland within 200 year spam and within six month left the country. And in my previous threat I gave sources from famous books how desolate Israel was and for miles not a single soul could have been found, when we speak of 1800 hundreds. Again, the reason I speak of population transfer is that I know all other solutions will fail, maybe realistically the close solution you can have is binational state but historically they don’t last for a long time, take for example Northern Ireland or Lebanon, when you have two major entities you will have a civil war, it’s typically one ethnicity that is dominant and others minority or you don’t have any major ethnicities like USA, Canada and Australia. All other binational states failed, look what they tried to do with Cyprus and UN tried to hard but it failed. Look there is fantasy and then there is reality. Again I am telling you for billionth time Israel is here to stay and you will not have Palestine inside Israel just geography itself is not feasible. At least I have a solution. Or we can go with your plan, let’s keep two peoples next to each other, let Arabs once in a while make terror attack and let Israel retaliate and then have you posting videos on this forum. You like that option? Ok be my guest, of course that is also an option, that I will not argue with you on that.
  8. This video has been circling around but on many forums they claim it’s not true. Any idea if this interview is legit? These days so much controversy flowing around you don’t know what’s true and what’s not. By the way did they said who was the one killed? I try to google but no info was found, also no media was showing who was carried out on a stretcher. Any idea?
  9. Thanks. I understand, however if you apply this parallel to other historic events with other countries it does not work in such a way but only does with Jews. I guess maybe it is the prophecy after all because rational vice you can’t really explain, because take inquisitions for example or even Nazi Holocaust when we were extremitied daily and I don’t remember any mass stage rallies or blocking roads for our freedom and by the way then, we did not had army or guns or tunnels, we were just walking like sheeps to the slaughter house. In the former Soviet Union there was a small poem about Jews guilty for everything like one line red it was Jewish fault for shooting at Lenin (it was a Jewish Menshevik lady) and antler line read that Jews on purposely missed (the White Russian army wanted him to be gone). It’s like no matter what we do we will always be guilty. But what you say to apply for the world politics in general actually is correct and does hold true, so it’s a very smart analysis. Also for you personally, when people are asking same questions differently posed and you give the same answer on and on, don’t you feel like it’s much easier to tell them to F*** off? It’s so simple and straight to the point then creating intelligent arguments that regardless people will not understand or I would say refuse to understand you as their ego mind dictates them. Of course, with high consciousness people you do want to give an intelligent explanation but with low conscious ones, replying that Bible is right I personally think does the answer.
  10. By the way don’t accuse me of conspiracy and I hate conspiracy but if you watch the tape when the shooting occurred, after the second shot Trump checked his ear and looked at his hand, there was no blood on the hand and then he immediately went down. Then all SS rushed to him when he was down and later one when they picked him up he had blood on ear. Sorry I keep rewatching this tape over and over and every time you learn something new.
  11. Does anyone know who was killed in audience? They claim an audience member was killed by a stray bullet but I am googling and cannot find it, also I researched the scene by ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox and I don’t see anyone else is being shot. there is this video being surfaced but on other sites it claims to be false. And by the way I am not saying any theory, this looks more legit then not.
  12. I would not jump to conclusion who did it, it’s all weird. First of all Trump does not need to do so hard to beat Biden, Biden is barely hanging there himself. Also I can’t even imagine someone at Biden campaign would want to get rid of Trump as it would be the most stupidest thing to do, because if they have diffent Republican candidate he would easily beat Biden, without any question. The only way Biden can defeat Trump is because many people just don’t like Trump. So for Biden Trump is the best opposition, anyone else, forget about it. Actually I am very curious who would a shooter be and what side does he represents.
  13. I am confused, did bullet touched his ear or it was the blood of the person sitting. From what we know one attended got killed, could that be his blood? Or ten bullet actually touched his ear? The reason I am asking is that I am looking through zoom and it’s only blood on the ear but the bullet did not touch the ear? Also they claim one attendee got killed but on the videos they show you can’t see anyone being killed or injured.
  14. @Karmadhi thank you at least for understanding. So let’s entertain your idea, hypothetically for Jews to move to USA, so will USA allow is a Jewish state with Jewish laws, don’t forget US is a Christian state where their Sabbath is Sunday. Look I want to have a state where Kosher food is mandatory, for example I don’t want to be at a work where they throw a party and I don’t have food to eat. Look I am staying at both places so I know US culture very well. I want to have laws of Sabbath, that on Saturday no bitch would ask me to work. Oh and Sabbath begins on Friday sundown, and according to Shulhan Aruch one should stop working by midday, will US tolerate such behavior. I just gave you two out of I would say billion more things but I will spare you as some are complaining I give way too examples. The bottom line is I bet you, America won’t bent for us, especially if they will give us Nevada, Leo will be the first one taking arms in his hands. That’s why people need to be with those who share the same culture. Look, if there was 21 Jewish states in the world, you know, I may have negotiated with you and would be the man to leave, I would have to think about it but that could have been on the table, but we only have one Jewish state and they have 21 states. They have 600 times more land mass than we do, so as I said we have no where to go and to make another Jewish state, and no I don’t mean secular state, I want a Jewish state where the laws of Torah govern it, as much as Muslims have the right for Shariah state I want the Torah to be the governing body. Now by no means I advocate for forceful obedience but today Israel does follow such laws where the holidays from Torah are the national holidays, where the majority of food being sold is under Kosher supervision, where the public transportation does not operate on Sababth and etc. We didn’t survive for two thousand years in exile to all of a sudden to loose our identity, sorry it’s not happening. P.S. as far as Russia and Ukraine, I have no skin in the game and I would not be commenting on it. Now from my history lessons what I have learned in the past, Russian and Ukraine were always two separate countries. Ukraine was always smaller state and asked Russia for protectorate to avoid being captured by Poland. However Poland did capture half of Ukraine while Russia was able to hold to eastern Ukraine. The western Ukraine was exchanging hands by other European countries until WW2 when then Soviet Union took entire and made a socialist republic. In the interim many Russians actually immigrated to some parts and politically the borders were also redrawn by taking some land form Ukraine and some from Russia (but Russia kept all of them) and took away Crimea which was Russian land but was land swapped, hence most Russians live there. Again this is just what I learn in history but I don’t know so much about it and hence will not be choosing side.
  15. First of all we did not started first, they did, and the politicians around the world know this, thank God for that. Second of all, what I speak is transfer of population, so you should know it was done in the past many times, like after WW2 8 million Germans from Poland and 4 million from Chehoslovakia were removed. In 1946 India and Pakistan transferred 20 million people, in 1923 Greece and turkey transferred population and etc. Look if I would be in charge of it I would make it very humane. All the money that are pouring to Palestinians are ending up either in PLO Fatah or Hamas. I would reallocate the funding and use that to purchase homes for the people who will be leaving. I would go even a step further and compensate for their property here from our funds, by the way when they locked us out of their Arabic countries in 1950’s they didn’t give us Jack for our properties, but that’s fine I will be a better man. For example Saudi Arabia is one of the most under populated countries on earth, we can build cities there or whatever the UN would decide and negotiate, besides those people are of the same ethnic background (Arabs) speak same language and share same religion. Again so much money is being poured down, that I would be built schools and infrastructure in the Arabic states and say other countries who would volunteer to accept them, by the way like in the past, few South American countries did. I would do that in the most humane way possible. Again stating on this forum many times, by keeping those two people together, you will only have bloodshed and violence. And you know by reading those posts form most of you, I come to realize that you want to see bloodshed and violence, somehow that makes your day. if you truly care to stop you would be ok for solutions. Now, it’s no secret that one nation has to go. Look Arabs have 21 states and there are 56 Muslim states out there, there is only one Jewish state. So we just have no where to go.
  16. @Danioover9000 ok point taken. And by the way I can also post a lot of atrocities that Arabs are doing to Jews, I can post tremendous articles from but I am not doing that, I am not looking for sympathy from you guys, we are taking it as a men. There are a lot of rock throwing and stabbing from the so called Palestinians, but then don’t blame us when we shoot at them. I just don’t like this idea of forwarding one side and expecting to feel sympathy. But ok I will take your point that it’s a forum where people like to post but so you should know I have tons of info to post and I am not doing that, in my opinion it’s a cheap way of just propaganda. @Rafael Thundercat I like your Bible post, now we have a common point where to pick up. See I took the chat to my level now. I am proud and impressed of you.
  17. I am a bit confused of your statement unless there is a typo, so you are saying if your government would do genocide you would not complain? Anyways what do you define we are liars and did not hold on our promises. Look I will tell you things they way they are. I know many of my citizens are trying to appease all sides and it may look like hypocrisy and to some extent you may be right in that. But I tell you things like they are, I think, I act and I speak all in the same manner. But what promises did we made a not keeping them? The only one promise that I can see is that we were suppose to be religious observant and most of us are not. Ok that I will give it to you. Oh our God is definitely not a sucker and whatever was prophesied is coming true whether the entire world likes it or not. And you know the sad part, is that my God is same as your God and same as everyone’s else God.
  18. @Raze no offense but a lot of stuff you post is pure BS. Especially the 1956 event where the Arabs dare to cross the border of a legal country, what do you think the border guards would do? And I am surprised only 6 were killed, you just don’t cross the border, especially when from that side you had terrorist constantly shoot from the hilltops, so it’s not like they were crossing the border from friendly countries. Bit serious this conversations seems not to go anywhere and it’s just circles at the same topic. I mean if posting those things give you orgasm, then be my guest. I don’t think there is much point to get into debates at this point as you clearly show only one side. However, in the meantime, we have our side and we are protecting it. And by the way as an American writer George Orwell once said, “we guard our homes well and ready to deliver violence on those who want to do us harm” If you truly love Palestinians, take them to whatever country you are from and care for them and cater to them and even allow your own home to them and for you, listen you are enlightened, you don’t need home, the entire world is home so even park or forest can be a mention for you.
  19. I beg to differ my friend, I spent many years learning and studying Torah (Bible) you want to pick a topic to argue, we can have amazing conversation here. I can quote you any passage from Bible from my heart. And my friend I am doing awakening work all the time. Indeed I believe I am in a good place. Listen there is a self survival here and you don’t know when it means when you are bombed by rockets and you don’t know which one can fall on your head. So you can’t judge a place where you are not there. And I am sure for whatever country you live in, if they had such shit, they would have done hundred times worse. also at @Karmadhi you mentioned about ethnic cleansing few posts earlier. Now, the Bible says on this land only Israel would exist and no other country, and while many Israelis do want to seek peace and don’t mind to cut their country in half or in quarter or into so many peaces (whom you call lefties) or make ten states here, the way God runs the world is that he makes even the most liberal Israelis take gun and wipe Palis out of here. I am telling you, God does not make mistakes and everything runs according to His plan. And nothing against @Nivsch, but many people in Israel do support his vision and they are willing to give away everything even Jerusalem to have peace and no fighting, but, as we say here in Israel, Baruch HaShem, The Lord has His own vision and the Palis will eventually be gone from the Holly Land, one way or another. I am fascinated how God runs this world, indeed things are happening accordingly, you want proof? Read Zachariah, and then Jeremiah and Isaiah. But please don’t complain to me, take your beef with God Almightly.
  20. My point exactly. This is the negotiating point. Now let’s communicate.
  21. My proof is the Bible man. Open the Torah start with Genesis 15:18 where God gives the Land of Israel to Jews. We are not colonizers but we take our land back. Go to your local church and ask for Bible and I will guide you where to read. And by the way I do not change my mind. Where I am I will always be, Gennadiy always remains Gennadiy, regarding or any political, social or economical change. I research and I know my shit. Look you want to argue with me about ethics or morality, you probably can out argue but don’t argue with me about Bible, I studies that stuff pretty deep and I can debate anyone on that issue. @Danioover9000 it’s always nice to hear from you and thank you for not forgetting about me. You asked two questions. So about Ukraine and if the soldiers were not in school, that I have no idea, I will not debate something that I don’t know, that I hear from news outlets only and my info is as good as the news agency tells. As far as that Hospital goes, first of all I have relatives and cousins who are actually on the battle field. They have no reason to lie, look if you want to go that far, then you cannot believe anything except what you witnesses yourself, then we would come to idea of solipsism. But speaking to my cousin who is actually in a high rank, cannot mention his name as it’s part of government secret, yes the Hamas were shooting rockets from that so in order to save people they had to use air strike. However, what he told me, again what he told me (and he is an honest person) the brigadier said not to speak that Hamas was shooting rockets, I don’t knew what is the intention, but they did let US counterparts know, so I would assume Biden knows but for some reason they prefer not to say publicly, that’s why America would not condemn and neither are major American outlets. I don’t know if there is a secret or a game they are playing, I am relaying what happened. @Karmadhi you keep saying that it’s out of proportion. No as I said I am not willing to loose my citizens one vs one. They attack us first, they penetrated our borders and kidnapped my people, so they have to suffer the consequences. And as I said many times, they all do not worth our finger nail, so if I could keep ration 0 to tens of thousand I would more than love to. however, if I would be a prime minster of Israel, no Palestinian would be hurt, because I would transfer them all out and let them live happily with their Arab brethren and we would live happily in our state, and there would be no war.
  22. I see your point. Actually few people are also complained to me that Vice lately is getting too much into drug use. So you should know they were not like that before. I have been watching them for many years and they did produced good documentaries. But I see your point. So not sure what attracts me now to Vice, is it the knowledge for the topic or maybe addiction for the topic. lol.
  23. I was watching this short Vice piece and they claim that Meth is not so dangerous as they portray it is, especially that skin does not get deteriorated and teeth do not fall off. Vice is legit source of info, and I doubt they would lie like that, I would be more believing that government is adding extra lies to advert people of not using it. Of course I am not a fool and it’s not good for you, but is it that bad as they portray? What’s your opinion?
  24. @Karmadhi sorry but you are super wrong on this. I just spoke with someone from the military and they were exchanging fires with militants from hospital, that’s a first hand information, I know at least few people on the battle field now. That’s why they had to use Air Force for protection to destroy the militants. Now the main question is why it’s not being told in public that actually Hamas militants were shooting rockets from the same hospital that is a mystery to me. However, the US is aware and they did tell their American counterparts, and they got ok from US military. So the heading stands clear, Russia did attack hospital and killed Ukrainians but an air strike did destroyed hospital in Gaza. There is a lot of things what they don’t report what’s happening in actuality, which in my opinion is wrong and it gives false impression that people like you fall into that trap, but how many people have direct communication with soldiers here? Sorry brother but we need get rid of terrorists. Oh and the house on south Hebron Hills that @Raze posted was a home of one terrorist who was liquidated and since his home was covering him, the house went together with his, to hell. It’s a war of good vs evil and USA and a lot of free world does understand. And besides, even the Arab states are not doing anything about it as they know what is happening and notice there is no protest in Saudi, or UAE or others.