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Everything posted by Gennadiy1981

  1. Leo you are 100%. My Israeli counterparts here are sort of shy to use the word Bible, I know they will argue against me and will say that I don’t represent them. I am not a hypocrite, I will tell you the way things are, I don’t like to lie nor can I even lie. Yes it is precise the Bible that commanded us to have the Land of Israel, we are forbidden to create a state anywhere else but in Israel and it is because God says so. Not the people, not the current events, not the politics but God Himself. I can quote you from the book of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Zachariah, they all speak of that. You know what they say, the more things change, the more they remain the same. And wait till you see the final biblical war of Gog and Magog, it will blow your pants away, it says when the cloud dust will cover the sun, I expect something of the nuclear arsenal. And Zachariah says that the Dina, battle will be over Jerusalem where the king of the west will clash with the king of the east. I really think it’s time for you to go to your local church library and start reading Bible.
  2. I am reading all these posts and I can see how all of you are so biased to Israel. You all are the real reason why we need to have a Jewish State because it is precise of this perverted morality that we have been exiled from one place to another, and no, when we were exiled we didn’t have our own army or our own country, we were kicked out for being ourselves and this shows that the most world is still stuck in low human development world. I am amazed how people cannot see what is right and what is wrong. Thank God the American government does see it correct and it stands with us, regardless of your opinions. When Hamas attacks us, they deliberately attack innocent people, and when we fight we specifically target terrorists. And this is a product of war when innocent dies, what did they expect would happen, they didn’t expect we would go to rescue our own. And no, the entire Gaza citizens are not worth our citizen finger nail, so this is the mentality we begin with. While we do not attack first, it you come with a sword, then form a sword you will die. And you keep mentioning Biden offered a solution, well Hamas is the one who does not respond for your info, why do you think America is so unequivocal support us, because Israel is responsive and the other side is not. Also stop with this left wing or right wing, it’s just a label for the other side. Look we have only one Jewish state and we cannot afford to loose it, because you all people when we lived among you, you gave us such dubious benefits such as crusades and inquisitions and pogroms and Holocaust. Thank you but no thanks. Finally we are not grabbing any land, stop with this nonsense, if you refer to greater Israel that is in the Bible it’s from Nile to Euphrates that would be todays Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and eastern Egypt. While it would be very nice to have, we are modern people and we live in modern times and in the Bible it says when Messiah will come we will have those land but until then, it’s not ours. And whatever we currently possess is ours, it was always ours and news flash for you, we will never allow to have someone else build a state there. And first of all it was promised under Belfaour Declaration and we won in war fair and square and of course because it is says in the Bible, it clearly states there. I know Leo does not like the word Bible but Bible is very interconnected with that Land so it’s not possible to speak without Bible. oh and don’t hate us for being God chosen people, complain to God why He made such decision. All we did was to accept it without questioning it, totally not our fault.
  3. If we had to kill 270,000 to get four hostages we would do that as well. Your war morale is very perverted. This is not how you fight a war. They started it and they abducted my citizens (and you never know it could have been me as well as I go to festivals) and you expect us to sit quiet. You are very lucky that Netanyahu is extremely ethical person and does not do real carnage, be it another leader, Gazans may have been a historical figure by now.
  4. @Danioover9000 actually the only parameters to become president is to be born in USA, be over 35 and live in the States for the past 14 years, that’s it, nothing else. Now for all other elected officials, it’s a fair game, no rules whatsoever. I think the court did disservice to the nation, realistically, it’s not possible to be guilty on all counts, even big cases that happened still people were charged on some and acquitted on the others. But that’s not my point, the reason I say they did big disservice is that they make it even more polarizing and it really comes down to individual people who just hate each other more and more. I was actually in Manhattan when the jury was happening, I actually was there accidental for totally different reason and I saw the two protest happening, one for Trump and one against. I tried to observe from totally meta perspective and what I realized the two sides were really spewing hatred at each other, that’s really what it boiled down to, American was cursing American. People were just cursing and wishing that the other side dies and etc. I am not sure why each side was so passionate about it, it’s not like that particular individual was found guilty and it’s not like that particular individual would face a sentence. But what I was able to spot, was our human development went bit down. And mind you, there were people who came from work and some even were dress fine so it’s not like it was a homeless gathering. So what I want to say is that at this particular moment the American development is bit low and making this political stunt does not help much. And let’s be honest, it was a stunt also.
  5. I don’t believe @Danioover9000 you are correct, there is no prohibition in our constitution about people with charges to run in the politics. There were a lot of senators and mayors and assembly with records who went totally fine. The entire case is weird, in realistic court a person never gets guilty on all accounts, let’s be honest. Some they find guilty and some they let it go. You can’t say there was no bias. But at this moment it’s not possible as you cannot have only one candidate running and to make a second primary would not be possible given so little time left. But also it kinda gave Trump publicity as well. There is defiantly more circus here and more theater that’s for sure. I am trying to look through neutral perspective here and I do notice that 99% of all of you are biased to one or the other. Even Leo, no offense but let’s be honest, and that’s fine. Though I think democrats also made a mistake they could have selected someone stronger than Biden, because of all people, if someone can loose to Trump it would only be Biden. I would say anyone else, would probably defeat Trump. So that’s the question I am also pondering on. The more I see how this whole thing goes the more likely Trump will win the candidacy. But being fair, Biden was a good president as well, he still comes from the old fashion democrats and what the other side kept scaring that he would shift America to different direction did not happen. I would say he is a real centrist and is very much more like the presidents we had until 2000.
  6. Want to share an experience, will not go into details where, but went on a business trip, somewhere in US and spent a day and met truly stage blue community. Not mentioning what religion they were or what town but it’s more of a concept than nuance. And so you should know in that particular small community, is where people carry Bible with them wherever they go, and if for example on a college campus you will hear students say F word in every sentence, those people use the word Satan and Hell in almost every sentence. At first I was warned not to interact with them, but I remember watching Leo’s two part serious of understanding Liberal and Conservative mind and myself being back then in a modern state of Bible community, of course nothing as radical as this, I decided that they are also humans, probably not as developed but then again who says we are better than them, we should allow everyone in as the higher in stages you go the more open minded you should be. So they first ask you whether you believe in God, and I feel that instead of finding a common ground, they are initially looking for differences. Again, I’m not saying all of them are like this or stage blue people are, it was just my personal experience at that particular place in that particular time. I told him that I used to study Bible, but I found other ways to live life and to be happier, so right from the get-go they already told me that my path will only lead me to hell. Especially there was one individual who sort of wanted to communicate with me, or should I say wanted to re-educate me. It’s interesting to note, that I approached him with questions, while he tried to re-educate me, and again used Satan and hell, in every sentence. Then he asked me bluntly, whether I believe in God, and, of course, I told him a very unpopular answer that there is a unity and you and God is one, to which he quickly backed up from me, call me a devil or devils protégé, and told others the distance away from me as I will lead all of them to sin. I spoke to another individual and asked him if he ever heard of psychedelics, to which he was surprised, never heard, and being in the religious community, I told him that this may bring close to God. In the reply the person repeated what the first one said and stated if it’s not in Bible it must be from Devil, no other way. That day I spoke to a few individuals, but unfortunately, the conversation did not go well, so I wonder, should we even bother communicating with such people or it’s a waste of time? Or maybe it’s our ego that things were better and we should try to understand them? Or we should totally ignore them and called them ignoramuses? To be truly honest, some answers made me giggle, but I tried to hold my laugh, but other answers made me realize that while we live in the same country, we look like two different species. But those people are your neighbors? Should we get into any dialogue? oh, and to conclude, there was already a rumor in the small town that I practice Satanism and I should be excommunicated. Again, I didn’t come there to change their mind, not at all I just wanted to see them as human to human how much in common we have, but what I learned is that there is no common grounds. You say I could bend, and be flexible but they do not band. It’s their way or the highway. Does anyone have any idea or input? What would you do, is there even a point in doing anything.
  7. I took a break from this forum but I see it keeps going on and on. You know what I realized is that once you made up your mind it’s impossible to convince otherwise. Those who support Israel will keep supporting and does who demonize will keep demonizing. I read at least 5 pages of this thread and it’s like each person just pushes their side, no one is even listening, so forget about even solutions. It’s funny someone asked what can be a solution and getting right politicians, but understand the world today is blue and orange on spiral dynamics. Now I would assume people on this forum are mostly green and yellow and I thought few would be slightly turquoise, but notice how blind everyone is and if we cannot have a normal conversation here, how do you expect people on a lower level to communicate. I guess Israel is very special that’s why no one is indifferent but you must choose a side and it just bothers the world of its existence. Doing spiritual work I started to look down at the Bible but the Bible is right when it underlines Israel and says that the final war of humanity will be about Israel. As much as I try to dismiss Bible, it’s pretty much accurate. But in any case, my humble advice to all of you, switch to a different topic, unless you get orgasm by posting videos and just arguing.
  8. Found cute video wanted to share
  9. Was watching this weekly talk show with guest Jim Lee. He is actually very neutral when it comes to this topic and done very deep research, He debunks many theories but he brings very interesting and alarming thing that apparently the regular passenger airplanes are responsible for damaging our ozone layer and create the extra clouds that are filled with metals. Very in depth conversation, bit long but worth listening to it. I like that he does not take any position and actually really define what chem trails are, as oppose to conspiracy theories out there. But at the end of the day, it makes you think a lot, would you give up flying and save our planet?
  10. Hi everyone, this is not a political or religious thread, but rather to entertain the mind. I was really contemplating a lot, since so many major religions speak about of coming of the messiah I decided to give it a try. So technically, we have two options. Either Messiah is a total nonsense, and nothing in that manner will ever happen, or maybe something will happen, besides many nations and major religions throughout generations spoke about the coming. So, if whoever Messiah is, will come one day, I really think it would be either an individual or individuals, of stage turquoise of course and not below, and only will appear to a Society of stage turquoise. But for sure, it will not be a stage blue type individual that many scriptures and book describe, because that is a very limited and narrow minded approach. You see those individuals at stage blue have much primitive and extremely skewed Messiah, and whatever does not fit their agenda they rejected the others. You will be surprised that even in the same religious belief, different people from different parts of the world have their own version of Messiah, which believe it, or not, may be a radical different, from the same religious beliefs. but imagine if humanity reached a high stage yellow, or beginning of stage turquoise, where everyone gave up their biases, and we are such an advanced level, then the idea of Messiah is a whole different story whatever they teach us in the Bible. What do you all think, do you think it will be someone that Bible describes or is a total nonsense? Do you really think it’s all bogus where half of the world speaks about the Messiah, can that be such a bologny to say the least?
  11. I personally would support this interview. Everyone if you noticed for the past 10 years, we don’t have real interviews, all news outlets just propagate their agenda. Whatever channel you watch is what you expect to hear, I think the last real journalist was Barbara Walters, who actually interviewed Saddam Hussein, Fidel, Castro, and others. A real journalist should ask questions regardless of political faction. Honestly, this days, whoever is invited on the respect to talk show we already know what you’re gonna say, there’s no debates anymore, real debate everything is just staged,Honestly, this days, whoever is invited on the respect to talk show we already know what you’re gonna say, there’s no debates anymore, real debate everything is just staged
  12. @Girzo No we got Israel fair and square, because 6,000 brave man placed their lives on line in 1948 to gain independence and because so many brave men constantly still offer the country an ultimate sacrifice. Israel existed and will exist only because God said so. You and I and the rest of the world can argue and debate, laugh and cry but the fate will be in God's hands as you see it fit. Again I did not speak of greater Israel, which is from Nile to Euphrates, maybe I should speak, but I will not. At this moment in time I do not have claims to other territories and be it as it may, but whatever we have now, is ours.
  13. I am amazed by your knowledge of Judaism. You definitely did not read the Torah. I would like to point your direction into one of the many verses, specifically to Numbers 33:52-56, what the Torah says, "And you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you ... But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come to pass that those which you let remain of them, shall be thorns in your eyes and thistles in your sides and shall torment you in the land wherein you dwell. And it shall be that I will do to you as I thought to do to them." You can outargue me on the ethical stance and I can give you that, but dont argue with me about Judaism, I can debate anyone on that as I know my facts and I deeply studied my religion. And not sure what you mean by greater Israel, your definition is flawed to say the least. The Greater Israel in the bible is defined in the bible in Genesis, Chapter 15:18, "In that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates", the Greater Israel as defined in the Bible includes all of todays Israel, Jordan, Sinai Peninsula and eastern Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. However, I am not an extremist, I know there are legal states there and until Messiah comes I am satisfied with the Land of Israel I have. And for your info, Israel was never that small in size, it was much larger, but again for peace purposes I will sit quiet and will not lay nay claims to other Lands that by the way, under the League of Nation, 77% of Palestinian Mandate was cut form us and made a fictions State called Jordan. But for peace purposes I am fully recognizing that state. With that said, we will not give up any more land, there will never be a Palestine State inside Israel, it never existed, does not exist and never will. I am being very flattened and honest with you, I am more of a minority type, who thinks, acts and says all the same, I have no intention or interest at deceiving the facts. You mentioned Netrei Karta, its a small fragile movement, that is very insignificant to majority of Jewish opinion, it wont even make a statistical error in numbers, they are extremely insignificant and do not represent the world Jewry opinion nor of religious opinion. And finally, America does not support any country out of love, there are political interests. At this moment in time, America feels more trustworthy with Israel as Arab nations. In return, we have to buy American weapons, we have a U.S. military storage in Negev and a U.S. military base in Haifa.
  14. Wow you still have this thread. Seriously you are really obsessed, move on. @Nivsch & @Vrubel why are you wasting your breath, at this point its just back and forth conversation, you will not convince them, they are determined against Israel no matter what. Just focus your attention to help Israeli soldiers and the country instead of immersing yourself with this pointless debate. Why are we even arguing for Israel's right to exist, we are here to stay, period, even if all the anti-semites of the world will scream otherwise, thats the best what they can do is scream. If they love so called "Palestinians" let them absorb into their country and create Palestine in their region. Spare us the trouble.
  15. Hi everyone I took a break from this chat, became too toxic. Honestly to all of you, you all lost it. I have not been for over a month and did not missed anything, still same talk, everyone you are so obsessed, seriously move on. Close this topic, it’s not healthy to anyone. Move to spiritual development, make something useful of your time. This will make you all angry and look at all of you, no one listens to each other at this point, everyone just speaks to himself/herself. Just reread what all of you wrote. I thought you all high conscious type of people. You just others to be primitive but you are no better. My humble advice, go to different threat, go to spirituality, psychedelics or spiritual development. This will not serve you any good.
  16. I am posting this topic specifically here and not in psychedelics as I really think it’s applicable only here. To administrators, please do not relocate this topic. Leave it here. I took with a sitter 2.5 grams of penis envy and oh boy was it a strong dose. For ceremonial doses I always take minimum if 4 grams of other mushrooms and this small dose got me into such journey that I saw and learned so much. You know we all got sucked so much into this matrix. I mean look at all of us, we lost touch with our human sense, I even admit myself being guilty of it. We keep forwarding different YouTube clips here without communication with one another. Our ego reached such precedented levels that we don’t even communicate with others but posting our only opinion. We don’t even talk to each other. I have been reading the political comments and it’s about only individual opinion, people have been positing the same comments over and over without even understanding the other. We all lost it. Some even said that the globalists are involved here. Well guess what, you fell right into their hands. Some people post such long writings that I am sure they would not even reread themselves. We spent numerous hours watching and posting videos here without understanding the other side. I feel that we are in the matrix. This journey showed me that I got to much sucked in, and that’s true, this whole thing navigated me from self development work. Common people what happened to you and your enlightenment, this is not how enlightened people act, we suppose to act form the value of love. And you expect the world politicians to act differently if you cannot set yourself as an example. Honestly ask yourself why are you even on this political forum and not on the self development or self actualization topics, see how this topic sucked you in that now you started to watch political clips that I am sure most were ignoring in the past. Where is your love? You ask how can anyone help? You can show love to whatever side you support. Wanna show real love! Why don’t you offer food for people or invite them home and offer nice hosting or educate them about your experience of using psychedelics and achieving unity with divine or tell them that every human soul is pure and absolute and that every human can achieve reaching to its divine potential. Do that instead of just forwarding one side bias or even conspiracy videos out there. Honestly, I think the healthy way is to take a break from this political forum for me and I strongly encourage others. Leo actually is very smart that he barely replies and keeps himself out of it. Seriously you all, show love for each other.
  17. @Merkabah Star right and that’s why we should not get surprised when those marches get banned. And for sure many people who protest, may not realize the difference between Hamas and people from Gaza. Most of them especially people on the left, would never wish in their nightmare to be ruled over by Hamas, forget about them hating Israel, the Hamas charter in general is very radicalized extreme religion and very hard core in conservative views without any tolerances or open mindedness.
  18. Yes actually one of the organizers said he stands with Hamas, and that cause the ban. I really think he had no idea what he said but people have to choose their words wisely. In that organization the second org sizer was part of LGBTQ movement and those people have no idea whom they support and what that organization really stands for and against. It’s interesting to note that I was in dance party and a DJ girl had a small sign on her shirt supporting actually Hamas, their green flag. Looking at this girl she was very openly dressed, she does not even recognize that if Hamas would be in power controlling any region, she would have to be fully covered with only eyes expose and not wear shorts where her undies were exposed. Most people join things they have no idea what they support and many if they really know what they were supporting would not really support.
  19. Oh i didnt know that, where did you see that? Did something happened to Leo? Where was it stated, I was not aware of such?
  20. So in that case Leo is right when he speaks of conspiracy theories. Say they are true or they are not true, what are you going to do about it on such a global level. At best it will distract you from actualizing yourself. So sit back and just watch more of Leo's videos. Actually speaking of videos, I want to start petition for Leo to start producing more videos, we haven't had a new video in a long time. I spoke privately to few people and they also miss his videos. I wonder how I can start that. Any ideas?
  21. I agree with that and many years back, learning about the middle east in general, the west definitely fuels things, and fuels a lot. Not saying anything, but seems like the West (USA + Europe) kinda wants to see conflict there.
  22. @Emerald Thank you, i think you hit in on the nail with your three option deal. I choose the third option. Now would you please leave us alone. As far as Ethno state, ok, when you have 21 Arab Nationalist States and when you have 56 Muslim States and you have Christian States as well as democratic states and all types of States, it would be fair to have one Jewish State, i am not asking for 5 or 10, just one. And when you convert all other states into pure democratic non binary states then we can speak of Jewish state, but until then, no thanks. This is a core of our argument, everything else, is very surface secondary. I hope I made it very clear and what we want. I dont think it can be any more clear, but feel free to ask me more questions, i am very honest person and I am not one of those people who say one thing, thinks something else and does third. I am very blunt and straight to the point person.
  23. That’s very deep @Bobby_2021and very true if you think in meta terms. I really think as long as you have humanity you will always have conflicts. Try to contemplate on this idea, imagine a world without conflicts, I don’t honk such can exist in the world of duality. Can we have a movie without any conflict, without any challenges. For protagonist to exist you need to have antagonist. Otherwise it will be a very boring reality to live in, think about that. It’s like we need conflict to even exist. Try to write a novel without a conflict or a scene, on one hand, don’t you want everything perfect, say describing a love couple who have perfect relationship and nothing happens to them, and they have no challenges? Or such scenario cannot even exist, note that.
  24. You want to hear real Rabbi speaks on Judaism and Zionism, then hear this and let me know what you think and your opinion.
  25. Thank you @AerisVahnEphelia if you would not volunteer to say what you did, I would actually pay you to say what you did. To all, see this is perfect example to what happens to those who run out of arguments. I think it’s beautiful what she said to say the least. This is foundation of our consciousness. Now let’s pick up from here.