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About Incognito

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  1. Shadow work.
  2. Game level: HARDCORE
  3. Ashkenazi jewish was pretty unexpected. I have piercing blue eyes and really white skin, so Hitler can bite my ask
  4. I like dark vibes in a music but I don't agree with your 'only dark is pure' conclusion. Yes, dark can be thought of as deep and people listening to happy/light music are most of the times swallow and don't want to experience the intensity of negative emotions because they're afraid of their shadow... but that isn't always the case. My music changes depending on my emotional state. I appreciate both happy/dark music and that doesn't affect my worldview too much. There are songs which aren't dark but can enhance your awareness and understanding tremendously. For me, that's the true light and if you want to be whole, you should be able to enjoy both sides of the spectrum.
  5. I don't care who's he in his reality. In my reality he's just an idiot.
  6. How can I block users such as this one? I have no energy to read stupid replies.
  7. First rule of Fight Club: Stop making assumptions about people you don't know and you have no idea what they're talking about.
  8. Human is just a role you're playing in the collective consciousness. Alien is also a role.
  9. Yep, it seems that we're heading towards something really bad...
  10. Yes, I also think she has emotional issues and her ego is very big. But we aren't in the position to judge anyone. Her videos are brilliant, so behind her 'shadow' is a great wisdom. Learn to appreciate ideas instead of people. People will always disappoint you no matter how great they are. I think that's her shadow. Behind her mask, I feel like she's a very sensitive soul and she's trying to appear as tough as possible as a way to protect herself. She's afraid of being vulnerable.
  11. Just like in a lucid dream you have to be conscious to manifest something at your will. As humans we cannot control much because we're mostly unconscious and do most of the things on autopilot.