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About LittoDitto

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  1. My new dentist took x-rays today, and had a A.I. tool that showed cavities. Why not just look for cavities the old fashioned way of analyzing a x-ray by themselves, and probing around your tooth with their explorer instrument?
  2. I'll just tell you my reaction to this, although the spider is in a cramped spot, would be for me to get a jar, catch it, and then put it outside. Maybe get a ruler to get it out to a more open area. It feels decent to do that, but it's not like I'm overwhelmed with enjoyment after doing it lol. Killing it may make you upset. I'm sure the philosophy on the matter goes way deeper, but generally, keeping the spider alive and moving it away from me, makes me feel good. But don't feel upset you killed it! You doing that made this post!
  3. Hello, I've been experiencing this feeling and thinking for a couple of weeks now. I think it involves getting into the present moment, realizing objects around me, and then realizing I am in a completely alien world. I would label the world as "bad" and "unknown". Also, I think if I investigated and went deeper into this feeling, madness would result. Before this, and still, I would use the same method and feel the opposite. If I do that, I can label the world as "pure magic" and "unknown". Basically, I don't know if the spiritual world is good or bad, but it is unknown. And feeling like the spiritual world is "unknown" and "bad" puts me in a depressive state. Do you know what's going on here? I appreciate the feedback. Thank you!
  4. Do you mean physically meeting face to face with a therapist, or do you think online sessions face to face would work?
  5. Does gender just mean what you identify as? I'm not very knowledgeable in this gender language haha.
  6. By definition, abortion is murder only if abortion is illegal.
  7. Trump manipulates in a lower consciousness way than Harris does. Did you steal my sandwich, Trump? Trump: No, Harris did. Did you steal my sandwich, Harris? Harris: One of us stole your sandwich. Right now I think both parties are bad, but one produces a lot more confusion than the other.
  8. If you want to try a mild change, watch Bob Ross before going to sleep on your phone on lowest possible brightness. If you want to try a large change, flip your shower time from morning to night, or night to morning and see if that helps.
  9. I'd like to see more art.
  10. I've been in the "Now" before, but life hit me and now I just don't know anymore. Not really sure if I've progressed or regressed basically. mmm, maybe that's what I need to find out.
  11. I'm not sure how to know what comes after physical death when I haven't physically died before.
  12. If weed harms you in a sufficiently, unexpectedly, possibly permanent way, you will lose interest in it (traumatization). This of course is not a ideal method, but it is what happened to me. (Don't try and harm yourself with weed.) I am open to maybe eating edibles again one day, but I have a extremely low probability of ever smoking it again.
  13. Do you think civil war is possible whether or not trump is elected eventually? Who would be the opponents? When would it happen?
  14. So i'm going on vacation in the next couple of weeks, and i've been researching about bed bugs and how they can be in hotels. I've been watching this bed bug exterminator guy on youtube, and he recommends spraying a pesticide in my house (and maybe vehicle) before leaving as a preventative measure so bed bugs will die if you bring them home. Do you think this is worth doing? I'll be staying at a few hotels.