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Everything posted by Zedman

  1. Is anyone going to address the actual proposed argument? Funny how its being labelled anti-something, conspiracy and Joe Rogan and Russel Brand are this and that and we are looking at meta perspectives and beating around the bush basically. @Epikur If you are going to propose an argument stay on topic and dont get distracted
  2. @Tobia Wow I had it in the back of my mind that colonialism still exists to some extent but this video was eye opening. So why does a wealthy society has to make cuts despite being more wealthy than ever? I cant see a civil solution here. Either weath redistribution through civil war or more colonialism and I bet collective ego will go for the latter. Of course there is an option of becoming more loving and less needy. But things are heating up so quickly it will require a miracle.
  3. This idea comes from retirement age protests in France. Underlying issue is that the system is not wealthy enough to satisfy everyones needs so it has to cut. Governemnt is in a pickle. It cant upset the wealthy donors and it cant upset poor and angry protesters. You know what is going to be the solution noone is going to be protesting about? Looking outwards aka imperialism. Actually everyone is going to be happy. In a typical fashion this will be presented as anti-imperialism. For example fighting chinese influence and exploitation of Tanzania, fighting for human rights in Uganda and druglords in latin america. Coincidentally we already ramped up weapons industry Solution is societal change and more equal wealth distribution but it is slow process and things are ramping up quickly so governments will go for imperialism which will ultimately lead to war. Please tell me I am wrong.
  4. I am still not convinced man. Each of 2 arguments cant stand on its own and is wrong. Can we really put two wrongs together and get a right? And now we even opened a can of worms about consent and about measuring levels of consciousness. And until what age is it ok? Lets say child got deformed at 2 months? is it ok? 2 years, still ok? Each of which is another debate on its own. I am not anti abortion but my feeling and intuition says born baby is a no-no.
  5. @LSD-Rumi Then why do you need the other justification? Lets say for a thought experiment we established that babies feel pain and are self aware. So what? One second of pain and fear for the great purpose of better life on earth?
  6. @LSD-Rumi You made a case based on a thing that babies dont feel anything and are not self aware. Then why do you need to justify it further by needing baby to be deformed?
  7. Brain sees no difference between fantasy and reality. I am never progressing because I have fullfilled my desires through movies, history, porn, thoughts and fantasy scenarios. Desire can get fulfilled by looking at the screen. Working on a solution right now. I still cant answer a spimple question whats the difference? Why should I go for one more than the other?
  8. Example: You fail with a girl and afterwards feel sad, regretful, weak, unworthy so you start training and improving but wounds like that fade away with time. So your subconscious in its infinite wisdom will sabotage your next attempt so that you have motivation to improve and keep being healthy. Basically you want to associate bad emotions with good outcomes? You will then naturally lean towards creating yourself bad emotions because remember? You thought yourself its somehow good.
  9. Unintended consequences. Your emotional world is extremely complicated and works in counterintuitive ways. And you have no access to how it works. It is composed of millions of variables and mechanisms and all you can see on the surface is ME ANGRY ME STONG, ME HURT ME DONT WANT HURT SO WORK HARDER.
  10. @martins name While trying to assume my origins you completely missed the point. What I said applies universally to any country and any policy. Your proposition is good but hard and expensive to implement. Investment vs reward ratio is simply not worth it unless drug problem is really really bad like it was in Portugal 2001. And even then they went for cheapest most easily implementable option. I mean no offense or disrespect but your proposition requires facilities, safety audits, certification offices, additional police forces to crack down on illegal use and it just might not work anyway because people want to use drugs and go party and break roadsigns not sit in a white padded room
  11. To make ideas into reality you need power. Financial power, political power, power of persuasion, power of love. I think it will require a lot of power to achieve this. A metric ton of power to convince conservatives for example. Sorry drug problem but we need that power elsewhere.
  12. Driving a car is dangerous but I need to go Going to war is dangerous but I need to protect Psychodelics are dangerous but I need to know Will I live in fear of the above?
  13. @aurum I introduce you to a concept of forced binary. My afromentioned argument inspired many people to try bsychedelics and some of them killed themselves. You are the judge. Will you put me in jail or not? Its either I am guilty or not. @Sempiternity Psychedelics < Bsychedelics @Thought Art Of course I am cautios. Cautiosness is the reason I made this trollpost. If I ever use psychedelics as an argument for spirituality and get a response that its dangerous should I reply "duuuh everything is dangerous"?
  14. Too basic. Below is pattern I noticed Question--->narcissistic answer ---> narcissist --->humble answer ----> normal That being said 22/40
  15. Getting strange vibes when I discuss solipsism with someone and have to pretend I dont exist. I am telling the truth and bullshitting at the same time
  16. @Federico del pueblo I am very reluctant to address my subconscious as something to be reprogrammed. Seems a bit deregatory. Perhaps unhealthy but I would even acknowledge my subconscious as a whole new person. That person is even smarter than me. After me becoming painfully aware at the depth and complexity of self deception, distraction and masterful emotional control subconscious has I can conclude that it is more me that my conscious verbal thought "self". That part of me probably considers me a cancer and I can even understand that. Just a little context. I have been struggling with this for all my conscious life. Yes, I have never invested into serious work but how can I if I am constantly at war with myself? The harder I push and I had some extremely good runs the harder the fall is. That thing is not a computer to be reporogrammed. Maybe I am. @Rafael Thundercat I consider myself to be lucky because all the dreams I heard from other people are plain boringness. My dreams are epic and otherworldly so much so that I cant answer if they are colorless like my dads. I simply cant tell if they are colorful or colorless. Its so insane. If I had myself sorted I would invest into exploring, memorising and writing them because they are really rich. So rich they served as proof for spiritual stuff back in the day. I could not believe a measly brain could GENERATE such expansive worlds, experiences and parallel plotlines in such short amount of time. My dream can seamlessly transform into 3 to 5 different stories per dream so I dont see how this is a communication bridge between conscious and subconscious. @Eternal Unity Your prompt response gave me a short burst of relief. However I need to know. How do you know you subconsious can hear your conscious chatter? Since it posesses a character it may choose to not listen? Perhaps its so busy with survival it has no time listening? Afterall subconscious to conscious mind is like quantum computer to a tetris. Can we even devise a definitive test knowing that subconscious is a self deceiver and a masterful trickster?
  17. And how to reliably test that? Recently I discovered that I have very poor understanding of my emotions and deepest desires. That part of me was always sabotaging my self development because I had neglected and disrespected it for the entire time. So now I want to flip things around, admit defeat and hand it the crown. I am doing this for a while now and I have disovered a whole new world to explore. But do I have to keep writing and reading it in the journal or is it enough to just keep contemplating using inner monologue? I can imagine I at least need a different way to communicate because that part of the brain is overloaded with all kinds of stimuli every second and my speech is only 0.1% of all the information that gets processed in that moment so its not registering it. Thank you!
  18. Last 2 episodes took me by surprise by showing that I am actually 100% liberal in my personal life and behaviour. My political views, social behaviour are opposite. Is that a cover up because I was raised in conservative society? Wooooow. Can we elaborate further about conservative vs liberal in personal behaviour. Leo touched upon that in breif but its a huge topic on its own, that shows a whole new perspective full of lessons on personal development. Like how about I apply my political views to my personal life. Why I think I am personally liberal: 1)I change job on average after 2 years, I lived in 2 countries and never felt homesick or afraid to travel and change things. I dont plan my travel trips. I do it on the go and its even kinda exciting. 2)I am not punctual. I am always 5 minutes late, even if I get up extra early. My projects are last minute jobs. 3)I am disorderly and chaotic. I live in these conditions just fine and even benefit from that. 4)I am creative rather than logical Would be nice to have a complete and detailed comparison list but I have to do it from different state of consciousness (you).
  19. Tried it. It goes away. Not worth it. It takes equal amount of effort to go delivs path. You are still trying to break out of your ego just into different direction. And it will swing back. For how long did you have this attitude?
  20. What is an absolute pls? You mean like axiom? not trolling, not tauning, not joking. What is absolute in this case?
  21. Embrace chaos lol. Being overprotective is one of those fears that will come true. If I am pulled to the dark side you want me here here or somewhere else? Give us discord, invest into moderarion. Ugly things will appear but underneath will be a dimond from time to time.
  22. Yeah Bentinho kinda fills the blanks and is more practical (egoical) which you really need sometimes. Like I understood free will in 10 minute mantra more than after 2 hour Leo's teaching. Not saying one is better than the other it just hits different. One is for conquering frontiers and the other is to keep you afloat.
  23. Lol why do I keep forgetting that? Every time I rmemeber this I try to integrate it then get questions along the way, get lost in answers and here I am asking the same question again what is ego. Its as if knowing this alone is not enough and is actually counterproductive. What would be the next thing to remember? And then the third? If I truly and deeply become conscious of this alone would I even ask what to do next? But If i dont follow up I keep disintegrating back. There is a deeper question hiding behind ''what is ego''. Why do I want to know this in the first place? I want to exploit the knowledge of it and gain benefit ofcourse. Which is very ego thing to do. But what if my benefit is my life purpose? There is so much missing to this description. I am more confused and exhausted having read this haha
  24. Please revisit older teachings for those stuck behind. Please prioritize topics that really matter. How many videos you have about understanding ego and how many videos you have about politics? One of them is the reason why so many people act like monkeys on this forum including me. Your recent content is for high consciousness people but I need help to be one in the first place! And there is criminally not enough content for that. Sorry and thanks!
  25. I am still suffering from the same, though less. What helped me was writing about it on the forum. Your fear is badly defined. Try it in more detail and you will see next time its not so bad. Simply describing it makes you more familiar. And the more you know the less afraid of it you are. At one point I was conscious how I placed these fears to protect myself against self harm because the only thing that could hurt me is me. So when I feel this fear I acknowledge it and say thank you then move onwards.