Clabber Girl

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Everything posted by Clabber Girl

  1. Sv3rige - this channel is incel central... he has videos with titles "never leave your comfort zone", "cars are for sissy little girls" and "women can't get better at sex"
  2. If you're balding, I wouldn't worry about it. Just shave it. Most girls don't care if you're bald. There are a ton of sexy bald guys out there and you can be one of them!
  3. The LPC Helped me gain some realizations on my true interests and values. But I think its something you need to revisit yearly... Values and LP statement, my values came easily - I was honest and did have some toxic values which was helpful. What I struggled with most was my zone of genius. I always liked comedy and standup my entire life, and I consider myself to be funny when I want to be(voted class clown in HS ). But I think I am too afraid to go after that ultimately. Long story short I think some portions came easier than others for me personally.
  4. Hey Everyone - So I am still single at 32 years old, I have had several relationships all lasting about 2 years or under. I cannot seem to find the right man... A few lessons I have learned along the way: Always use my intuition/gut feelings about a man If his friends dont like me or I dont like them its a red flag Quit wasting your time on men who you know are wrong for you but they are a source of familiarity and comfort Make sure they share similar values These are some takeaways from my past failed relationships. Could anyone else give me advice on how to find a good man? where are the best places to meet men? I like working out, golf and yoga. I have been thinking about joining a BJJ class to meet more people and gain self defense skills.
  5. In the past I certainly have been that party girl but in the past few years I have settled down to just working and socializing here and there I don't care for bars anymore. I like coffee shops and the library more to be honest, but I would still consider myself an extrovert. here are some reasons I have rejected men: Reasons men have rejected me in relationships Lied to me about his age - Stated there is no connection and mentioned that I did some immature things Didn't graduate high school Not ambitious Drinks too much/smokes too much weed too religious too republican/right leaning (many in my area are this way) Am I too picky? Are these shallow reasons for rejecting a man? Here are some reasons I have fallen for the wrong man that I KNOW are shallow consciously He was unavailable (I knew it deep down but ignored the signs) He had a sexy accent ... New Zealand accents ... yikes those are sexy He was a Doctor / Lawyer He smooth talked me in bed He had lots of friends / social status I know writing these down looks bad but it's my honest introspection and it sucks... But necessary. Ouch. I have seen myself look at other womens husbands/bfs and think "wow I wouldn't wanna be with him" b/c of XYZ shallow reason... so I agree with you but in reality, how do I quit being a dumb-ass/fool about this? My problem may be with recognizing greatness yes but how do you get better at that?....
  6. Yes I think this has been a pain point for me... I am not a good judge of character typically. Something to practice. I date someone for shallow reasons and get really excited about a future together. During the relationship I usually get very obvious signs that tell me maybe his character is not so good, like making me cry by not being very loving. Then the next guy I date gives me another hit of excitement then it the cycle all over again. @Aleister CrowleyyWomen can usually get laid easily... Its the dating a quality man part that is the struggle. I could walk out my door now and have sex.
  7. @Razard86 I agree, finding a man with those traits(ownership of words/actions, integrity, willing to work through issues) is rare. I consider my side of the room clean but not perfectly clean! I consider myself attractive(I have no problem attracting them), I am fit, I am well off financially, but like I said my social life is not the "cleanest" part of my life right now. I have made the decision to drift apart from several friendships that are no longer right for me and so my friend list is very small at the moment... My social life was really amazing when I was younger but now with everyone getting married, people change priorities and drift apart. I would consider that aspect not great about me @integral One man I have met online, work, bars, friends(when I was younger)
  8. @Devin Thanks Devin! I actually live in Ohio too, so I will checkout the social volleyball venues. I used to play in a kickball league when I lived in Phoenix and really enjoyed it. I always have wanted to do ballroom dance classes as well. I can be a bit introverted so getting out of my shell a bit will be challenging, so baby steps one at a time!
  9. I have read about attachment dynamic and I feel that I may be avoidant/insecure attachment style (my father left when I was young and I never met him, although I did have a step-dad we were never close). Considering talking to a therapist to help me gain more insight into how to be more secure in relationships. I don't date much so I think that socializing more is crucial to my development in this department, its been a source of huge heartbreaks and disappointment.
  10. I am in a similar position, but I am not feeling the joy that you have gained! In the past two years I have bought enough airbnbs and rental units so that I haven't worked in 4 months. A relationship has come to an end in that time and now I am feeling a bit depressed. I have taken the life purpose course and I need to get my ducks in a row to start pursuing it but all that said... I doubt I will ever go back to 9-5 job also. Its torture for the soul! I also enjoy meditation, reading, running, and golf. But the time has also let me reflect that most of the time I have spent in my life has been wasted... Your deepest regrets start bubbling up to the surface when not distracted with the 9-5 and its been a hard go for me.
  11. Midwest shroom trip: I like to put them in corn casserole... chew and swallow
  12. I would break up with her... If that's what you ultimately decide on then I will also advise the following: When approaching new women your age make sure they know you don't want a serious relationship/children Women 30+ tend to want something more serious and their biological clock is ticking so be respectful of their time
  13. Hello Everyone - In the past few years I have noticed many Instagram accounts, blogs and youtube channels dedicated to real estate investing education. I have bought my first rental property this past year and I plan on buying another this year. My long term goal in this endeavor is to cover my living expenses(financial freedom) in order to free up my time to pursue my life purpose. Currently I plan to continue buying rentals in a way that is meaningful and contributes to society that most real estate investors don't consider. Real Estate Investing Online guru accounts ramble on about their experience or goals or how to help you with your investing goals, but I don't see many helping those less fortunate or just clearly serving their own self interests. I have done lots of renovation work myself in the rental I bought this past year and I think that most of the value given to society is in the rehab of these homes so that people can live in a clean, safe place rather than being a slumlord that only seeks profit. Offering quality real estate to everyone in a way not done before is something I aspire to do with the majority of my career/life. I enjoy the creative side of rehabbing a home as well as the impact it can have on the tenant. Here are a few ideas that contribute to society - Start a rehab business that renovates older architecture / historical homes honoring their stories, making them better as historic properties or museums depending on the property. International and in the USA. Providing a maintenance service / property management company that will service group homes, shelters, sober living homes Real Estate Development - Start some sort of affordable housing offering similar to a manufactured home community in area that needs it I don't want to cater to those clients who want their dream home, I think the world has enough real estate agents/investors who will help them. Thoughts/comments are welcome.
  14. I agree that switching tasks is a huge productivity killer. Currently I work as an accountant and I try to communicate this to my managers but they seem to prefer someone who is able to multitask and constantly "switch gears". But I see a IMMENSE difference in my productivity if I am not able to concentrate on a task for even 2 hours. I have blocked off time on Microsoft outlook so that I do not receive calls or texts, my bosses responses to this was a curt - well what if I need to call you? this is deeply embedded in our culture, but in reality not everything can be priority and not everything is an emergency. We need to learn how to prioritize and practice a work "triage". Very hard in the accounting field.