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Everything posted by Applegarden8

  1. Is that even possible? I tought you were in a healthy, well I mean "healthy by the means of society or slightly above, because you do have a quite an ability to self reflect" relationship.
  2. Ok, I don't need to study and analyze all the aspects which makes a human being feminine nor list the ones I have. I am not preparing for a debate. I listed two and it made you think I am not. So now I have to prove something to you. Whatever. All the best to you. See you.
  3. It is funny that I have to prove that I am something. That is funny. And it not even the topic of the thread. Maybe you would like to marry me instead so that we can disqualify each other and try to have a final word about nothing. BTW I type with my mouth closed, idk how about you. See you 9000 posts later.
  4. It doesn't matter. I don't have to prove my personal intuitions to anybody.
  5. You should marry @Schizophonia, you guys have a lot in common. You could disqualify each other for the rest of your lives.
  6. But isn't it interesting that when people come together and make larger society and by the virtue of technology it is a feature that gender roles and behavior even seem to diffuse. In the past if you were male you had to by circumstance emit these qualities. Now it's not necessary. But since attraction is very instinctive and people don't or can't self-reflect, the full circle of matching circumstance and expectation never happens. BTW I am a pretty feminine male, because I like to create art and seemingly meaningless things. I even sit with my legs crossed. I like being a man tho.
  7. Lower your standards, learn game, don't be creepy, learn to pass my tests or it can also really mean, learn to share your interests, be more polarizing and authentic, have a vision for your life, have/develop something in your life worth sharing.
  8. Well, ok, you are right. In my case I was not afraid of rejection. But I am very disconnected from my sexual desire for and connection with women. I have it and when I see a woman I will tell you, but, yes, I need to do some emotional or shadow work to desire a woman and escallate with her. I have a big problem there if I wanted a partner. It just doesn't register in my mind that I have to kiss her. It doesn't. Idk wether I was repressed as a man too much or something, or I meditated too much, but the impulse is not there. I am very disconnected from people and I am not authentic with most people. But this is why I am good at what I am, paradoxically.
  9. No, it's not just that. It's a guy who doesn't or doesn't know how to escallate I think. Not that he is just too afraid to be himself. Hello, I am a nice guy, but I have learned to be polarizing and I can be charismatic, I am still a nice guy. Not that I see much wrong in it but I am, logically speaking.
  10. I may not be able to know what's best for you. But it is the most helpful thing for me to change some basic problems in my life like diet, otherwise it's social media, over-eating, over-doing, wanting to over-enjoy menral dhiartea and end up rushing everything, getting married, having children, starting a business, going to travel in a speed like you are running away from something (i am being sarcastic, but there is truth to what I am saying). I think you can use this time to collect the toughts you are thinking during the day. Write them in a journal for 20 minutes at the end of the day and it can continune shaping figuring what you want and know-how and mainly having a healthy and sustainable lifestyle behind that. I remember being younger and being unable to relax to a point I have to do something. I wish you luck. Why I suggested listening to nothing is because podcasts will overestimate and oversaturate you with ideas you didn't ask for. At the very least, you want to be healthy and have solid foundation for your mental health and overall well-being. Then you will enjoy building something from start to finish.
  11. Sielence, seriously. And that means just talking less to people, speaking shorter and listening to your own ambience. Better to implement some mindfulness technique and slow your life down to quit or improve things one at the time. You are still making progress, and for some of your problems a quite a big progress for solving these issues at all. Usually people multitasking and never really permanently solve it. You don't need more information. You need more self-inquiry and awareness, you probably already know what and how to do. From basic things to your life purpose. Life purpose is just harder to put together.
  12. Greetings, Since I took some time off my work, I had some quality time alone. Now I am back to the race and I have some insights. The aim of this post is a pep-talk on life and if you can spot, a method to change your life to attempt to change your life again and again. This is more for people that are not traditionally oriented and are seeking to build their own narrow and niche life purpose, even without a clear idea. So, how this solution may look, feel, be like? Please note that some of your problems vary from mine and you still have to find YOUR answers as I am searching for mine. After this sentence I am only talking about my life experience alone and it not life or medical advice. So I have some fundemental behaviours I want to change, because they are stealing energy for me. I can't settle for mediocrity. I rather die trying. I feel my existence is worth something more. I don't want to spend my time bragging, gossiping and policing others. I don't want to care how the other is doing. As long as they are good, completely don't give a shit. So where is that gray area for the invisible problem what you have to solve to change that habit or habits which destroys your life? These few habits or fears piled up with forgetfulness and the coping strategies masking these problems. What am I saying this this? My life experience shows me that you can solve the most basic delusions of your life, however you will be immediately cast out by people around you (meaning that you will endlessly argue about what you eat how you eat and what is the general direction of your life and people will project their isecurities about you) and it is very hard to achieve that. Not because it is hard by design but because of where we are as a society in this point of time. If you told people that you eat once a day for example in your workplace, especially because you have a health problem, you will be laughed at by your peers who acctually haven't tried any alternative models in the field of what to eat, when to eat and how to eat. But there are events in your calendar where you will overeat the worst things. And the worst thing is that this affects your quality of life to the extent you don't even know. So the actual solution something that you can work on every day like spending some hour or two after work and in your free time researching what are good models of a diet to eat permanently and this includes the dimension of fasting. So creating a solid foundation of knowledge that you have an OK idea of what acctually constitutes a good food, how much can it be stored, can it be cooked, what is the lowest water content it can have, is it sattvic etc. Is what will give you the most energy to live life and to create whatever other purposes you have. So this is like one of the basic problems. And mentally what you have to solve to stop over-eating. But if you do, it adds 30 years to your life and makes your life of a decent quality. That means you will miss most of the chronic ailments, never be fat and the odds are you will enjoy most of the life from not knowing to working on a solution to enjoying what you manifested. Then your only problem is arguing with people who think they know but have these ailments of a bad diet, because they never really put the hours of their time to research, test and implement that. There are other basic solutions like working with your mental and emotional scars and the potential of where meditation can take you, how to truly sit with yourself, how to stop consuming media and to really start discover what is life about. I strongly believe that you can and should work for it. And since I have a lifestyle where I can be alone, I can really use this time. I am thinking of still doing full time work, doing some music on the side and literally spend most of my energy left in self-reflection, pursuit of health and spirituality. It acctually very practical. So what do I have to do? Choosing to live without something consistently and using those emotions for self-reflection and spiritual practice. Like not eating in certain frequency or not eating certain food or giving up some activities and changing them for active spiritual practice and seeing what happens. That means regular practice of basic yoga and some kind of self-accountability practice to mark whether and how much I have done. That means doing things one of a time in your personal life in a silent atmosphere without any medium of entertainment. Like if I am working I am only working. If I am eating, it is a separate and complete activity, I don't do eating together with another activity like watching a youtube video. If I watch a YouTube video, I only do that, if I talk with somebody I talk with somebody and if I want to do music, I stop talking and stop watching videos and only do music for that time. That means downgrading your life to fit your own expectations realistically in a non-spontaneous way and building intensity of action and only then building speed and multi-tasking if possible, because forgetfulness is the worst thing that happens for any self-development activity. That means projecting a vision and using manifestation and other desire related tantra based techniques daily with a defined method that I do exactly as I have written. That also means doing samyama or other tantric techniques like devi worship to increase the meaning of music, hearing, thinking or emotion related to music to reduce grudgery to basically 0 and trying to do it is a complete experience by itself even without sharing it to anybody yet. My aim acctually to do music is to have experience to be a creator or an artist in the first place. All of that I also to underestand and experiment with life how non-mechical, beautiful, intuitive, quiet but otherwise spectacular life I can build with doing seemingly normal things in the world with incredible infrastructure that you just can't see and can't take away from me. I see that trying to do it (healthy lifestyle and building up a vision and inner momentum) first for a year or even 5 years could solve most of your life's problems, because it's just mostly lack of health motivation, no direction, confusion, lack of growth and doing the wrong things in life due to delusion. But there are also fears of losing something which you can also do something about, at least internally. I am not saying I will solve all of that, but I will try my very best and the curiosity to know makes me want to do it. And then from that state doing something won't be very hard. And you will most likely will solve your life's purpose problem, the problem of death and the meaning of life problem for you. Otherwise I see I am one death away from enlightenment, even if I die right now, so why not try to live a bit more intense?
  13. Ok, tell your friend if you consecrate something, share very detailed information on what to eat and what not to eat, how to sit, stand, exercise constantly share life advice that works and I will start a thread about you every x times in 3 weeks. I guess I will think about making consistent Sadhguru posts. Ohh and help people plant billions of trees also.
  14. I just have to say these things. This qoute: Then I set an intention and allow the Universe to do it's magic. And You cannot solve a problem with the same mindset that created it - Einstein. Are saying two different things first of all. Or rather I don't underestand how they correlate withing the context of perceiving problems not as problems. I secondly I do not find your suggestion practical, because the delusion of my mind is not that simple, different things work at different times. Leo knows this is why he is going these extra miles to look at the same problems from different angles and creating elaborate guides for people, can you say to him his approach is wrong and suggest yours? Probably not, neither can I, because his way is most probably more intricate and nuanced. Also the more attention you will spend on this aspect of your life, the more nuanced and delicate it will become too for you. One sentence internalized about some truth in life can really change your life permanently, but you have to find that sentence and context and buildup for that sentence to "get it". To stop seeing problems as problems will fundamentally change my direction of life from poornatva (grihasta or a househoulder building their life while being a blissfull man and performing a lof of action) to shoonya (nothing in my life or this eternity ever mattered and there is no point of solving it and let it be and just mostly reflect and live a very simple and minimalistic life). Immediately you will say, you meant something else, but I have tried and what I have is the best thing I have and there is no point to argue. I don't want to argue. I don't even need to be right or win this argument. I will waste my life arguing. My life experience shows there is no depth in arguing. If you want to be advanced, I will give you the title, but it means nothing to me. Peace, have a good day.
  15. No problem, I wish you to achieve whatever your heart desires in a complete way so you don't need to desire it anymore.
  16. Thank you for the effort, advice and summary. You have helped me to see a different perspective. It makes me more motivated to do it and I hope it inspires you too to have whatever you may desire. I will keep on, because my life depends on it! Besides, that kind of interaction and attention you paid to me from another human being who is not a guru I regularly watch and I found helpful is very rare. Thank you.
  17. If you do not learn from the patterns of your environment, people around you and human history You are doomed to make bad decisions even if you are a good person. You live on the same earth as them, you have to interact with them and how is the million dollar question.
  18. Let me tell you a story about this topic. There was a moderator of this forum who was banned by Leo. He created a copycat version of this site, but that is not the point. The point is that he used to reply to arguments with, everything is one, everything is love for every discussion, literally. And if you look what @Leo Gurais doing with massive video content on providing solutions on various topics in life and approaching spirituality with the same nuance similarly like J Krishnamurti. I see how he did it. He went on a crusade for decades to study various fields and eventually found a few things that really worked for him, however his way of conveying things are trough detailed problems with possible solutions. And the question I have is why? Now, I am not saying that manifestation doesn’t work. It may be very potent, but you don't know why it works and why it doesn't. Now we are going into the territory that you need to underestand how the car is working not just how to drive it. I know that intention works and is probably the best base thing. But the human experience is far more delicate than what you try to convey and it needs my attention to get things out of it you and me can't convey in language.
  19. Ohh sorry, I completely misread what you posted. I am used to getting chronically shat at all over by a few people in my life for what I am doing or what I am worth. But thank you, likewise, I wish the best for you too. I would also like to clarify, I do not feel worthless. I don't feel depressed, I do not feel alone and but I do feel lacking something which I am searching and I can adjust this searching to my lifestyle as of now.
  20. You need a couple more conditions here to "break the ice" or have to have a lot of sexual charisma and deliver none of these conditions, get what you want and leave her it appears. I had one woman bragging at me that she was in a group of people who were nerds because they didn't dance or were insecure or whatever to do so. Yeah, like somebody more attractive will come and entertain you and these nerds who couldn't approach you will stay nerds (bad as they are) and you will not even need to think about their value and get entertained. But yeah, as a man to get loved, you need to move mountains and develop a lot of what you don't naturally have, it appears sometimes.
  21. I am sorry to say, but if feel that my coping strategy is more intricate, nuanced and describes the problems of life better than the one you are presenting, so at least I will try mine and if it will consistently fail without any success, I will go with yours. I think Leo also did not just use this to create, but thank you for showing interest and spending your time for my mental and emotional well-being.
  22. I mean obviously I am biased, but I see other visionaries which are acctually sages but nobody want to touch them. And I am talking about people like Osho who did contribute to society and tried to build something visionary and despite all the controversy. The most visionary sage/person acctually I have seen is Nithyananda. He fled India and created a new country UN approved. Yes, he had a course for 20 k for people, but, he managed to create a COUNTRY which you can apply and live in. Ofc I am not talking 30 years of work as content distilled in his YouTube. He has far more haters than Musk. I do not see the same level of visionary than Musk.
  23. Elon faked and masked a lot of stuff. Ranging from hyperloop which has completely failed to space x unrealistic promises and environmental disputes. Also tesla bot was a complete sham and cybertruck underdelivered and the ev truck was not even introduced at all. Let alone nuclear explosion proof glass and autonomous drive for EV. There were problems with neuralink clinical trials with animals also, but I see that they are continuing with humans. He still makes a lot of promises for space x which are just delusional, I am sorry.
  24. As long as it is from an Applegarden I will take it!