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Everything posted by Applegarden8

  1. Well, I have one or two examples that go aginst it. In games like Dota 2 or Starcraft 2 where the meta is constantly evolving and in Dota 2 especially, the playstyle is so versatile and there are so many strategies, so that some very high level players do come up with a really out of the box strategy and win tournaments. Alot of starcraft cheese comes to mind, proxy nexus in enemies base and stuff like that. Some Dota 2 strats come to mind for example Topsons diffusal gyrocopter, satanic weaver, carry aghanim's wisp, and alot of very intetesting pro level hero drafts, item choices and very subtle cheesy strats I have never seen before. These games with patches, there the rules somewhat changes, except the main goal, which people do forget and lose alot of games to that. But to think outside of the box, you gotta ha mve a gaming practice routinewhere you sit alone in a lobby and look for holes in the meta e.c.t.
  2. Yes, but if I showed you the teacher, you might aswell tought he is a scammer. But there is and I am practicing it.
  3. @Zigzag Idiot I wholeheartedly agree with you. I think the main goal is to not take your own tantrums and others tantrums seriously, because there is no reference point of you. And if you entertain the emotions related to complaining they will deepen and if you cultivate gratefulness then that will deepen. From all the other ways of looking at it, even pratically, when my sleep is disrupted night after night, I don't really complain and if I do it's not genuine. I see tremendous worthiness in my life. How much I can contribute despite everything. And what is there to complain about? You will take however many births you want, you will surely experience everything you want, again with the reference point problem, because we are not remembering the past lives e.c.t. But even if you feel complete, your complaint is for others. Enlightened beings are pretty disagreeable if you start digging. If you just look what kind of sheninigans George Gurdjeff pulled on his disciples. Sometimes you have to tell a criminal that he is a criminal or an idiot that he is an idiot, but yes, complaining can fall of very quickly and victim mentality is the problem #1 in our entire existence perhaps.
  4. Sadhguru has told alot of info about breath on youtube, particularly on his sadhguru exclusive. If you want to inquire about the breath, alot of yogis and monks generally are the way to go. A bhuddist monk also has alot knowledge about the breath, shinzen young comes to mind.
  5. @kinesin Here is the forum statements on what it's about and it's values to ease you of your disappointment and confusion. Original can be found here: "The Forum is a community for people passionate about self-improvement. This community is focused primarily on self-actualization and spirituality, not dysfunctional psychology or mental illness, although to some extent dysfunctional issues must be covered. Newbie, intermediate, and advanced self-actualizers are equally welcome." "What we are focused on: Self-Actualization, Self-Improvement Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Nonduality, Meditation, Mindfulness Mysticism, Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Paranormal, Channeling, Chakras, etc. Discussing & Sharing Spiritual Techniques Psychology Success, Productivity Motivation, Inspiration Emotional Mastery Relationship Mastery Self-Help Techniques Starting & Running A Business Life Purpose Practical Philosophy Self-Improvement Product Reviews, Book Reviews, Service Reviews Psychedelics, Trip Reports Diet, Fitness, Holistic Health, Healing Spiral Dynamics, Developmental Psychology Sociology Conscious Politics, Improving Society, Understanding Collective Issues"
  6. This forum is not just about spirituality and Leo's work is not just about spirituality, i am pretty sure it is stated in forum's guidelines.
  7. Do you even know what @Leo Gura is about?
  8. I agree, spiritual practice can internally turn your life downside up. This is not a joke or a well wishing from my side. If EVERYTHING fails in my life, i always have spiritual practice and the benefits of spiritual practice already done.
  9. The million dollar question is this. What for do you need it? I am asking this because you do not have a million dollars yet. And if you don't buy such an expensive laptop, well then you have more funds for your business idea that can make you the millions or have a safety pillow or money for financial stability so you don't burn out while chasing the million. Let me replace computer with a vehicle. Are you going to buy more expensive vehicle, because the vehicle is a crucial part for you to get where you need to, so you can potentially make millions and the vehicle being essential part of your workflow to get to the million. You will probably just buy a vehicle that serves its purpose and is not too expensive, but in good condition. Why am I saying this - i recently bought 1k laptop with R5 and 8 GB ram and 512 MB ssd and pen/touchscreen is not bad either. I recently bought vivo flipbook and it's pretty fast for casual use - browsing, documwnting, sheets, even audio production, and its super small, alumunium exterior. It was surely a nice purchase. Do you really need the newest gen products? Sure, for things like graphic design or AI, animation, game engines, simulation programs, programming software, streaming software. Probably many things... I am not saying do not buy. But clarify for yourself, do you need it? I am saying this from experience. I bought a 1.5k syntesizer. After more than a half year it turned out to be ok, not good, not bad. If I knew some other synth from the same synth series I would save like 800 euros and just get more appropriate synthesiezer. The synth i have is a machine and I haven't figured it out so I am far from the celling and I need to spend alot more time to get something out from it. Luckily for me it introduced me to new styles of music and new music vocabulary, principles of sound synthesis e.c.t. so in general, even if I want to sell it, it was not too bad of a purchase, it was ok, but not great. Maybe with more unimportant gear there would be lesser interest. Expensive can make you inspired or force you to do something with it. If you buy the computer to re-watch sitcoms like The Office, or surfing the net, deluding yourself with the potentiality as an idea then you don't need it.
  10. Here is what you do. Reach out to 10 new people. Look for people, groups of people that have common interests, or just go out and talk to people, obvserve them, see what they are like, see what they are about e.c.t. The thing is this, you simply (in a scheduled and consistent way) reach out to them and let those connections naturally evolve into something beautiful. These "friends" are but a coincident relatiinships that may or may not last, ofc you may try to fix that also, BUT, reaching out to new people is MUCH more rewarding. And also work on your own emotional intelligence, this is why observing people around you and yourself ia very imortant, you will learn very much!
  11. Sometimes you just have to play the thickest string, I get it.
  12. Hey man, this is gold! I will keep that in mind my friend, that would mean the world to me, however I need a bit of time to get to a place where I consistently practice, and I see you have to get there too.
  13. May I add to this. I would say that objectifying is a masculine tendency that is unfortunatly expressed too much in men and women. It is usually about, well I have this, what do you have? If you are a young male you should be having this and this by 25, or I will not value you. Alot of older generation has this, conservatives especially. They will not accept you for who you are and want to be. You have to do what they were doing and have what they were having and even then, you will not be accepted as an equal.
  14. Btw @ivankiss, we should start a djent band with programed drums a bass VST and a band name of a plural noun, for example, objects or awakenings or things or whatever.
  15. The more established in the truth you are, the more alive, life-positive, elastic, flexible, liquid you are. Less and less sticks to you, wether good or bad. If you identify with the good too much, it will also start to stink and turn bad. That is perversion. It may be even easier to say, seek the truth and keep seeking the truth and reminding yourself of the truth, then you will be passionate and kind e.c.t.
  16. It is quite incredible how consistently and with how much tought and effort you try to dismantle such posts.
  17. Hey, hope I relieved you! Thanks for your feedback, it really means much to me. IMO, you shouldn't quit guitar or leave metal influence out of your playing. Or stop doing something because it seemed frustratinf at that time. I am acctually try to solve that exact problem by looking at it from various angles. How should my lifestyle be, to make such music, what are most efficient ways of doing it when I am with the instrument, what can you do without the instrument. How to keep consistency from the very basics, stabilizing how you feel or the amount of say you have in how you feel so you can choose more often. What are the best things to resolve to do creative work and how to. I will do series in my journal of making all of that as efficient as I can. Stay cool, keep calm!
  18. Well, best of luck to you too, however I can only respond to the rest of your statement in a language you may underestand better.
  19. I had soreness too when I vaccinated against mite encephalitis, I think that is very normal.
  20. @Preety_India well i am sorry to sound a bit harsh, but: - the worse the situation gets, the less rules people will follow; - the more the need to work, just to survive, the less rules people will follow; - with poverty, overpopulation and limited healthcare resources, meaning different antibiotics for different fungi, this can potentially go out of hand really fast, taking in the fact that it may uncontrollably spread, meaning there is another curve to flatten and some fungi can become resistent to antibiotics that are used in the treatments for patients currently; - and if people die and they are thrown in ganga, animals eat those fungi infected bodies and then people eat those animals, because they have nothing to eat will contract the fungus, because of high dose of fungi and supposedly lower immunity, covid also being the direct reason; Countries around the equator are really screwed in my opinion. But a covid vaccine can possibly eliminate all of this, though there is no 100% guarantee, however the fungi infections rise to those, who are sick, freshly treated with covid and have their health already compromised due to diabetes e.c.t. This is what I meant with that prase, unfortunately.
  21. If you are in india, please please please do, ASAP. There is also white fungus and other kind of fungus infections happening there. I think people will die like flies over there.
  22. Yep, but I do underestand, really. Keep visioning it in great detail and see that it provides such peace and timeless feeling. Life celebrates you when you make it as you want. It is your birthright to wish and get something, unless it is dangerous for you. Also, I think you can adress the low-paying job things with different strategy. I think you can send your work application and get interviews left and right, even if they don't have any wanted signs, i think better job is pretty much an assignment away. Sure alot of jobs have different pros and cons but what I would do/am doing is to just bounce around to see what options are there. You probably can smoothly between jobs, no need to quit right away. AND if you do take spiritual development "all the way" seriously, your main concern wouldn't be your circumstances, because for THAT, everything can be a stepping stone, then your practices and desire for the truth is important.