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Everything posted by Applegarden8

  1. So, what about a collab. ;))))))))))))))
  2. @Hello world Do you acctualy want to implement the advice provided here? Do you want to improve your life? Do you want to feel good about yourself? Just think about it, again, again and again. Just continiously ask yourself these questions. What is your life worth to you, choice being the only currency?
  3. But I think some allied countries will, and it will spread afterwards.
  4. TLDR but J like the title, I got triggered xDDD
  5. But sometimes you do have to roast somebody to make them check themselves, it's not always bad.
  6. Very complex question. Many factors determine how you feel, including this one also. Usually these People are very weak and have no idea what they are doing, refering to the psychic question. They will scare you more than acctually do anything.
  7. It also has some cons. You can't strum it so easily, especially if you strum something below the 7th string. It makes your hand more prone to tension. The frets also usually are further from each other so you may need to stretch. Much bigger voicing and scale options which will make learning frustrating. Ohh and terrible internet presence. 'why do you need an 8 string if you just play the bottom 3 strings". It is harder to mix and master, it is more out of intonation, and your bass player will feel very uncomfortable around it.
  8. Your voice sounds like my 8th string. My voice sounds like 6th string.
  9. it does djent tho, I agree with @Myioko. :D
  10. That is from worrying what others think about you and daydreaming about being accepted.
  11. Yes, I feel this is true. Whomever you are with and wherever you are, you show yourself to others based on your behaviour, which comes from Values, which comes from past experiences. These past experiences hold intense emotional baggage and can't be dealt with logic efficiently, meanwhile they are largely subconscious and defines your behaviour - when you cringe, when you are needy, ashamed e.c.t., and it defines what kind of People you attract.
  12. Eat lightly and not too often to reduce the chances of you falling asleep during the retreat.
  13. People do, I have had such problems, if you like the person, it's very easy. The sad thing is the breaking of the whole bet or paradigm with you being in their life, somehow. The whole emotional inertia is that sadness.
  14. Things like RASA can soothe you, but you will have to do the work to purify yourself by yourself, yes techniques can help, but you have to do them and at some point drop or switch.
  15. @Emerald Thanks for the advice, i am certainly inspired to use it as I have seen it working and would bet interested un a long term relationship, rather than a pump-dump.
  16. This is not a joke. I would like your email or something in case you want to do a collab. This looks longer than 686 mm, and reverse headstock... with remaking of the nut you can get away with very low tunings. And looks incredibly fanned too. Would love to know what you come up with. I plan on going along with music aswell.
  17. Listen, I am not going to expose you, i am not a youtuber, BUT i will say this. You know what I meant with bad. Similar meanings to bad would include (at least in my mind) - inappropriate (to post publicly for example), and the term "sexual exploits". So I will never get the answer to that I guess.
  18. How about you acctually answer my questions regarding why is it bad to post his sexual experiences with women that remain anonymous and his toughts about them publicly so you could therefore answer to your question as to why he should post publicly? Is this not reasonable? And that is besides calling out him on his "sexual exploits", as judgmental as it sounds.
  19. How are these sexual exploits, may I ask? Where is her identity shown or ivankiss identity for that matter? How is this exploitation? The bottom three are none of our business.
  20. Peace of mind is only found in God. I resonate with this aswell. There was a hindu sage who had an ancient book, similar to patanjali's work. In the beginning of the book it says something along these lines: "...And now yoga." So we tried everything and yet are unfullfilled, so it is time for a consciousness.
  21. Yes, I would like to talk but not publicly. I have similar problems. Are you a musician?
  22. This is the essence of projection, so that the individual doesn't have the burden of feeling to self-reflect. Know a lot of people like that, the entire conservative agenda for example.
  23. I only seek out pepople who don't drink regularly. It's ok, you can do a lot of things. We plan trips to the sea, we always have smth to talk about, even with some light drinkers, it's ok. Otherwise I am seeking out for people with similar interests and hobbies. For example I tend to hang out with musicians more.