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Everything posted by Applegarden8

  1. how do you have time, i open my eyes, eat and go to work and my ass is on fire
  2. Very nice to hear from you, are you still interested in artwork?
  3. I cannot rate but it has gone orders of magnitude better. There is a bit of a distance from my experience of life and body/mind/emotions and I know it will increase. I have a place where to retreat if things to shit and that place is called Silence.
  4. Hahahahaha, don't talk to my girl or I will transform.
  5. If it's circular, it's because we are talking about the same topic and I am re-explaining something that was not even an issue for you which was not clear to me because it was mentioned in a different reply that you didn't go to university. I don't have a feeling that you are interested in a solution anyway. I am out of this thread.
  6. If you can't give constructive feedback about what you didn't understand, I cannot provide constructive feedback about your original question. Putting university experience or completion in your CV in education field is good and can help you in cases you are applying for a specific jobs and that this job is close to the field you finished your degree in or are still studying in. For example, if you graduate as a food technologist then it's applicable for various other fields, not just food production, but ofc you will need training, but your job will probably provide it. Can you please not insult people who are trying to answer a question you are asking? Edit: OK, you didn't go to university, it's clear, should have replied me with that directly instead of an insult.
  7. An university education, even if it's incomplete means that you can follow more sophisticated instructions written on paper and that are communicated to you. It means that your search and organizing of information is more qualitative, consise and well formatted. Since there are many fields in university to study, I think if you are studying for profession or have that degree it's best you put it there if it's the same profession you are applying for.
  8. Page is not available to me, but it's also not for me to see. You don't have to share everything, go to the internet and look for CV examples or youtube how to create a good CV. From linked in or Europass you are supposed to create or export a CV form and send it to your potential employers e-mail. They can type up your education, but it's not to easy to find than to look what is in your CV and if needed verify that. It's not in their interests to look, you have to present already so they can check. Otherwise your employer will think you can't be bothered to communicate or don't care about getting the job. BTW, my job asked me to get a copy of a segment of my degree to verify my education myself to them.
  9. First you apply to various workplaces with your CV or create an Europass if you are in Europe or (LinkedIn is more general website where to create your template) to write and sort all the casual details, skills and work experience you have and export a CV from there. Just send it to the contacts of the companies you see they are looking for staff, and wait for a call to job interview. Just get trough an NPC series of job interviews and just make it clear that you seem responsible and willing to work and survive the testing period. Then just make sure you work attentively and are not the reason of problems. You can try suggest something to improve workflow in your company from time to time and just take responsibility and there you have it. Well, what is your education and you have to look what jobs can be done with your education, I am assuming you have a non-specific high school education or maybe you are looking for a job not in your field what you graduated with in university? Short answer. You have to look yourself what is available in your area. Then you have to get a casual photo and CV and send it to those companies or even if this is a public place like a cafe, you can ask, are you looking for staff? Then take responsibility for your job, be in time, try to communicate, make sure you understand what needs to be done, even you can write what your manager asks you to do or what is the decision of something that we are doing differently now or to write some problem questions, topics for training or steps how to do somwthing down like in a small journal, you can really go a long way in this. And make sure you get any Healthcare benefits, work insurance or tax cuts that your company offers, if they do because you are working. I also agree with Leo, don't date ur colleagues, very risky.
  10. Well, then I just don't care enough to care or know. I will just wait till my instincts die and do my practices. I have a very strong artistic desire and I don't want to compromise on that. I don't value any statement by anybody on the fear on missing out. Never scales well with reality. Life has not shown it to me that this is worth it, I have discovered worth somewhere else I guess. By the way I haven't seen a lot of balanced people including myself. We all have very obvious fears and flaws and are very predictable and fragile in many ways, just like any other animal in that sense. Even if I admit, I will not change a single thing about this aspect probably. I just don't care. Life has gotten to me. I just want to fulfill some of my artistic desires, renounce everything and just wait for death. We are going to disagree about this endlessly. No point. I accept that I will not have it, period. Not because I feel unattractive or incapable. I guess it's my choice not to. I will embrace my loneliness if it comes and when it comes. It's OK, this form is very temporary.
  11. I cannot say I am objectively right, but my worldview is as valid as yours. I don't need to be a man. I need to survive, find the truth on the way and to have some fun. There are limited resources to your desires. If I have a relationship, I will have to give up something like time, focus and my very valuable time to think about my life and sit in sielence. So this giving up something maybe is potent time for solitude and inner growth, maybe creativity, maybe that extra time to check myself twice at work to make sure I don't make a disaster. Maybe I want a partner, but I also want many other things, therefore I don't know what I really want and my survival determines what I want. So I want what is approachable and in a sense comfortable yet what I authentically desire sometimes and I really break some fears with this desire. About this old, lonely ghost I disagree. I can die tomorrow or even today. I understand I am not the body, this is somewhat a reality for me, and I can go only deeper in it. I may crave a lot of things, but even if I crave, the Truth shines trough either in self-reflection or more suffering. I think the older the better in this situation. Yes, relationships are a problem for me. So I just avoid them in general, keep only a few. Yes, I can't really authentically engage with people, I can't be honest. I don't feel like I can be me, because I will say something too direct that you maybe not be ready to hear. People usually come to me to vent, not to look for a solution for example. But my deepest worries, fears, existential problems I can't really talk with anyone I know, and I guess there is no need to, I just keep using the tools to reflect them in solitude, but I will gather another layer of insights I can't share. Yes, I am unexperienced with women, sex bla, bla. But I don't care, really. My mom and dad had sex made me and then... divorced. My grandfather and grandmother also did the same, did not divorce, but lived a terrible life together, insulting each other every day, for both, mother and father sides, one just ended quicker. My family is like an anti-family. Very neutral, but I like it. I need to make my living anyway, need to find out what I need to find out anyway. OK, I will not have a woman's touch for the rest of my life but I have a chance to experience that my body is not me as a living experience, so then, why do I need that?
  12. Be careful what you wish for. You might be doing all right and existential problems will happen. Don't wish for it, don't actively seek it out. Good that you don't have it and have good circumstances. Most people so not have what they want, don't wish misfortune upon yourself, I think you do not want it. Terrible war, breakup, deterioration of health, losing a loved one, losing purpose without reason and not knowing the reason why, being jelous of somebody, being oppressed by somebody, not having enough time for your vision and more is all that could and probably will happen to you, me and everyone. You don't need to wish it for the sake of fantasy. I may have misunderstood you, but please, don't destroy what you have.
  13. I can resonate a bit. There have been women that I would like to have dated and they would like that I would have dated, but it was just not my priority. Deep down I feel that I need to work on my life and work on my general ignorance about life as it was an issue since I remember myself. The instincts of the body are pretty strong though. As much as I like women, I think I will not date. I don't know why I am born, and it bothers me.
  14. Distraction, distraction and distraction.
  15. Wow, so much creativity went into this.
  16. Well, if the myths are true, beings like Shiva didn't have these problems.
  17. I hate reaction and commentary vids but this guy has so much charisma, hahahaha.
  18. Yes, I do nadi shuddi, namaskar practice and ajna chakra dharana daily and I want to expand this concept into my diet.
  19. Well every truth expressed in words is a lie. But some lies are better than others. Opening people's mind to the Possibility is great, nonetheless. In this work you will shed layers and layers of skin to refine your models to the Truth.
  20. You too man, here is some vapourwave by yours truly.
  21. 50/50 gamble, you can have amazing results or have a situation where you want to quit. I personally would not, because I would like to think about my work just as a social obligation for which I gladly take responsibility, and nothing more. The rest of my life is as valuable as that and I don't want to mix them anymore than I already have. The problem is that your coworkers ideas and suggestions about how you should live (and but the majority does something like this, why don't you) start to bleed in your life, but it's your sacred responsibility to find out how you want to live your life, you need to cultivate your own ideas.
  22. But that's not nothing, I think you agree. To convince somebody of something in this work is nothing but great at every step.
  23. I am not a musician, I try to grind it on my free time, believe it or not. I work in a STEM field. I know online game and content addiction is real, I used to be addicted to video games, and I am trying to find ways to quit other forms of media for a long time, actually deleted my fb some time ago. Peace man!