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About Applegarden8

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  • Birthday 03/31/1996

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  1. It's funny when normies, even PhD's, discover this kind of content. Let's be real who wants to question the axioms and the goods it produces of the scientific method and fear losing the concept of reality as you tought it is. The what if question is scary. But Dave can't handle it. He can’t handle that there might be an infrastructure of raw empirical experience which produces this forum, produces religions, produces cults, gatherings, rituals, traditions which attempt to talk about experiences more valid than sense perception. There is no objective evidence of this. By seeking you get some pieces of empirical evidence on the way. And the depth and deepening of the experience is the evidence. But Dave just can't face it. Sam Harris handled it being a skeptic, I am sure Professor Dave can too. I would even challenge Professor Dave to do Isha Kriya for 48 days as per the video and tell me that you did not feel bliss in your "third eye" region or literally do any other Isha yoga practice with a qualified Isha teacher and tell me that there isn't something more to it. Go and sit at Dhyanalingam and tell me that you didn't felt weird. Go into a vipassana retreat where you do nothing for long periods of time and tell me that nothing happens to your quality of consciousness. But I know, it's all "bogus and brainwashing and there is no depth, merit and sincerety" basically I don't want to do it because I am scared to change in a critical and non-rational way and I will lose my precious worldview and rational prestige or whatever. So it's so ironic that it's just one cult leader fighting another. Bottom line is that there is tremendous depth of these meditation and yoga practices and if you really want to find, you will find and Professor Dave will not.
  2. I am soon release my album. I made many improvements. Multiple. I notated my songs out, I deliberately re-wrote bass. I mapped out modes and tonality for my songs. I learned each song at least once to play from start to finish. I wrote modal chords and melodies. I added new presets. I got a different guitar tone. I re-recorded every song at least once. I changed the producer. I posted riff playtrough vids. I got massive drum tracks from a drummer. That's so much more and better than last time. And yet... there is so much room to improve. But I have the resources I have and it's OK. I am not in a hurry. What I want to say is different. I want to start expressing myself and express my ideas about music. I want to tell people why it might and can be important to do music if they so choose to. It's an amazing journey. It's not just a hobby. It's like my own child. It's a vehicle to change my worldview. It's my form of prayer. It's what I want to share with the world. Doing music can be very reflective. Commiting to a bigger project it exciting, fun and very wholesome. I want to show the beauty of music itself. It does not need any additional meaning. Just interacting with it, living trough it and immersing into it is an intense experience. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. But I feel it's worth it. Nothing bad has come out of it. It showed me what creativity really means. It showed me how to create something out of nothing and how to do it better and better. I am constantly giving meaning to nothing until it becomes something. It has also tought me creative systems that I am using now. There is a way to create methods to manage how nothing gets created into something. I want to radiate my passion by speaking here now and I want to radiate that passion trough music I create. I don't care that you don't care. It's OK. You don't need to care. I already care about it hence I will share. Thank you life. I will try to do music until I die, since I have nothing better to do. I have to think about what to say, since I want to really mean what I say and keep attracting that kind of people.
  3. By taking some periods off and literally doing nothing or meditating and contemplating about some aspect of my life. That helps the most.
  4. Well, I was seeing one woman who was not in a good place at the time in terms of her direction in her life musically, but she is and can be a very solid musician/artist. I was ready to train her on a computer DAW, literally give and buy microphone, usb interface, give her a guitar or a keyboard. She denied everything. What to do. I was offering that to her without any strings attached to me. At least I saw that she had and probably has little to no alternative, no further music school no nothing, so the only way for her to keep doing it is to do it at her free time in company or alone if she wants to do music. It's not that she can't, she has all the musical skills needed. I would say, fuck it, ask him directly. "I hope that we can still be friends and I am not romantically interested, but for this and this reason (improvement of my mental health) it would be useful for me to borrow your keyboard as it is not so needed to you, is that OK?" If he is really your friend he will listen and respond accordingly. What is selfish here? If you will like it you can buy from him later.
  5. Going 6 +months with no jerking off. Horny, but have big meditation gains. I absolutely HAVE to meditate regularly or I will be very horny. Still not gonna touch it. I have less craving for women, attention and social status. It's still there, but the coping is many times more effective.
  6. Since social skills have a lot to do with past trauma, I would acctually suggest talking with @Emerald
  7. Don't judge your situation. Accept where you are in life. There is no standard to compare. Your life is unique, yet you can make yourself more competent. Just do some general spiritual practice daily and go meet some women, if you really want to, just recognize it. You can't prevent suffering from happening in your life, but you still can get better at releasing it and not even accumulating it at times. I think what makes you thinking of that so persistent is all the guilts of you accumulate of feeling guilty for who you are and you can certainly feel guilty for the rest of your life when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Let's say you either got in relationship it or didn't get into relationship. You will feel guilty about the opposite you didn't choose at times. You can have desire for a woman and yet desire for the truth. If you practice some form of meditation or something you are on that path anyway. What is there to feel guilty of? Reflect and see that it's nonsense. Go and enjoy your life. If some shit will happen, just use it as a fuel to transform yourself. Maybe you will have a beautiful family. Who knows. People are so afraid to take new births and enjoy their unfulfilled desires because we don't know how to live properly.
  8. The guy lost all of his weight!!! And he seems way smarter.
  9. Watching Hasan Piker
  10. yeah, no problem! I am figuring shit as I go. Thought it's finally time to learn some mix workflow while I got a sick low end possibilities. I have a long way to go but I feel like I can FINALLY FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HB Baritone Mix 2024-09-01.mp3
  11. I will be a hindu radical and say that yoga comes from Hinduism and is an integral part of Hinduism and works best (by orders of magnitude) if done according to the ancient rishi's and sages texts. I am sorry. But I think it's really true. They already explored so much of what a human being can do and what a human being is. Yoga being diluted is dangerous and unproductive.
  12. I wouldn't quit if I were you.
  13. @Leo Gura while I do not want to praise you too much, you really have changed quite a lot of people's trajectory for the better. It's up to you to figure what it means, but it's a fact. There is just lack of role models like that dude. I wouldn’t be as stable as I am without integral part of Huge probability I would be in some ashram in India, but I also didn't forget my values and stayed. It was very worth it. This is also due to You. The infrastructure you built is there for people to internalize. If it weren't, it would be much darker in here.