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Everything posted by Ilan

  1. @Vignan I think he means that Lsd is a very potent substance(for him at least) and that it brings him to such high level of consciousness that it becomes unstable and dangerous
  2. I get it, god is everything, god incarnate as the most intelligent creature of the world and as the dumbest but here is one thing that my ego self can’t accept, why the hell does god have this tendency of allowing himself as a dumb creature to ruin his smartest incarnation. Why in an incarnation which was too lazy to do any serious work, never had the courage to encounter any suffering would he kill/intoxicate/ruin one incarnation that invests so much in the Self, work his ass to reach understanding and truth, work his ass to become more pure, had the courage to confront himself with tremendous suffering. Why does he allow that? Cause in practice, this Universe has this tendency and this tendency makes me mad
  3. (At least in the Universe known by Humans, which means planet earth.. :p) I feel a little bit ridiculous..
  4. To harm Your Self* or the Universe or the World
  5. You are more likely to harm yourself by being a wage slave than you are by making an unconscious business. Stop your non sense judgement. If you really think you’re able to build a business that will generate you lot of money, go for it
  6. @Preety_India
  7. I read it, and I want to believe what you said here, I really do.. In fact, all you are saying is in a way reassuring my soul. And I resonate a lot with high faith in the divine. I believe that the only thing worth integrating from blue is high faith in Goodness and a strong desire to be good. I’m just concerned about your survival, and all I want is just not you to have faith that your purity will save you. I do believe you have a pure soul and pure people should protect themselves and develop good survival strategies more than an average person.
  8. You have to protect yourself. No one else will. The most horrific things could happen to you and God would not move his little finger
  9. Wow did not know you were in this situation.. Can’t the system help you in the country? Where do you live ? Do you live on your own ? Aren’t you in the position to impose your boundaries ? wish you to get out of it
  10. Personally, I would avoid pychedelics for serious trauma. For me this video was priceless
  11. I feel your pain. Do not let your pain make you fall into this. You’re falling into the same trap this new toxic men are.
  12. Shamanic breathing is not easy. If 5minutes is the best you can do, do it for 5minutes
  13. Of course they are not. But you’ll be thrown to them against your will if you do not ground yourself into reality. Which absolutely does not mean, taking any medication. I would never recommend that. It would break my heart that you’d be forced to take any of this
  14. Haha the release of dropping superficial survival ?
  15. Wanna know what survival and enlightenment have in common? They both can’t be faked
  16. This should not even be called mental disorders. People have different type of brain, that is all, maybe what we call mental disorders is just another form of intelligence simply but society wants to label everything out of the norm as « disorders » and that is how abuse from all time have been made
  17. Mental disorders don’t fuck your mind. But the treatment society has designed for them can. glad for your beautiful story. Enjoy your level of consciousness which you deserve. I would just tell you to be careful with psychedelics and this work generally if you have a mental disorder. Are you on medication ?
  18. I do not know what happens after death. i do not know if this video is correct or bullshits but it was reassuring to me so here it is
  19. You’re not just dreaming here. You’re making the most epic love declaration to yourself. How to do it? Well you do not know how to do it but God perfectly does and he’s doing it perfectly
  20. God is infinitely brave. You are infinitely brave and I do not want to freak you out but one day will come where you’ll fully embody this bravery
  21. Nice challenge ! Good luck for this ! Let me know how much time you last ! How much time can you allow this discomfort in yourself! That is true spirituality you are doing
  22. You should not feel ashamed for that. I do not know what kind of mental conditioning makes you feel ashamed of « being horny » it is not a bad thing, it is a good thing, it means your body functions very well, it means you’re a human being and your survival mecanisms are good, which is a beautiful thing. I’m not saying that you should always let your survival dictate your life and jump on every men that turn you on but just that it is a normal thing, what you experience. Moreover you’re being authentic talking about it. So there is really zero problem. Chill out ?
  23. Yes, to me that is the most dangerous of all spiritual dangers. Get locked into mental hospital and forced medication. This can ruine your whole life. This can let permanent dysfonction on your consciousness. And the people that will lock you in won’t let you rest without forcing you to take pills(which is really what you need after a breakthrough experience where you are flirting with madness) they will get you in your moment of weakness and trap you there. I would suggest to be extremely extremely careful the weak or even the month after a great breakthrough experience. Never do psychedelics when you don’t feel perfectly stabilize. And always keep some benzos (xanax, lexomil..) in case you’re really falling into madness. You should not take this regularly as it will fry your brain but once in a while won’t hurt you. That is for sure. But forced antipsychotic will for sure fuck your mind so if you feel very vulnerable, if you find yourself in a situation where you have not slept for 5days(already happened to me) just relax, pop one benzo and sleep. Cause this moments when you are very vulnerable are the moments you’ll be likely to do stupid things and if you get caught doing stupid things. The people who caught you don’t know anything about spirituality. They’ll label you as a crazy person and when you’re label as a crazy person. You can tell all the truth you want. You’re fucked, at least, that is how it is in France..