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About tommysalerno

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    Miami, FL
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  1. @tuckerwphotography I watched the movie and it really got a lot of insights! and will be watching it again! Thank you so much for recommending this movie
  2. I usually don't talk about spiritual topics with people who aren't interested in awakening themselves, but I just ranted about how everything is an illusion to my girlfriend and now she thinks I am crazy. She definitely doesn't want to go down the awakening path. Have anyone ever experienced this with your girlfriend boyfriend husband or wife? I definitely just scared the shit out of her and probably made her question her entire reality... woops
  3. I have been grappling with the idea of purpose and I am getting ideas that "finding a purpose" is an illusion of ego that prevents consciousness from realizing it's own source. Through inquiry, I find my motivation to find an external purpose in the world is driven by indoctrination from society since an early age. So many people say "find your purpose in life" and they use that as a compass without realizing that anything or nothing can be their purpose because it is all an attachment of the mind that we create for our ego to identify with. And the worst part is that this attachment to believing that what we are doing is our purpose is all out of avoiding looking into the abyss of darkness of who we really are. So where does that lead me? life may or may not have inherent purpose which I cant find direct experience of but I am leaving it open to question due to my own ignorance of not knowing what i don't know, but creating such purpose serves ego by perpetuating it's own existence and prohibits us from looking in.