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About Metatron

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  • Birthday 09/24/1981

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    Tatabánya, Hungary
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  1. We are the root of our five closest people who surround us. Practicing mercy and canceling judgement purifies the heart. Clear heart means quasi heaven on Earth.
  2. It is important to have gratitude for what we already have, but it does not exclude the fun of discovering new layers of life. In the end, the quality of your life is determined in your relationships. Family, friends or romantic, even with strangers. If you mastered your relations you live a extraordinary life. Not to mention you can be grateful for your relations too, and the love you give and the love you get raises you to Heaven on Earth.
  3. Pearls before swine. Most people cannot pay attention for 2 hours and watch a new actualized video. We live in a world, where the narrow minded people are those who believe that they know how to live a fulfilling life. Actually, those who know they do not have a complete understanding of life are quite few. Those who strive for emotional mastery and reaching the divine are even less. People consume whatever their culture feeds them, unfortunately there are even less in Hungary who wants to develop and understand English on the level Leo speaks. I wish I had the resources to translate more actualized videos, but then a new problem arises, that the viewer cannot pay attention to subtitles for that long. So I remain an enthusiastic fan of Leo and hope to share more of the received wisdom to those few in need. The forceful way does not work, that I already learned.
  4. My location is Tatabánya, Hungary...
  5. @Leo Gura Thanks for your remarks. Actually in the last few years I strived to undo my previous judgements and radically stop comparing my life with others. I learned how to be happy along when seeing someone thrive. I know that the universe is good by default. Kabbalah does not state it otherwise. 'God is Good and does good.' and another kabbalistic statement is: 'There is no one besides Him.' These sentences perfectly fit to the view you are presenting. The whole ocean reflects in the drop - I am the whole and I am the drop (like a holographic embedment). This realization is Godliness. This is the truth however one cannot realize this before undoing his judgements and being in the constant state of mercy. Not judging equals being good. And this is not a moral question. Praying for everyone reaching Godliness is also beneficial, because with this prayer done regularly the universe becomes my greatest ally in reaching my own salvation. The evil who I conquered was my own inclination to do things to harm others. Not an outside force, however my feelings had reflections in the other world, and I know that most of the people don't experience this inclination to harm in themselves. Most people never met evil. I met my own evil side, and I triumphed over it thanks to Kabbalah. Anyway, there is much to improve yet on my life, perfection is never reached. By your videos I usually learn to put my own experiences into a slightly different perspective. There is much to learn, but I generally feel that I know nothing and I am nobody. (It is far from the truth that I know nothing, but the illusion is perfect.) I am thankful for being nobody, because as you told in an old video, the one of ten things that I want but I don't know that is actually I want to be nobody. Actually I am a huge fan of, and if my time shedule let me I would translate all your videos to Hungaran. (There are some subtitles I have already done.) I always try to realize your advise of not being an asshole, but it is tough - I can be a true an asshole sometimes. I am striving though.
  6. We all are loved by God. If we become capable to love all, we embody God, and therefore God becomes alive through us. The ego is still not God - but to reach to become God, you need a huge ego, just pointing to the right direction. (this is a kabbalistic interpretation, not my own)
  7. Hey Leo, I am Tamás, from Hungary. It happens that I have been studying traditional Kabbalah since 2009. I thought that it might be good to share the kabbalistic perspective on God. First and foremost the wisdom of Kabbalah states that God is the creating, giving force in nature. God and Nature is the same according to Kabbalah. However it also says that humanity is the receiving (selfish) force, therefore there is difference in forms between God and its creature. This difference in forms is described as “Shechina in the dust”. Which means that the state of humanity cannot let God to be seen - the creator is hidden. This stealth mode of the creator can only be reversed if the creature himself changes in form, and the desire - which is the building matter of the creature - clothes into giving. This would mean that he receives in order to give. When this metamorphosis happens, the creature is capable to experience the Creator through his equivalence of form. But first, it must change and give up its selfishness. This change happens in the heart, as a different attitude to life and only is possible for those, who have a giving point in the heart and therefore strive to change for the better. There is a prayer, called the ‘prayer of the many’, which is a desire in the heart for all the humanity to rise into correction. This prayer of the many is told (performed) regularly amongst kabbalah students, and is transformed into unconditional love for humanity. There is also a concept of ‘Lishma’ and ‘Lo Lishma’. ‘Lishma’ is when we want to change for the better just to give contentment to the Creator. It is preceded with a state of ‘Lo Lishma’, meaning ‘Not Lishma’ when we want to change in order to receive a better state for ourselves, but still striving to be more unselfish. And there is the state which is neither Lishma, nor Lo Lishma, when we want to change for the better only for our own benefit. The Creator is only visible when we are in Lishma. So, it is not as easy to see God, as to see our own hand and say, ‘it is God’. We are in difference in forms, and only capable to see ourselves as God when we are truly unselfish. This require serious dedication and purely meditation would not bring us into this state. We must nurture our desire to be selfless and grow it to bloom. When growing into giving, the creature goes through 125 steps on spiritual attainment (light and dark states changing respectively) where he travels through 5 worlds that are embedded into reality. In the end it reaches the world of Ein Sof (world of infinity) and receives personal final correction. In this state he/she helps for the whole humanity to rise into unconditional love. Leo, I would be really interested in reading your remarks to this content described above. Please regard this as one perspective from the many mystic perspectives… All the bests, Tamás.
  8. Pray for someone's spiritual ascension in secret. There is no way you will be exploited this way. The more you dislike the person you are praying for, the more it needs your compassion. The real result is surprising, the more you pray for others to ascend, the more you will be carrying out the process, and rise for yourself.
  9. I am badly hungry for the next video. (Or any piece of information regarding this that can calm me.) But there is an opportunity in this situation with recognizing and letting desires to pass by. There it is, I am letting go the desire: you post when you want to, Leo. I am glad anyways.
  10. My perfect option on waking up on time is not even going to sleep the night before. Rather just meditating through the night... Best night ever.
  11. Public secret (own poem) Being giant and as well as minuscule, At the same time superficial and deepest riddle, Hard-working golden ant in a shy human hill, Up and down dances on the permanent will. My silver moonkeys open the beat, Real mirage it is, like sharp mantling mist, Logical emotion, cracked mistery, Creole synthesis, soft carrying capacity. The aware soul bathes in balance, Whistling melodies of infinite chance, Rising from death I contemplate around skys, Hoping for progress from bridges of hearts, From half-serious game of collective consciousness, From insolent niceness of each and every moments. Foamy mirror I am, huge solid ocean, Cell, nucleus, and a billion stars in motion.
  12. Please try not to freak out... fear is also a creating force. I try to believe in that everything is fine. Hopefully there are just some technical difficulties.
  13. Starting the enlightenment journey the ego thinks it is fun to improve itself, but as soon as it realizes that this one means its death, then the ego doesn't want you to be enlightened. If you want to talk your ego into its death, that is quite a hard job. First, it will take every opportunity to dissuade you. It talks and talks and talks, and you should reach above your thoughts. And finally it acts as if it decided to surrender, but it is tricky and attacks when you don't expect. In traditional Kabbalah, they reach the ultimate faith above reason with concentrating on that "God is good, and does good", and "There is none else besides Him." However, the methods differ at each spiritual school - everyone should find the one that suits him or her.