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Everything posted by RMQualtrough

  1. If you had a dream, consider that in order to experience it you would by necessity be localised somewhere in it. As soon as you see a landscape in a dream, you have a perspective located somewhere inside the landscape. If you didn't have a perspective how could you see any of it at all? So these localisations are necessary to experience any of this world at all. Hence duality must exist, just as a dream has duality despite being all your mind and proveably so. Subject/Object can't be separated. When they are there is "cessation" akin to deep sleep or general anaesthetic.
  2. That is, the explanation for qualia (the redness of red etc). Clearly this is a harder problem for materialism, but it is also the case with nonduality/idealism. Why does red look red and not blue for example? Why is green not yellow and yellow not green? How and why is our brain tapping into this world of colour? Are there infinite more colours available? I assume there must be. Why don't we see those? Does any living thing?
  3. @snowyowl See if you enjoy this article which also goes into this topic: https://www.vox.com/2015/2/26/8118761/dress-qualia I just found it. Moreso this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Is_It_Like_to_Be_a_Bat%3F
  4. @snowyowl To me, the idea of inanimate matter then *magic* consciousness appears, is the same sort of problem as chemicals then *magic* blue appears. I think you see what I mean. To me both of these things are very bizarre.
  5. Right, yeah that's what I mean, but the chemical reaction like the wavelength is also not blue. You could open the brain and see the electric or chemicals flow, but they're chemicals, they're not blue. Blue only exists subjectively. What we say is objective blue, we really don't mean blue at all but X wavelength. So how is this subjective thing being conjured? Chemicals are just chemicals like light is just light. And somehow the interaction magically creates something that doesn't exist in the material world.
  6. It can, but what is blue. There is the light wavelength that enters the eye. This wavelength isn't blue out there external to you, it's just a wavelength. Then there's the actual color blue which exists only in the subjective mind. How is "blue" made. The color itself. Where does that come from? Isolate the actual color. Why do these cones produce the actual experiential nature of blue.
  7. It's a bad use of Absolutism that denies subjective experience. If only the Absolute exists why not just go get your teeth pulled out with pliers. Sound good? I don’t think Absolutist ideas are ever really helpful because we experience duality. Whether it is true at the Absolute level or not, here it is. A normal person will not have a clue what you are talking about if you just go in at ultimate truths.
  8. @snowyowl I was unable to convey this to a friend too. LOL it's funny because it's so hard to explain. It makes me laugh because it's like RIGHT THERE and I can't point people to what I mean. Uhmmm... Maybe consider for example, that another color exists that no living thing can see. We see it as blue, but there is some wavelength that is in fact some new color. We can't see the color. We can see the wavelength of light via the rods cones etc. But we see BLUE. The new color is something we cannot find anywhere inside either the objective or subjective world. That other new color, what IS IT. The color itself, what it looks like, is the qualia. So you can say we see blue because that wavelength of light IS blue. But it's not. It's interpreted subjectively ae blue. Why couldn't it be interpreted subjectively as grey or something as a dog might? If humans didn't exist maybe blue wouldn't exist... The wavelength of blue would, but what blue looks like is found nowhere at all. So that is a problem. It is a problem that zapping some matter conjures this immaterial thing that exists nowhere in space, only in mind.
  9. @Blackhawk Oh yes, the "zap a rock with electric, nothing happens; zap some fleshy material with electric and MUH SCIENCE magical consciousness appears". That is one element of it.
  10. Indeed, the question is WHY do they correspond to these things? To a dog you can show them red and they'll be like "wtf? That's grey!" or something because redness doesn't exist to them. So it's not like that wavelength is objectively red. Red exists only subjectively. The redness of red etc. is called qualia. Those things are immaterial like love or fear.
  11. As I view dreams, when you sleep your mind crafts an external world of matter and sensory input etc. The matter and characters and everything around you in a dream is made of mind. In the waking world, with multiplicity and such, I am considering it like this: The Absolute ("Mind", w.e.) -> Spacetime -> Experience -> Several moments of experience link and lifeforms are created, lifeforms are just multiple aware processes working as a single unit. All matter is made of awareness, so awareness is inherent to it. Inside spacetime, the things inside of it are confined by it (for example the matter adheres to the laws of physics and such). The Absolute is not separated at all. Inside spacetime it is like a virtual world where things are divided. What we call our selves = the human brain. The destruction of the brain wipes out all of us except awareness still exists because it is the fundamental nature of reality. I am seeing us to not be the Absolute, but rather the Absolute is us. I think there is a difference between the two, like how the dreamer IS the characters in a dream, but if those dream characters had an ego and all of that, then from their perspective they are individuals and indeed, when the dreamer stops dreaming them they totally vanish, because they never actually existed at all. The dreamer goes nowhere, but the dream vanishes. So I'm thinking the same happens to us. We are just like "God's" playthings, and when he stops dreaming of us we vanish. Everything in spacetime has the potential to form into a complex lifeform, it's just many threads of awareness acting as one thing and processed as such. I don't think there's a "combination problem" because I don't think the lower aware processes vanish. It is just that it is being processed all together. In fact on LSD I have experienced up to 5 different selves talking all at once. In dreams we often experience other characters speaking to us which we don't consciously control. But they are part of our mind. So I don't really think our self is even a singular self... More like many inputs that when sober chime in seamlessly.
  12. Why can't one single thing be infinite?
  13. Why would they change or stop working? Persistence or the lack of it does not prove whether something is real.
  14. @Someone here I would say the floating chairs universe is real. There is no time outside of time, so everything that has and ever will occur does so immediately. The beginning and end of time is t=0 basically. Given infinite time, anything that can potentially happen WILL happen. So when infinite time is compressed into immediacy, all potential exists immediately. I enjoyed this post btw.
  15. Consciousness never moves ever. It is a very curious thing. When you are walking what is actually moving? If you focus on consciousness you will find it is entirely static. Actually it has to be by any scientific measure or otherwise. Things which aren't physical things in space can't have physical spatial size, so absolutely can't move through space. So it just kind of hangs there... The illusion that it moves is a VERY strong and clever one. There is so much sensory input at any given moment that constantly tells us that we are moving. But nothing you experience is where you think it is... That is also proveable, because it is all conjured by the mind. It feels like pain is happening in your toe when you stub it, but it's not lmao. How can it be happening there? The pain is being made by your mind. Your brain is tricking you into mis-locating where the pain is actually happening and factually so. How bizarre... You can go for a walk in a busy city and notice all these sensations of the ground beneath your feet and seeing other people etc. But you can mentally just pull back consciousness into the sizeless singularity that it is if you choose to, and notice it just "hanging there" in sizelessness as everything moves through it.
  16. It's weirdly easier to confirm when NOT meditating, because during meditation you're still. It's when you're out walking that you can notice the falsehood of the apparent movement of the self, and apparent placement of sensory input. This is the thing that hits me most because it is noticed while active, like when commuting etc. Another thing useful, is being on the subway. Because when the ride is really smooth you can feel totally still on the seat, albeit some slight rumbling, yet see from the window that you're flying through the tubes at extreme speeds. But that can make you feel tempted to think of your physical body instead.
  17. I think it goes like this... Awareness -> Big Bang/Spacetime (including matter) -> Pockets of experience within this manufactured spacetime develop and become increasingly complex -> Multiple pockets of experience link and work together for a "lifeform", it is processed as one unit like a computer. I don't think I am awareness, I think it's me. I don't think the two statements are the same... I'm an imaginary puppet. When life is over the plaything that is me is discarded and vanishes into nothingness like the characters in a dream when I wake up. From their perspective if they had one they just vanish. From our perspective we are the body and brain I think. The body and brain are imaginary but so are we. We are the toys God plays with. Our brains shape our existence entirely.
  18. Yes I remember reading this ages ago. It's specifically what we see as shades of beige isn't it? How and why do we see these colors the way we do? Isn't is strange... Why is red red, why doesn't it looks yellow? How is it being pulled up? A blind person who has a damaged visual cortex will not ever experience color. Through what process is the brain latching onto these little pockets of color?
  19. Lmao, genocide? There probably are dangerous psychos here who would yes.
  20. My friend used it a few days ago. He has done Salvia twice, and mushrooms once. He took one hit first of all, then had a few more goes throughout the night.
  21. It would be something quite different from a toad trip wouldn’t it (once you cross over into literal death), but how would you explain the difference? You said before that during a trip you felt you had the option to go further and die and you'd take literally everything with you. How would you describe these things and what happens to an average Joe on the streets? I think this is ultimately the most difficult element to comprehend. I know a typical Atheist will say "it's like an infinite dreamless sleep" or "neverending anaesthetic" or something to that effect. Is there any perceived difference in this ideology? A lot of people have different interpretations. I have considered myself for example "what happens to a character in my dreams when I stop dreaming of them?" And I realize that I the dreamer do not go anywhere, but what is it like for that character that is me?
  22. @Adamq8 If awareness does not ever end but relatively death is an infinite deep dreamless sleep, is there actually a discernible difference? What happens upon death? God/I continues (we DO know consciousness existed before us and will after) but selfishly speaking, so what? There is not even reabsorption into Source we are just dropped like old toys? Hm.