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Everything posted by RMQualtrough

  1. Other humans are you. None of you including yourself are more than an illusion, which takes place within consciousness. It owns you, and experiences your finite form (which in this case is localized inside the dream we call the universe). You aren't just imagining your friend, you're ALSO imagining yourself. Neither of you are real apart from the thing which observes AKA God. It would be possible for both of you to separately say "the only thing that exists is me" (meaning the highest "self"), and BOTH of you are right. Because there is only you. And you are me, I am you. You are your pet dog and your family. You are seeing my bedroom around the phone I type on, and I see your keyboard and screen you type on. Because I am you. But we are both just God. No you and me at that level. You and me are puppets of the finite kind through which God has experience.
  2. Huge problems are caused when people imagine consciousness as being inside of them, as something they own. You need to reverse this view. Your self-you is something inside of consciousness. You belong to IT and it experiences YOU (the self-you). God, AKA real you, is experiencing all things at once. Literally you are typing this post and you will read this post, you will reply to it perhaps and you will from this end read that reply. You are looking at my bedroom right now. Real you is.
  3. That idea in Buddhism makes zero sense at all. If consciousness ended who mourns your funeral? Consciousness doesn't end: You mourn your own funeral, because everything and everyone is you.
  4. It is not possible for immaterial things to have spatial dimensions. So they can't be moving around. He is quite wrong... What are the dimensions of love? What you are seeing is electrical activity. Paired with literal magic under the guise of "emergence", apparently this not only causes the localization of, but the very existence of consciousness and qualia itself. Localization is real, and localization also exists in the dreams we have at night. When he dies of course his localization will end. Ask him then, if consciousness ends, who and what is mourning at his funeral? 99% of confusion that ever exists, is the result of mistaking ANY elements of the self for what observes the self. This is why people think they should be telepathic or able to switch bodies etc.
  5. But a very very large viewerbase. Rogan seems very neurologically unfortunate when it comes to psychedelics and potential for enlightenment. When he smoked 5-MeO-DMT he said he just saw cool stuff like stars etc. Lol. That is truly tragic... Good thing everyone and everything is inherently already God.
  6. @Leo Gura Excitement level: EVENT HORIZON.
  7. Well, "I" am not. My brain is. I understand this very well indeed. And yet here it is. It is possible to accept myself and the condition my finite brain is afflicted with. And yet it sucks. It is shocking how much more open I am after even one double vodka shot. Scumbag brain. I am sitting in a bar right now waiting for my friends.
  8. I have been thinking about this. Our model of the external world is built by perceptions. Our perceptions of the external world can alter dramatically and yet it can still function as expected. An example: If a tape measure from your eyes to the screen measures 30cm, if you were to ingest some psychedelics, it is possible the screen will look twice as far away or twice as close, yet your measuring tool will also stretch or shrink to match the new perception. You can reach out and it is felt where it appears to be. The sizes and shapes of things can change dramatically in this same sense. And yet still, we can navigate this new landscape and it works as expected. Experiments yield the same results, measuring tools show the same measurements. If something can look half as near, why not quarter as near, an eighth as near? Why not 10x as far? WHY would there be any limit at all as to the ways in which it can be perceived? If there are no limits on the way it can be perceived, then it can be perceived in infinite ways. If it can be perceived in infinite ways, then the probability that any single one of those possible perceptions of the external world being correct, becomes zero mathematically. There is 0% probability that any element of the external world exists objectively in the way that we perceive it. There is 0% probability that ANYTHING that perceives the external world (other animals, plants, whatever) perceives it as it exists objectively and independently from that observer. If there is 0% chance that an external world exists in any way in which it can possibly be perceived, then how can it be said to exist objectively at all?
  9. Not sure what Leo will say, but they do it's just they're no different from say, your subconscious. But more like we're all subconscious aspects of God's mind including you. It is mathematically impossible there is an external world. If there's no external world there's no such thing as "here" and "there". When you see someone "there" they must actually be "here" because there's no such thing as out there. Their perspective is superimposed on yours and every other perspective. The consciousness aware of them all is what both you and I refer to as "me".
  10. @Nahm Thanks mate, I found a great video last night. I'm going to try this along with the breathing:
  11. @Leo Gura This is awesome. The world is about to shatter lmao.
  12. Yes you are right. It is mathematically impossible that an external world is really there. If it were a "thing" then it would be possible for something to perceive it as such, but in infinity (there is zero limit on what could be subjectively perceived), the probability any perception is correct is 0. So the probability the external world is anything at all is 0. The only thing that can "be there" is what is not possibly perceived. The only "thing" that is not possible to perceive is literal nothing. There is therefore a 100% chance that there is literally nothing external from perception. AKA there is only perception. If there is nothing external from here then all points of perception are here. If all points of perception are here, all "localized consciousnesses" are here, and hence consciousness is one. There cannot be an external world it is a mathematical impossibility. There is literally nothing out there. The only thing that exists is me. And people will say "but what about me!" They are also right when they say "there is nothing but me", because there is only one consciousness, and all of us are that. Whenever any of us say "the only thing that exists is me" every one of us is correct. There is only me. That includes you, because there's no such thing as the concept of a "you" from any "me"'s point of view because there is nothing external and hence no separation. To say "you" implies there is someone separate from the one singular consciousness. I don't mean to imply classical solipsism, I believe you all have minds and perceptions. I just want everyone to say "there is nothing but me".
  13. Subjective experience would not be confined by the laws of space and time as the falling teacup is, I think it might be legitimately unlimited. If not within your human self then potentially in some other creature. If the odds of any perception correctly matching what is actually out there goes to 0% as it would be in such a scenario of infinity, then it must be what cannot be perceived. There is only one thing that cannot be perceived: Literal nothing. What's out there must be literally nothing, which is why it can appear as anything. There's nothing out there lmao. There is literally nothing out there.
  14. Tbh no, I have no idea what causes it. Even on LSD or mushroom analogues no "this is why" has ever popped up, there doesn't really seem to be a cause. It's just been a thing I've lived with for some reason for like, 12 years now (since I was a teen). It is like getting a blood test or something where, I am fully aware that the feeling is illusory, but it is still there. I am fully aware of what my true nature is (that it isn't = to these things), but still it is there and happening. So far the best I have been able to do is medication, and also, self acceptance where I just accept the way that I act and feel and carry on with that in place without viewing it as a reflection of my self.
  15. I'm enjoying my night anyway but it sucks my brain isn't comfy without alcohol.
  16. @levani It can be much longer than 8 to 12 hours on a heavier dose. I was not sober for 24 hours after dropping 6 tabs. The comedown is so gradual as to not really be very noticeable. Usually it's like you will eventually be able to fall asleep and when you wake you're sober again.
  17. As physical matter begins to fall apart through time, is the same true of localized forms of consciousness? Does the self undergo some form of entropy? AKA when material forms with localized experience first come into being, the separation is at its most intense, and the bonds weaken with time until the structure falls apart?
  18. @Dazgwny Psychedelics gave me total ego dissolution and turned me on to nonduality as a result. But I have made much more progress sober, going over the logic of the metaphysics and considering things in my daily life. It might be of no use for Spira to use psychedelic drugs if he is already enlightened. I have no interest in being enlightened but some elements come with the package of belief without much choice in the matter.
  19. I thought about this, but I don't like the model as much, because it does not account for how localized selves (ports of consciousness through which experience takes place) are directly affected by alterations to the physical elements. If you class it like God's mind the dreamer, material universe the dreamed, self mind localized in the dream, that model accounts for everything. You have to put the appearance of duality somewhere anyway since that exists in any location where experience of any sort happens. So I prefer this model.
  20. Hello mate, consider that without time from the position of the absolute, ideas like you "will" experience their lives, implies that you are not doing so presently. You are living their lives right now as we speak.
  21. I'm on Zoloft for anxiety mainly, it is just that I also suffered with depression and when home alone etc that is what would attack me.
  22. Well, I'm on Zoloft. Without Zoloft I have depressive breakdowns every other week. The stigma against brain medicine is unwarranted.
  23. You put a knife to your neck, I think that is quite a serious matter irrespective of reasoning given. That is not something a mentally well person would do. I would recommend seeing a doctor moreso.