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Everything posted by RMQualtrough

  1. Most stuff is parroting by people. There isn't actually any direct proof. I do know nobody has ever experienced anything other than mind. I know awareness has no spatial dimension at all. I know sheer awareness robbed of any form is literally nothingness. But nobody smokes a drug and suddenly gains control of someone else's body or sees through their eyes, that is what you would need to constitute direct proof. Logically you can deduce from the lack of the existence of space and the boundless nature of awareness, that it must be one "I". The way the boundary is created if there are various appearances to awareness, I'm not really sure why or how that happens. Rupert Spira's wording on why and how is the most logically sound. He has very good videos on this, usually using the infinite nature of awareness and the implications of that, along with dream logic.
  2. It is only a very brief thought experiment regarding the un-reality of space, or even just the "place" awareness resides, to understand that "I" is the thing viewing everything. What is the actual mechanism via which it is able to split imagination into seperated perspectives? Not only of characters, but say, time too. Now five seconds ago is just a memory happening now. But when an event happens, how is it able to imagine these changing contrasts to create the image of passing time? How is it NOT that every single state is stacked atop one another allowing infinity to appear to be something finite? What is the mechanism through which it is able to do this?
  3. No answer came at all. I'm neurotypical and have done shit tonnes of hallucinogens at this point. The only obvious thing was my own substantial emptiness, the fact of everything that has ever been known being mental perception (and the obvious subjectivity of those), and the sizelessness OF awareness. It's not revealing any mechanism, and ideas of other people/mechanisms disappear so it's not like I am provided actual definitive answers at all beyond the above. The ideas vanish so no answer even comes, how is more of the same going to suddenly make answers appear? I don't see that giggling and shushing my bedroom wall promising to not let anyone know they're all us, is some kind of definitive proof, nor being shot out of my ego into """Nirvana""". The only direct proof is of the elements first mentioned.
  4. I don't get it How could it be? If I'm sitting at home, but I'm inside the screen But you're not you You're your digital you Virtually real, but controlled by real you
  5. You need to be under the professional supervision of a doctor. I know the meds you mean, you're talking of like, quetiapine? It's often prescribed as a sleeping pill in Norway believe it or not. I've taken it for sleep. If you took only 25mg, I think you would be able to stay awake. 100mg is just a sucker-punch to the head into coma tier sleep.
  6. Jordan Peterson is really sick. He is obsessed with needing "meaning" and Abrahamic dualistic type religions as a result. He was in a coma in Siberia from drug abuse... The problem is, he's smart enough to be fully aware and conscious of the madness he's enduring.
  7. I'm moving my hands. The choice to move my hands is controlled by chemicals and firing in the brain. The brain and chemicals and electricity is imaginary in nature (I don't have to go through the entire explanation of why, probably you understand why already)... The hands are imaginary, made of touch, seeing, etc. The chemicals are imaginary, the hands are imaginary, so what is real. What is moving the hands. What ISN'T imaginary?
  8. Whatever you're trying to claim, is blatantly untrue...
  9. There's nothing special about human awareness compared to animals like horses or w.e., lmao. Are you for real?
  10. The research is that the decision is made by the unconscious before the conscious mind is aware of it... Which btw renders consciousness absolutely useless for evolutionary fitness and tanks any theory that consciousness itself evolved due to evolutionary pressures.
  11. @Mason Riggle Have you ever been driving and your mind wandered, but then you magically find yourself at home? Hands steering without active thought... And the difference then when you are "consciously" controlling them.
  12. @Leo Gura Lucid dreams appear controlled as I feel to be able to manipulate my hands. This sensation of having "control" may be an illusion. @Mason Riggle My mind can be empty of thoughts and I can move my hands. I mean I think a thought is words? The internal monologue?
  13. @Mason Riggle Well, funny I feel I control my hands moreso than my thoughts. I control my hands without actively thinking. As someone said, the mechanism is very interesting. I hope Leo will do a video on the whole deeper imagination thing.
  14. @Mason Riggle Yeah I'm curious on what that "deeper imagination" is since I can't access it in the same way. Hopefully Leo will do a video on that specifically. I did trip before where I wasn't controlling my hands and they sexually assaulted me. Dead srs. Freaked me out ofc.
  15. @Mason Riggle Hm. Good post. But if I become lucid in a dream (also usually, but then even moreso), I feel to exert or possess the same exact ability to manipulate reality as I feel now to manipulate my hands. So there is still a difference here in that I feel the same control of my hands I might while driving a car in a dream. But unlike a dream there are areas I am entirely unable to manipulate. And Leo in his "advanced consciousness" states seems also unable to suddenly fly around the skies. But he can move his hands (we see his live awakening AKA live trip vid on YouTube - he didn't know that Amazon dude was about to knock lmao).
  16. It's different dude. I can easily will my hands into moving. Or at least my ego FEELS like it is moving them (neuro research shows it is also the same "Absolute will" I suppose). So maybe it is a trick that the brain/ego takes a sense of ownership over the hand movement when the decision happened on the same level as what keeps your kidneys working. Unlike the will to move my hands I can't make trees magically appear right now with the same ease. I wanna know the mechanism behind this. "Deeper level imagination" I think would benefit greatly from a lot more explaining. Honestly I think it's worthy of a video, as it's quite vague to say that without explaining how that imagination relates to the sense of control of the hands, etc.
  17. Can you elaborate? You aren't able to will a million dollars into your room by becoming conscious enough. This is the "deeper" level imagination you discuss. Beyond the "ego" imagination. It feels like my ego can will my hands to move. But evidently it's also the deeper level. I can manipulate my hands (existence), which is also coming from beyond ego, but not will some cash into my pocket. Why? What is THAT. The deeper level I don't manipulate. Why does my ego feel like it's the one moving my hands? If it's not, why can I as the deeper Absolute move my hands seemingly at my will but not everything else?
  18. When Leo discusses this he calls it a "deeper" level of imagination. What actually IS that? What is choosing there to be trees etc when I am not at all conscious of such a choice for these things to be. If there is free will at all that is. If there's no such thing then I suppose it would no longer matter. I feel I control my hands but I know it's "deeper" imagination as brain scans and such will show your choice is made before you're conscious of it. So the same "deeper" imagination responsible for the appearance of trees in the human eye etc.
  19. It has now been over a year and a half since the strongest DMT trip I ever experienced, which was a breakthrough dose on top of 5 hits of acid. Memory of the entire thing has become completely faded. I only remember the thought upon returning that Buddhists and such are wasting their time, since when they get "there", there IS no Buddhist anymore. If Hitler and the Buddha get "there", there is no Buddha or Hitler left anymore, and their actions and dedication to whatever is entirely meaningless as they are now equivalent and the same. I don't really remember much else at all... I am very much back in the usual human mindset. Which is a good thing actually. But I will never forget the realization that nothing you ever do matters whatsoever for the reason outlined.
  20. Research shows that you make a decision before you are even consciously aware of the choice or thought to move your hands (or whatever). So what is making the decision? Chemicals aren't real. Hands aren't real. We know this. The choice to move my hands happens before I am conscious of it. So what is making the decision? How is it happening? It is like our inability to will the Sun into vanishing.
  21. Reason itself is an experience, you couldn't reason without a mind. Sounds like that might pose a problem?
  22. It feels dogshit bro... The Buddha had thoughts. Jesus had thoughts. If you had none ever, you starve and die... Walking along the road and nearly being floored because I feel "one" with the brick wall. While sober. It was bizarre. Glad it went away.
  23. You can be cryogenically frozen when you're dead. If magically humans never just extinct themselves with bombs etc, maybe a dead person could be brought back from this procedure. If they are then currently a squirrel, do they then disappear from the squirrel leaving it a paperweight and return to their own revived human body? Which btw from that brain's perspective would just be like having undergone general anaesthesia. Lol.