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Everything posted by RMQualtrough

  1. You're almost 100% certainly using a shit device or not good w the torch etc. Use the Glass VaporGenie, do it one hit style, so slow in breath until it's like sheer clouds then IN all the way and hold... Torch lighter, slightly aggressive technique. Torch down a bit into the cap thingy. Oh DPT. Soz looks like "DMT", still the GVG is da bomb dot com.
  2. Big doses of acid last 24 hours easily. Not the "full on trip", but on say 600ug, you'll still be seeing shit warp around on TV etc over 24 hours after the fact. On V high dose trips I think you absolutely NEED benzos or you can't sleep or anything. It's worthless to be honest. LSD is good in some ways but Idno, it's better to potentiate DMT. But high doses are needed. One tab won't really change it much. 5 or 6 and smoking DMT will take your life, you can't be normal again.
  3. Dose is near irrelevant, it's just a random dice roll... But re-dosing is always shit. Re-dosing can "fuck you up" but the real trip must be on the first go. Instead of high doses (which btw will lead to confusion and blackout just so you know), try mixing. I did 500ug of acid and vaped 30mg DMT on the peak. Going too high with DMT causes things to speed up too much and you can't actually comprehend what's happening. Literally it's just like an abstract BLECH, vomit of incomprehensibility. Moreso than Salvia D. You likely aren't "especially sensitive" it is just legitimately that strong of a drug... Don't copy the Leo cope where he does baby doses then jerks off in the tub, claiming the "babby's first line" is for him a megadose due to elite sensitivity. Also try using the VaporGenie. I've tried a lot of devices, I paid like £300 for an electronic dab rig which did DMT temps. Nothing actually beats the GVG, if you're aggressive with it... The uh... Pulsar APX Volt thing, is also really good. No other device is close to those.
  4. You're ill dude LOL. Doing so many drugs is life ruining. Even one serious ego death will haunt your entire life... Pretty much idiotic unless you're consumed by fear of death...
  5. God is for foolish pendejos.
  6. Everyone speaks about spacelessness already so there is the easiest test ever: Just hold up any object. If it can't stop seeming to be in front of you, then you obviously are still under the illusion of space and time. Until you are able to have the object seem equally behind you as it is in front, then you are too far in the illusion of space and time...
  7. You think it appeared in my awareness, and you think I was there. But it didn't and I wasn't... That is why it's logically impossible and why it ought not to have been possible for it to even happen. Not even if I was delusional or schizophrenic or high on drugs, because it is a logical impossibility for it to even appear to happen. Can you not see that the sight of the pillow is the literal thing that it is? Not a void or a nothing or a God or Brahman or anything here seeing it. All that is just ideas ADDED on to the fact which is the appearing of the pillow. The appearing of the pillow is the exact thing that exists... The pillow doesn't need to be seen to appear because the seen pillow is literally what it is. In the way light doesn't need to be lit up since light IS the very thing that it is. The qualia of the seen pillow is the exact thing it is... It's a conditioned belief we have been taught that these qualitative elements have to be seen, heard, touched, tasted, as opposed to the seeing, hearing, touching, and tasting of them (the quality itself) being what exists. You see the difference right? Dip a paintbrush into a can of paint, but the paint in the can is qualia. So you are painting with the actual redness of red and loudness of music. And paint the canvas with that... Or take Lego blocks made of the same qualia, and make a building with them. I think those are decent metaphors, even though there isn't any brush or canvas or can of paint, I think envisioning painting qualia onto a canvas is a good metaphor.
  8. @Hojo Okay. The experience itself is the exact thing that exists. The word experience unfortunately implies that there is a subject ("subject"ive experience = subject + object). So it's misleading to say that. What we call an "experience", the very subjective quality itself, is the literal exact thing that is. There's nothing to it BUT that. There isn't anything mixed into it, merged with it, behind it, in front of it, seeing it. There is ONLY the exact thing itself. You aren't there seeing it as a void or as nothingness, you aren't there as the pillow. You aren't at one with the pillow or merged with the pillow. The apparently seen quality of the pillow is the exact and only thing there... It's like if you had a paint can filled with qualia, and that is the very thing put down onto canvas. There isn't a canvas but it might be a useful metaphor... Or imagine Lego blocks made of qualia. So a paint can filled with the qualia itself like the redness of red, or the guitarness sound of a guitar. And your brush places that down on the canvas. Or imagine Lego blocks made of qualia just the same, and those are the very things which construct reality. Perhaps useful metaphors. Or literally right now do this because it triggered it in me initially a few weeks ago or w.e.: take a cushion, put it in front of you, and try to recreate a surround sound effect but with the vision of the cushion. Make it so the cushion seems equally as behind you as it is in front of you. Don't just BS yourself with thoughts either. The thing has to literally lose spatial relation so it isn't any more in front than it is behind... See if that does anything.
  9. That is why they think death is infinite nothing black or whatever, because deep down it's a completely dualistic framework through which to view the world: The idea that there is a you/your mind, and a world which exists on some other level of reality... That would be, the "subjective" world and the "objective" one. Which causes these people to believe in the continuation of the world but cessation of qualitative elements. Because they don't see, the building blocks of reality are not Gods or atoms, the Lego blocks out of which reality is created are appearances (qualia, perception)... For reality to continue, appearance must continue, because appearance is what existence essentially is. Taking the living being out of the equation does not stop appearance. Spiritual people and materialist people have the same view but opposite of the spectrum: Spiritual people think they die and, like, their little consciousness bubble pops and they go back to infinity or something like this. They think they go somewhere, but unlike atheists their thinking is that they go back to some God thing or time goes loopy and the universe ends, and various other ideas spawning from the notion. In constrast materialists believe consciousness ceases instead, while the world continues to be, as something other than sheer existent appearances. Just as there isn't actually any you to burst or go back to God or become God or be infinite, there isn't a secret world beyond what appears. Regardless of the repeated success of any test (which is btw a separate thing entirely)... And the very appearances materialist-focused people think are reliant upon an observer, hence the belief of eternal black when the observer dies, also do not go anywhere. Materialist is not a position which makes sense in a non-dualistic context. As they would need to describe qualia (which is existent) as material, and then if material it should follow that it can exist without any living beings just as any OTHER material they discuss can. But they don't believe that.
  10. It happened as I said. It's not a paradox unless you speak about it (because I have to say this happened to me etc to tell you about it). Also unless you hold the idea that for something to be seen there has to be a see-r of that thing, which is a conditioned idea taught into us. Have you not ever considered that, uhm... Okay see this: That green cushion yeah? Have you not ever considered that the appearance of that green pillow is literally the very thing that it is? That the existent thing there is the qualia itself... Everything people are discussing, true selves and God and such, is an idea that there is something to it other than the very thing itself. Examples: "There is a screen of awareness in which a green pillow appears", or "I am a green pillow (or "at one with" the green pillow)"... It's an additive interpretation that there are multiple facets to the appearance of a green pillow. Even if you mentally merge them or feel merged/one with them, it's still an egoic additive of something other than the very thing itself. What if there isn't awareness and a pillow, or a pillow in awareness, or a pillow made of me, or me at one with a pillow, or a pillow being me. What if there is JUST THE FUCKING PILLOW. The so-called "subjective" experiential quality of it being the very single sole thing it is. It happened like that. Kinda. Because of ego function, the pillow seems to look to be in front of me like how you sit on the sofa watching TV the TV is in front of you. See what happens when you actually remove location and spatial relation. See if you can make that sight into a surround sound type effect so it's everywhere but nowhere you can pinpoint. So it looks equally as behind you as it does in front of you, but when you try to see it in those places it is also never located there either (so just like surround sound).
  11. No, not nothingness. Not infinity. Not a void. I wasn't there. At all. Not as anything OR as nothing. I didn't exist anymore. You are genuinely afraid of not existing, as you said it is horrifying. "Be open to the possibility" you're actively trying to hold onto a delusion due to fear... You are logic-ing the idea that I had to have been present, because the alternative is impossible. It is logically impossible appearance was there without me. But it was. I can explain your drug trip revelations if you want. I'm super familiar with DMT trips and the effects.
  12. The same way anything is remembered. That is the least unusual element. But see you and other dude are like, in disbelief, can't comprehend it because you can't believe that "true me!!!!" Is still ego and not necessary in the equation. "God consciousness" is pure ego. "True Self!" is ego. It's a huge alteration in ego (and I can walk through EXACTLY how this effect occurs when you take drugs), not total ego death.
  13. Are y'all "open to the possibility" of the "radical" "Absolute Truth (trademark)" that reality is literally just existing? That it is just shining, pristine, existing... That the reality you think "you" are seeing, exactly as it is, exists there (yes exactly as you see it) without the you entity even existing. That it just. fucking. EXISTS. Without a perspective or point of view or God or bullshit fables. You are already dead. This is the same as actual physical death. Right now the world as you see it, this is identical to physical death. There is no difference right now if you are alive or dead. Nothing would be any different whatsoever. This is absolutely the same. The world continues to appear because it never needed you anyway, the entire you is appearance senses thought and various other things which coil to form the ego. If there is notion of a God entity or you being "one" with everything or anything like that, it is not ego death. That is fake "ego death" which is, btw, the same process by which out of body experiences happen on drugs: The sense of you initially feels to shrink as you lose sense of your body, but once the final body part sense is gone, "your awareness" feels like it is infinite and everywhere because there is not any place for it to anchor its sense of boundary to (when sober the boundary probz seems to be the edge of your skin)... This is not ego death, the ego is still present but unattached to anything... That is still an existent ego.
  14. Yes I don't like the other descriptors. It actually ends the insight to even think words such as awareness/consciousness in particular. It ends it instantaneously and back come certain false ideas such as ideas of screens of awarenesses and God. If you even say for example that red is aware of itself, you're ascribing something other than the very appearance of redness to redness. E.g: you are then thinking of the quality of redness but then believing there is something else to it, namely "awareness", as opposed to it just being redness alone. Point blank nothing else to it but the very quality itself. Nothing "infused" into it or hiding behind it or seeing it from the foreground. None of that. Brought about because I was messing around trying to stop vision from seeming to be in front of me or part of me etc. Basically, trying to do the same with vision as what happens with sound on drugs like DMT, so that the sight is not in ANY kind of relation to me. And then I stopped existing at all. For a few minutes or something... I don't readily buy into bullshit, I don't just eat a space cake and say "omg it's so radical I realized I am absolute love thanks Leo! Please fellate me." Rupert Spira says different, and says that you can't dream of a beach without seeming to be somewhere in relation to the beach. Like for example, to see it he thinks you need a perspective, where you have a certain field of view of some limited aspect of it. This is a logical idea. But not what happened. As the perspective/point of view wasn't there, nor in the image or anywhere at all. Not even nowhere. It just wasn't. Then you have not in fact been confronted with the same thing, because you are incredulous at the idea that there WAS NOT any me experiencing anything (or any God or Brahman or consciousness experiencing it either)... There wasn't. There wasn't a void me or nothing me or everything me. There was no me at all. And reality stayed in place. I wasn't a screen or a void or nothing or God or everything. I wasn't there. At all. Not even as nothing...... Not even nothing...... Do you see this is logically impossible? It shouldn't be able to happen even to a delusional schizo. It ought to be actually impossible. So I think it is probably right, since it did happen. If you were to discuss your trips I can tell you EXACTLY what happened. In one trip I "became nothing" and I think that is because while 4 of my 5 senses lost spatial relation, vision did not. So the vision which stands alone still came with a sense of depth and position. E.g. the sensation the images of clowns and whatever were happening in front of me. And I noticed then a void at the "here" location, which is left in the place of imagined space when appearances are projected into a "there" space. I think that is why that happened. It's another delusion. Falsehood.
  15. It's called autism. This entire subforum is autistic. Lmfao.
  16. This is a cult you're on rn, it's nothing BUT stories informed by a cult leader. Same type of people who go to Tony Robbins seminars and read "The Power of Now". I don't know the name of the illness, but it's people who NEED someone to follow who post here copying Leo catchphrases and stuff: "it's so radical!" "are you open to the possibility" "become conscious of" etc. Yesterday there was a total retard at the restaurant. He just randomly started punching his mom or carer whatever she was (he's a retard so just threw shit haymakers even this woman was able to block with ease). She had to guide him to even drink a glass of water. I just imagine that is the type of person.
  17. Yeah it should be impossible so what if it happened? What would you think? How can you explain the occurrence I'm talking about? You DEFINITELY haven't "awakened" (cringe term lol) if you believe there's an omnipresent you entity. The ego is still appearing then. You don't need to be there for reality to be there. Experienced by nobody. The "experience" being the very thing it is, self contained like how light is light. No magical entity needed to light it, since it is light. Consider the blatant wrongness of "Self" ideas, even without it ceasing to exist for you... The amount of BS Spira etc have to invent to explain obvious occurrences like deep sleep. "You" are some magical awareness screen but don't see anything but whatever is in front of your ego? Bunk incorrect teachings. Bunk religious beliefs.
  18. Yes exactly. Not seeing/seen anymore at all. Just appearance. Like the quick image of a sunset I chopped together. Only appearance remains shining pristine. To nobody and nothing. Importantly, there is no point of view there anymore. The image is, impossibly, no longer in front of you or behind you or anywhere at all. It's by itself. Without any you anywhere at all. Nowhere in relation to it. Not even merged with it, or swirling around "at one" with it like DMT breakthrough trips, it's not there anymore. Not somewhere in relation to it, not merged with it: gone... NOT only the thoughts or ideas of self gone leaving behind some kind of hidden entity, not a true Self, not a self made of nothingness, just 100% non-existent. The "true Self" or "I" is another appearance like a sunset or like anything else.
  19. @OBEler Right, something like that... What a nasty thing for the narcissist egos, to realize they aren't any more real or special or central than any other mirage... Have you seen that new type of toilet paper? It's called Cushelle. It doesn't have a cardboard tube in the middle... The cult follower creepers often repeat the drug-addled delusion that when the ego is unravelled there's a special "super you" cardboard tube in the middle. But it's Cushelle. There isn't a tube in the middle...... Once it has unravelled there is no secret "true Self" remaining... It was just another appearance. Cushelle is a good invention btw. Would recommend. I like keeping a mega neat living space.
  20. There IS NOT and that's what I mean. It is bullshit that there is unless it can be explained how the fuck I straight up stopped existing and reality still stood there shining bright. I did not exist. Even here your mind will be implanting a "you" into the sunset afterwards too because you will be imagining that the thoughts about I go away but the I entity remains there somewhere. Not that, I mean there is no I present. The sunset appears alone by itself. Self luminous. Nothing is seeing it. That sunset, the SEEN SUNSET is the literal exact thing that is. As if you were building something from Legos, but the Legos were perception. That is what reality is made of. It is like building blocks of perceptions/qualia. There isn't anything observing it. What lights up light dude? That question is like discussing what observes the beach or w.e. Not only do you not need to observe sights, you already aren't. See how things appear anyway? What if you discovered you weren't actually seeing them and NEVER were. That the I sense/thought/whatever was just another one of the self-luminous appearances. Do you see what I am saying? If you explain back to me what it sounds like I'm trying to say, I'll see if I am botching it as per usual.