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Everything posted by RMQualtrough

  1. “At around 3am, the night before we buried my father, I heard his voice, loud and strong and as clear as ever. Maybe it was my own deepest voice, my intuition, my very own heart. My presence, his presence, one and the same. Who knows. He said, “Don’t worry about me, son. I’m okay. I didn’t need that damn body anymore! It was old and exhausting and too small for me. I am relieved to be free of it.” “Don’t look for me, my boy. I haven’t gone anywhere. I have lost the body but I was never that. I have only come closer to you. I am what you are. I always was.” “May I ask you a favour, son?” “Sure, Dad. Go ahead,” I replied. He said, “I no longer have eyes. If I need to see, may I look through yours?” “Of course, Dad. We can look at the things of this world together, whenever you feel like it.” “And your ears, son? May I use them, sometimes? I no longer have my ears.” “Of course, Dad. We can hear the sound and music of our days together. I will offer you my ears, whenever you need to hear.” “And your mouth? To taste, to speak words? Your nose, to smell, to breathe? Your arms and legs? Your body? Your heart?” “Yes Dad. You can feel everything through me. Sense everything. Be alive. I will let you in, whenever you need to experience this materiality.” And then I thought - no, no, even that isn’t true. “He” cannot experience the world through “me”. That is a false division made by this human mind. “He” and “me” are not divided, not two. We never were. It is Presence that lives, sees, hears, smells, thinks, feels. Dad is not talking “to” me, or living “through” me or anything crazy like that - love is prior to language and all of these illusory, mind-made divisions. I was Dad. I always had been. Anyway, the next day, “we” sat together, watching the sun rise before his funeral. It felt so ordinary. We were alive. I was he and he was I, beholding a sunrise for the very first time. We existed in pure intimacy. There was no separate body to get in the way. No mental division. No death anywhere to be found. We enjoyed the funeral, if truth be told. We laughed and wept together, missed each other and found each other closer than ever, said goodbye to a body and said hello to an Infinite Now and it made no sense but it all made perfect sense. We live together now in perfect harmony. Dad sees what I see, hears what I hear, feels what I feel, thinks what I think, misses and finds himself through me. He writes these words to you now. To remind you of what you have always known: Death is nothing, only a mysterious collapse of time, distance, memory. Or, to put it simply, Love cannot die. Goodbye, Dad. And hello. - Jeff Foster”
  2. @SgtPepper If you can handle it well, drop 5 tabs and then smoke DMT at the peak. Watch what happens. And please post about what happens lol. I did it with 4 tabs and also 5 tabs... 6 tabs of acid alone never came close to either. Would recommend.
  3. Acid kind of sucks, to be honest. It presents truths in very bizarre and abstract ways which cannot be comprehended unless you already understand nondual teachings. It's just presented in sort of "word association game" manner where the abstractions sort of point at a certain idea but in a riddle-ish manner. Acid trips of the past start to make sense when you gain that understanding. You probably already do understand nondual teachings to be here... But that is what I found with that substance. But whatever the case, the only real point of acid IME is to potentiate DMT. The trips otherwise are way too long and without as much insight as just smoking DMT where you will be up and down within 5 minutes. With acid you're in for like 6 to 8 hours. I don't plan on ever taking it again even though I used to enjoy bopping to electronica on it.
  4. @Inliytened1 The Self was that absolute total nothingness. Literally nothing, and that is what I became. And "I", even the I thought, became something appearing to the nothing. But that specific experience was relatively dual as I became nothing as opposed to experiencing the oneness with the appearances. If the same nature of Self was realized, which is nothingness, with that oneness with appearance simultaneously (another type of psychedelic experience), I think the Buddhist doctrine would be realized. What Leo and many others discuss from first hand experience is very much Vedic instead. My own experiences have all been Vedanta heavy and thus there was some essence of me (not the ego but awareness). Me as everything or me as nothing. I don't doubt people could experience first hand the vanishing of that Self viewpoint, leaving just "appearing" by itself.
  5. @Inliytened1 No self was when I was laughing saying "who the fuck is RMQualtrough?" as there was no person present at all. Anything that was, was just changing appearance. That appearance was constantly annihilated as thoughts and feelings and anything else would disappear and then re-emerge. The thing that was me and unchanging was not me anymore, but as said literally nothing in the true sense of the word. There are other trip types which intermingle you with everything taking place, so there's no separation between you and what is appearing to you. If I recognized the self to be nothing AND experienced the self intermingled with everything at the same time, I can see that I might not perceive any self but just appearance alone appearing to itself and nobody. I see how both could be valid, though my personal experiences have largely been Vedantic as fuck (even the hallucinations were Hindu, which is strange because that was before I knew about Vedanta even).
  6. Be careful, I can already see the Actualized version of Himmler circling this thread waiting to lock it to appease his power fetish. No-self is the classical Buddhist teaching. No essence of self that is unchanging. IME, I've been more in touch with Vedanta. I found a self it's just that that self was actual literal total nothingness. All the somethingness was constantly transforming. The nothingness was static and stood in opposition to what was changing. But I can see how another person could experience total no-self. Maybe they are correct.
  7. Posting hotlines is banned on the subreddit for suicidal people, because they are dogshit. Suicidal people do not feel helped by boilerplate copy-paste responses of hotlines. My response (btw) was to see a medical professional and get on medication. I've dealt with suicidal ideation a lot. Only medicine and actual medical professional help works. I've been on Zoloft for years. This thread is locked for further replies. I am so enlightened that I have a higher ego than Donald Trump.
  8. Uh oh, be careful what you say around narcy egomaniacs or you'll be in for a banishing.
  9. This entire forum should be renamed Narcissists.org. Srs. Every other poster has narcissism or is a sociopath. The rest are the weakest of the weak being perpetually scammed and mind-altered. Every time one of these weak people trip it just so happens to magically align with whatever Leo's latest teaching is, down to catchphrases. All these weak people, I guarantee are the same suckers scammed by Tai Lopez, Tony Robbins, RSD, etc.
  10. Yes just a few more posts until one of the narcissists decide to lock it as per usual, then go jerk themselves off.
  11. While a person is THAT high their ego is legit erased. When they sober up it's exactly as bad as before.
  12. I'd care, you got legit SCAMMED out of nearly 10K. Scammed. This entire industry is a scam joke. You coulda just done a good bufo ceremony in Mexico or w.e. and immediately be wiser than Leo and all these people (until you sober up ofc).
  13. LOL what?! You gave that dude thousands of dollars? You got outright scammed. Lol at spiritual people. Just lol. What a scam industry this is damn.
  14. Wanna buy a timeshare? I have a great opportunity for you.
  15. He can't be, any character is an appearance. When the character talks about the experience, every word and metaphor etc is an appearance too... I do think it can be described quite well, but when a person says a word that word is of course an appearance. So when Leo comes down from his high (really, smoking 5-MeO-DMT would yield best results, but risky yes), he's the character again. The character is gone when one is """fully awake""". Really full awakening might be the death of the character, as even in extremely altered states breaking through on DMT or w.e., there's still finitude involved in the contrasting appearances. Rather than seeing literally everything in that infinity like sensory data other creatures have that we don't etc.
  16. I moderated a forum, it was an extremely easy role, for dat dere power. The constant thread locking is embarassing.
  17. Legit, most of his pals have turned Judas on him ITT.
  18. Before that too. There is more ego here than on steroid bodybuilder forums like UK-Muscle, which is quite funny. Enlightened people have higher egos than anyone else on the entire planet.
  19. AKA always. I have been on many forums, in my ENTIRE LIFE I have never seen any board with as many locked and deleted threads etc. Never. It's even more severe than the blue boards on 4chan.
  20. @Jahmaine The disciples are legit embarassing themselves, lol. They even copy the catchphrases.
  21. There is no Nahm. Demotion is just a concept. No demotion so nobody to demote. Namaste. Prayer emoji heart emoji. Edit: Buy my one on one coaching. Just $150.
  22. I KNOW the self is just a bunch of changing appearances. It doesn't seem to change anything to know this... I don't mean in the Leo sense of "my last awakening was BS, THIS is the real absolute truth this time I swear" every week. I mean I know. Definitively. And this is something you can also see discussed by materialists like Sam Harris. It's just an undeniable truth. The self seems to be more like a pattern of activity rather than anything static and concrete. As well as the storybook built off of memories of past events. But behaviorally speaking, it seems pattern based. I don't think we really control what emerges and whatever else. Thoughts and actions, whatever, just unfolding...
  23. Well this is what happens when someone just straight up stops explaining what relative and absolute reality is, and starts mixing and matching definitions of self, you, etc, in their videos. There's NO REASON to not explain relative truth even briefly in a 3+ hour video. People on this very forum have done so in one or two sentences. It's very easy indeed. "I" am the only one who can awaken. If I don't explain what that means, it could mean either I (as "God"), or it could mean my ego self, whatever else. If I don't explain what is meant by that, lunatics are obviously going to butcher it instantly. It is not just people who are "afraid" to find the truth or whatever. If misunderstood a person can look forward to a constant Mexican standoff where everyone claims THEY are the conscious one and they KNOW it, and everyone else is lying. If you see yourself in the mirror, you know the person inside the mirror is not aware. The awareness of that person inside the mirror is - well - sober it feels "behind" you, maybe behind your eyes or something depending on what you are doing.... When another person is seen, their awareness is similarly not inside the avatar of them. It is in the same spot which probably feels to be behind you. Ancient Vedic texts have explained this better and in greater depth. Nondual traditions actually use their own language sometimes because English does not have enough words. We have one word "I" to refer to physical body, mind, ego, all at once. In Sanskrit there are plenty of additional words to ensure what is written is specific to what is meant...
  24. Your mind is being warped badly by some lackluster teaching. Your ego has taken over the idea of what "you" means because you have not experienced ego dissolution. Based on previous posts.