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Everything posted by RMQualtrough

  1. Yep. I want to add, that it's very peculiar, but consciousness seems to illuminate itself VIA the things which appear to it. I state often, "pure consciousness" is literally nothing. That was a profound undeniable realization... For objects to even appear AT ALL there has to be a subjective experience: If there was no subjective experience, everything would be like what you'd see if you lost all 5 senses. The act of experiencing is hence absolutely necessitated by the manifestation of any "thing" with form at all. And the thing experiencing the forms is literally nothing. And that is so, so, so, so, so, so, so bizarre. SO unspeakably, insanely, BIZARRE. Yet nothing else makes experiential OR logical sense.
  2. @Breakingthewall The thing that frightens me most is "infinite bliss" or eternal love etc. It struck me the other day, and it caused great distress... I don't want to be in infinite bliss, I want to be here. When people have notions of a heaven where they're walking around clouds with dead relatives, "eternity" sounds quite alright. But when considered in this context, truly frightening... "No infinite love! No! Stay away from me infinite love! I want to be a character! I don't want your love!"
  3. The amount of hurdles you'd need to cross to understand the position is probably not worth it. Obviously for one thing, when you are dead time is not perceived, so looking at it from first person, the exact moment you die everyone dies with you. And that is true for everyone. If you think time is literally accurate to the "tick tock tick tock" we know, and that individuals are conscious, I probably wouldn't even bother trying to understand the other position... There's no prize or goal at the end. Just be a waste of time...
  4. Agreed. But I'm not sure why I got that impression during my tripping days.
  5. Zeno specifically made his paradoxes as an attempt to prove that motion is not ultimately real. Something like that. "Parmenides held that the multiplicity of existing things, their changing forms and motion, are but an appearance of a single eternal reality (“Being”)" I believe the philosophy is referred to as Eleatics, of which Zeno was a proponent.
  6. It has the highest odds. I don't know what all this bullshit masculinity stuff people keep pressing you on is about, it seems juvenile. Dating advice has always been people treating "don't find each other physically disgusting, do get emotionally close" as advanced calculus. Annoys me when I see it.
  7. I got some great responses from wise people in a thread I made the other day, which I think is the exact same thing you are asking (when you say "on the fly") worded differently: I was trying to get at the same thing I think you are saying. Is it functionally "un-finite", where the appearances come and go. Or infinite where everything is totally static and our minds are tricking us that events are changing. This especially relates to the whole "now" thing. There is only "now" and every event happens in it. If you listen to Rupert Spira's opinion, he will say the mind is like a filter that views reality through a lens of space and time, though all time has already happened... That's also scientifically backed I think? But I, and I THINK Leo, see it more as a whole in which forms are always appearing and disappearing. It does not itself have time. It is DEVOID of time. But the appearances which shift, produce "time" through measurable change in the illusions of "things". Hope I didn't misinterpret you and ramble for nothing. Sorry if I did lol.
  8. Is existence infinite, or un-finite? Does every possible thing exist. Or is it more that every possible thing COULD exist but does not necessarily HAVE to. I don't mean the sizelessness of consciousness, which is what you experience when you do a tonne of drugs, boundaries vanish, and your mind loses the illusion of being inside space.
  9. Yeah, uh, ngl I find him completely careless in his choice of wording. I mean, he chooses his words carefully, but based on HIS understanding, without consideration of transmitting that understanding to a complete stranger. I always think explanations should be explicable to a random stranger at a local bar. I always aim to do that with my wording.
  10. Sorry I forgot the moment. I found it now. It reminds me of the Hindu arm stuff, which also gives me flashbacks really badly. That scene is sickeningly "DMT".
  11. Uhh any of the depictions where they have tonnes of arms. Horrible flashbacks lol. Adeptus Psychonautica did that special effect on a recent video too. Flashbacks every time.
  12. The thing when she spread her hands and they replicated like Hindu deities, gave me serious hardcore DMT flashbacks. I'm not sure if that's the scene you posted, but looks like it. The ending is most impactful I think. When everything collapsed into one. BAM. MUSIC CUTS. She's vanished. Text message says "I am everywhere."
  13. I'm more on board with the "nobody" so I don't know how to respond, but I would say... If you look totally inwards, you will find nothing. If you look totally outwards you find something. And if you find both, there is "Brahman" etc. Whatever term. The nothingness at the back. I mean it's awareness. It exists I would say? But the ego is a pure lie, certainly, people are nothing more than the present moment, and patterns (predictable behaviors). So "nobody" does sort of resonate with how I view things.
  14. I don't see it that way. I know exactly what you mean because you're trying to say it's infinity "appearing" as limited things and therefore things don't exist... But I don't view it with that perspective... I don't really like the perspective either because it's not as explainable to a layman.
  15. Well, right now a limited range of changing objects. I suppose what I mean is (since I agree it's infinity if you include possibilities), do you think every single possibility HAS to happen by absolute necessity. Or are things able to exist as possibilities without their manifestation being totally guaranteed? Related: My touches with spacelessness and timelessness, when I try to describe it, I best describe it as an endless piece of blank white paper, and sketches appear and move on it... Which for some reason strikes me more as something un-finite. Like... Spacelessness isn't super big or super small, and timelessness isn't freeze frame, and eternity isn't a really long time. It's literally devoid of those properties entirely... From that, I might consider that things prefer to manifest sequentially and with finity, rather than all at once. I can't really explain why it seems that way... It just seems more "all-encompassing" if you get what I mean? AKA, all that is, is "it". But no sign of inevitabilities in any of my experiences. The monkey typewriter Shakespeare problem is within time and space, and uses "really long time" as opposed to timelessness and boundlessness. Which seems to make it inevitable.
  16. Interesting because some people say "nothing is happening", and you've sort of explained why. I don't view it that way. I would say the sparkle happened in your scenario, illusion or not. So it's interesting to see where my mind perhaps differs from those people.
  17. @Dazgwny Sounds like the infinite monkeys with typewriters typing the works of Shakespeare thing. That's inevitable, but that's also working in a finite set with certain parameters (26 letters). THOUGH interestingly, Ricky Gervais argued about this on XFM with Karl Pilkington, and a mathematician called in and said it is PROBABLE the monkeys would, but not certain.
  18. Hm, that's very interesting. I think you're right. Functionally speaking though, are you thinking un-finite? Infinite as I was thinking (functionally) would mean that the possibilities are not only possibilities but manifested.
  19. Everything exists. Even nothing exists (that's the point from which you, me, etc. views the somethings). It's as simple as that. Srs. Existing is the commonality between all... a conscious animal, qualitative experiences, dreams, chemicals, protons... The commonality is existing. I guess it's possible some things don't right now exist (we can't conceive of what that might be), but they COULD. But that part is a theory...
  20. Of course you're terrified of dying, you're 18. There's a reason many older people die without shrieking with fear, your mind actually changes. It also changes if you are dying (see drowning survivor reports). Also your understanding of what you are etc is unexplored. You still believe yourself to be an entirely separate entity from the rest of existence and are wondering what will happen to that little separate slice of existence... Existence is singular, anything that is, "is", there aren't multiple existences. It's the common factor between you and a boulder. If you "look" at your awareness (you can't, but you can recognize you are it) you will find a total nothingness. That nothingness is consciousness. If you look around with your senses you will find somethingness. The commonality is that consciousness exists and the objects exist. We are existence itself, nobody and no thing has a separate piece of existence, there is just existence. Think waves rising and crashing back down into the ocean. When a wave forms it doesn't suddenly gain a sepatate piece of ocean, it is just a movement in the ocean. Like Hotel California, "you can never leave"... Experientially I'm not sure what it will be like. But when a wave crashes back down into the ocean, the same water continues to exist.
  21. Good pic, creepy location. Are those homes abandoned? Where's the pavement or road? surreal. I took VERY similar photos of the moon at night on acid. And the grass because I thought the red green etc shimmers were really there (like a real light trick or w.e.) and not just hallucination, so I wanted to check when sober. Turns out, hallucination.
  22. Well the ego is both the thing being insulted as well as the thing reacting to that insult. Don't think there's a workaround really.
  23. Music amplifies my emotions. Including sadness. It never cheers me up, it just amplifies whatever I'm already feeling regardless of genre. I really like Genesis.