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Everything posted by Ora
Could you guys tell me who is generally considered "Noble Ones" in the west? I'm not well versed with western teachers as i mostly follow the eastern theravada teachers, but i want to expand my view and not have any prejudices. At first i disregarded westerners as being able to actually attain Nibbana while living a life in society, but if there are teachers out there who can genuinely talk about their experience of either Nibanna states or what its like being a Noble One, and not from study or books but from experience, i would like to listen or read their accounts. I think there is a fine line of someone who makes claims of their experience of Nibbana in relation to what they've read or mistakenly thought they've experienced "emptiness" (like from taking a psychedelic and experiencing "emptiness") to someone who talks about it from direct experience and enters the state at will.
Recent report from the department of defence about 300% rise in cancers and other diseases. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/whistleblowers-reveal-dod-medical-data-showing-military-cancer-diagnoses-tripled-since-rollout-experimental-vaccines-along-10x-increase-neurological-disorders-near-5x/ In depth article on how spike proteins cause damage in covid and vaccines and how the more boosters you get the worse your immune system function gets. https://jamesfetzer.org/2022/01/sars-cov-2-vaccines-and-neurodegenerative-disease/
Yes, you are wrong. P.s. saying "simply not true" doesn't mean whatever you follow it up with is true. P.p.s. 80% of serious covid is in vaccinated in Israel https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/321674
Not sure what you're implying. The information in the presentation is no way discredited by any affiliation with the Canadian truckers. This came out months ago. Why do you just disregard all the information in there because you claim they are the organizers of the Canadian trucker protests? This is pure ignorance. You really shouldn't have said anything.
Here's a recent meta analyses on how effective lockdowns have been: https://sites.krieger.jhu.edu/iae/files/2022/01/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality.pdf Perhaps a better approach would've been to investigate treatment methods (hydroquinone and ivermectin which were suggested already in the beginning and now have many studies backing it) instead of relying on an untested vaccine. I hear Israel the top vaccinated country and on their 4th booster has the most covid cases and deaths currently
This group has done some good analysis on efficacy of the vaccine as reported in Pfizers own clinical study. https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/the-pfizer-inoculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good/. Remember there is no such thing as "mild" heart inflammation. If you have inflammation of the heart this is called a serious condition. If you have myocarditis the risk of serious health complicstions increases with each year The cause if myocarditis is the spike proteins, named such because they have sharp spikes which rupture blood cells and form microclots. Any vaccine that forcibly innoculates your body with these spike proteins has a chance to develop microclotting. When you get the virus naturally the main infection is in the respiratory airways where the spike proteins do damage, but at times can spread to the brain and heart being in close proximity. The vaccine gets into your blood circulation which is why there have been side effects in the reproductive organs (in one study it caused 80% of woman in their 1st and 2nd trimester to have spontaneous abortions after taking the vaccine), liver, brain, heart and other tissues. I would recommend finding a reputable proteolytic enzyme supplement with lumbrokinase or nattokinase. Not serrapeptase as that is more for joints and muscle. These enzymes will break up fibrin and micro clots in the body. I've recommended it to my friend who had sever angina pectoris flare ups after the Vax and she reported a severe decrease in instances.
@undeather But how many people who get vaxxed also get covid? And do they get more severe covid than unvaxxed people?
i also get mild headaches sometimes after psycs. it probably has to do with seratonin since you just flooded your brain/receptors with it and now your getting the backlash. ive heard people use 5htp before and after mdma to relieve some of the seratonin effects. maybe itll work for other psychs.
if a Reverse osmosis setup doesnt have UV light for the tank, youll get bacteria growing in there fast. not worth it. Zero water is the cleanest. filters are a little expensive, but if you wait for sales you can usually get filters for 50% off and just stock up. you need to add minerals back to the water though since itll take EVERYTHING out.
yeah i got it knocked out. basically like 5 years ago i lived in a third world country for a while, and had diarrhea every day for 6 months. didnt realize it was because the food was so oily. but basically when you flush your intestines out so hard all the time it lets invasive bacteria proliferate since they always recover faster than good bacteria. so i had gas, like SERIOUS gas and bloating every day for the next 4 years. it usually started around 2pm and got worse and worse my stomach ballooning until about 4pm and id start letting the gas out and finally the pain subsided, but id spend the rest of the night just farting. sometimes id eat something that would trigger it and id really go all night farting, it was horrible. but then i came back and did a 5 day fast, then started anti bacterial herb formulas like fc cidal/dysbiocide and gi synergy by apex (id alternate months with the formulas) and oregano oil and allicin. i only did allicin the first month because it was too expensive and not sure if it was necessary. also took restore flora by microbiome labs and a gut mucosal lining powder to reduce inflammation in the intestines and ulcer repair. i think i read reducing inflammation in the intestines is one of the most important, because if its inflammed, which if you have sibo it sure is, then its going to be hard for your microbiome to balance itself since its always on fire basically. and then every now and then id do another 3-5 day fast and it seemed to speed things up each time. i was listening to a podcast of this guy who did carnivore for few months and when he tested his gut microbiome, it was in the top 95% of most diverse microbiome. right now theres no real consensus of what are considered optimal balance of probiotics in the gut, but one thing most people do agree on is that the most healthy individuals and long lived always had the most DIVERSE microflora. so if your doing killing protocols, maybe you should combine it with carnivore. Carnivore is not a permanent diet mind you. its a therapeutic diet very beneficial for autoimmune and gut repair if done for a few months. just like vegan and vegetarian diets are great for detox, but i wouldnt do them too long term. same with keto.
liver flushes are tops.
mainly normal, just less vegetables. especially things that made me gassy like celery or garlic. tbh i wasnt very strict with myself and ate lots of ice cream and sugars haha. but then again in that book it also says its not necessary to eat low fodmap since he seems to find treatment still works with a normal diet. only if your getting bloated and gassy discomfort probably avoid whatever causes it
that blog post seems pretty well researched. hope you dont mind if i post it in the ray peat forums to see what they have to say since im not very good at analyzing studies. i dont think i can agree that saturated fat is that harmful since cultures like india and eastern asians ate a lot of butter and animal fats before refined vegetable oils came around and they have quite long lifespans. i think dr mercola said he takes most of his calories through mct oil when hes doing keto and being how obsessive he is about his health i cant imagine him doing that if it was detrimental.
niatonin is supposed to be helpful to detox from the jab. theres a nice little infograph about dosages and also supporting supplements
real pasture raised eggs will always be more nutritious. farmers will add oyster shells to the chickens feed if the shells of the eggs do not look strong and healthy and it immediately hardens the shells. so whatever the chicken eats will go to the eggs.
well thats why in the healthy gut healthy you book he recommends testing your own reaction to them. theres also 3 categories of probiotics and one may be good for you while another not. you probably took the general lactobacillus and bifido type ones. i like spore based myself. i forget the 3rd one.
but there is "apparently" evidence it contains graphene oxide which is highly magnetic. the reason for all those magnet sticking on arm videos. the theory is theyre trying to push more graphene oxide into peoples bodies so when real 5g rolls out itll cause chaos in peoples health to reduce population. again, this is the "theory." but japand did ban a whole bunch of vaccines that were imported because they found unidentified substances in the vaccine. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-withdraws-16-mln-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-doses-over-contamination-nikkei-2021-08-25/ its kinda funny because in the last paragraph it says 50% of people who got 1 dose of vaccine still get sick with delta variant and 43% of the fully vaccinated. makes you wonder what use the vaccine is.
Ora replied to Consilience's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
well this is self evident in that Buddhism specifically states there is no God or creator being. I cant remember where i read it, but i read something someone posted about how the brain works and how something with neurons communicating with each other and synapses firing or other and how the brain doesnt actually experience reality as a continuity and how it merely infers different memories are related creating an experience of relativity where in reality each moment is merely its own moment and has no continuity to the next. this is similar to buddhism and how each mind moment is only made up of its individual part and while one moment influences the next there actually is no continuity to it, no soul behind it, no god existing in between. literally the matrix, just numbers in combination which create relative reality. almost like computer code. like how a picture on your computer is only the code that made it up but yet we see form because we try to associate it to something. i wish i saved that post by someone, it very elegantly explained it in very scientific terms of how the brain functions and perceives. something i cant do because i dont have that depth of scientific understanding. when a person becomes a noble one, they no longer have doubt and wrong view of rights and rituals. this includes the belief in a creator being/god being. i also want to add your understanding of jhana is a bit off the mark. jhana is used as a tool to do vipassana, contemplation of suffering, impermanence, and nonself on mentality and materiality. when you come out of jhanas its like the come down on psycs, where you get this EXTREME processing capacity. normally you have millions of mind moments in a snap of the fingers but you arent aware of these processes going on, but after coming out of jhana you can see every single mind moment going on and do vipassana on it. that is the only purpose of jhana. buddha expressly states jhana does not lead to nibanna. its merely a microscope for your brain so you can process every single nano second of reality, whereas in daily life you count your awareness of existance in seconds minutes and hours when in reality theres so much going on even within every nano second. -
lol i swear every couple years theres a new no fap month. i think there is already a #NoSimpSeptember. maybe the trend pointing towards celibacy/mastery of your self in the future
but when you were 15-25 social media wasnt that big a thing current 15-25 year olds live in a completely different age
usually all those art pieces that go for tens of thousands to millions are just tax evasion methods. millionaires and billionaires buy art to write it off their taxes. not unlike nfts.
i think probiotics are helpful. i myself used restorflora (spore probiotics) by microbiome labs. you can find it on fullscript through this persons link to get 25% off https://www.maybeitsmercury.com/supplements. but i think in his book he also said probiotics vary for different people. in some it may help in some it doesnt, but most studies point towards helping i think. rifaximin is supposed to be similar in efficacy to herbal antibacterials. ive heard its expensive though unless your insurance can cover it. my friend whos a functional medicine doctor said that it also wont be a magic bullet. generally what he has found with it is that 1 course will knock 25% of the sibo out, then your second course will knock another 25% down. so you gotta keep doing a few rounds and reduce population slowly. its not like a bomb that just nukes everything at once. same with herbal antibacterials. so persistence is key with treating sibo. rarely will you just hit it with something and your all better.
no personal experience here, i think i posted that in the wrong thread. ill remove it.
i dont believe im spreading misinformation and pointing them towards foods that could cause harm. i believe the exact opposite actually. Its archaic to still believe saturated fats are harmful for health and unsaturated fats healthy. i believe the method of action for pufas being bad is because PUFAs cause downregulating of thyroid function, downregulating of thyroid lowers metabolism, raises stress hormones like cortisol, and promotes estrogen dominance. so its really not PUFAS themselves, but the cascade of effects they cause, in addition to being PUFAS themselves because most PUFA oils that have been extracted are rancid since they are so volatile and prone to oxidation unless together with polyphenols such as olive oil. this is NOT the same as eating nuts and seeds. how many nuts and seeds can you eat in a day? however many you eat it wouldnt even equal one tablespoon of the PUFA oils extracted from them. not to mention a lot of nuts are not as heavy in PUFA like almonds and macadamias which are more heavy in MUFA which isnt that bad. i wish i could find studies about the coconut oil feeding to cattle, but i can only find quotes by Ray peat claiming it happened in 1940, but no studies. And no i doubt they just fed them spoonfuls of coconut oil, it would probably be mixed into the feed like anything else you would supplement in livestock feed. but i agree you shouldnt eat too much saturated fat. i think there are studies linking overconsumption of saturated fat in combination of carbs to be unbeneficial. everything in moderation i guess. im not sure also about the egg yolk thing, but i know most retinol and vitamin e oils are very amber in color, which makes sense that it would color the yolk into a darker shade of yellow/orange if it was rich in those vitamins. while some may be fed supplemental feed that colors the yolks, generally a darker yolk is an indication of higher vitamin a and e. generic grocery store bought yolks are so light yellow its crazy. compared to the ones i get form the organic stores and local farmers. its like how europeans take a bite of a conventionally grown american tomato and comment how it just tastes like water compared to properly grown tomatoes in rich soils. This is a thread with papers and studies collected by one person https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/a-must-read-pufa-primer.8033/. Im no expert by any means, i just read what other people post and if it seems theres sufficient evidence pointing towards one direction ill adopt that theory until there is better evidence provided from a different point of view. So far it seems most PUFAs are not good. and no its not from the paleo crowd and keto crowd. these things were talked about much earlier than those diets became a thing by ray peat. article by ben greenfield with studies promoting saturated fats: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/fat-loss-articles/the-french-paradox/ other saturated fat promoting articles https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0899900721002562?via%3Dihub https://medicaldialogues.in/diet-nutrition/news/foods-rich-in-saturated-fatty-acids-and-high-protein-linked-to-better-thyroid-function-study-81513 other random study PUFA found in gonads of infertile animals, SFA found in gonads of fertile animals. the journal entry changed (manipulated more like) its title from identifying PUFA as the cause and just changed it to "High Fat" intake. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/ajpendo.00235.2020. If you can access the original study you would fine the following quoted: "...After grouping FAs by degree of unsaturation and the position of the double bonds (Table S5 and Figure 4), we observed that the most abundant FA family in the testis of CTRL and HFDt groups are the saturated fatty acids (SFAs) (55.79% and 41.83%, respectively), while polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the most abundant in the testis of mice from the HFD group (44.21%). HFD and HFDt mice had also increased testicular relative abundance of monosaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) (26% and 21%, respectively), with increased accumulation of oleic acid (C18:1n-9). Moreover, Table S5 also shows indirect measures for the anti-inflammatory/pro-inflammatory potential via lipid mediators (C22:6n-3/C20:4n-6 ratio), the combined activity of Δ5- and Δ6-desaturases (D5D and D6D) (C20:4n-6/C18:2n-6 ratio), and the activity of Δ4-desaturases (D4D) (C22:5n-6/C20:4n-6 ratio)." "...In our previous work (12), we also reported reduced sperm quality which was associated with fat deposition. Moreover, there is a decrease in the activity of antioxidant enzymes (Cat and GSR) in the testes of life-long HFD fed mice. Therefore, it is possible that extra lipid intake, notably in PUFAs, is the cornerstone in testicular antioxidant balance. This hypothesis is supported by the differences in lipid fractions between groups (Figure 4), the differences in the correlations of lipid fractions against sperm parameters (Figure 6A), and the sample separation achieved by the corresponding PCA (Figure 6B)." "...In sum, our data demonstrates that a HFD during early life akin to childhood and puberty causes an excessive accumulation of unsaturated FAs is testes. A diet intervention, replacing HFD for a balanced diet was proven effective in protecting/preventing metabolic dysfunction. However, a HFD during early life caused irreversible metabolic remodeling in testes, with long-term sperm defects. Dietary intervention in early adulthood promotes lipolysis in testes, particularly from unsaturated FAs, towards the CTRL state, but this process is apparently too slow to recover normal sperm parameters. Mechanistically, our data suggests that HFD promotes a pro-inflammatory state in testis, aggravated by a positive feedback system that favors the accumulation of n-6 PUFAs, precursors of inflammatory response signaling molecules. Our model did not allow us to verify whether testicular lipid composition and normal sperm quality could be achieved later in life..."
Here's some studies related to pregnancies https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/covid-19-vaccines-may-cause-82-miscarriage-rate.41507/. I posted in another thread earlier. In general yes, lots of menstrual related problems, most said it went away after the first month. But more studies are showing the spike protein in the vaccine gets into the fertility glands like ovaries and testies, when it shouldn't. It also gets into the brain, so even without covid you can get "covid brain." Studies show people affected with covid have 50% less seratonin in the brain, so that may be causing the brain fog. I don't know if these would help at this point, but if I were getting the vaccine I would take lots of NAC, n-acetl-cysteine. Helps with glutathione production which is used in your detox systems. Another good one would be Niatonin, you can look it up, it's taking high dose niacin and melatonin which also aids in the glutathione pathways and NAD+ pathways.