
Member P3
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Everything posted by strika

  1. Lmao i remember that video, i was crying from laughter when i saw it for the 1st time while reading the comments under it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. True, but i mean as a pointer it's still pretty useful to say consciousness = God's thought, it's not true ultimately but it's a pretty good pointer when trying to describe it in language
  3. We can sleep without deep sleep or in other words without "losing" consciousness so it doesn't matter
  4. I agree but i would specify it as God's thought, not just a human thought
  5. But choosing celibacy isn't necessarily demonizing sex, celibacy = sex with God, sex with God > sex with humans, imo celibacy > physical sex
  6. I believe he did, but not for pleasure, he was too high conscious to have animalistic sex, it was sex for the soul more than a cumshot.
  7. God. God and you are the majority. And God is better than any drug or any thing anyway.
  8. I agree with your view on this topic more than his but isn't banning him a bit mental? The guy is just sharing his view wtf? He's not saying he'll repeat 9/11. There is still truth to what he is saying, at least when it comes to the mainstream people, this applies to many of them, it's not the ultimate way of finding sex/love but it does work with many people.
  9. You can't ever be enlightened/have God in your baseline state of consciousness 24/7 if you indulge with sexuality for pleasure/have a vibration of lust in your being, so as long as you're good with this consequence aka lifelong pain and suffering and disability to enter heaven so be it, then there is absolutely no problem with porn or anything lust/3D sex releated
  10. 1. Try to catch myself, basically being conscious throughout the day, trying to see the ego and it's potential traps while doing anything, but it happens naturally at this point, no more trying really, it's like meditation but in mundane life and it comes naturally mostly because of these next 3 habits, especially No-sleep 2. Semen retention/brahmacharya 3. Breatharianism 4. No-sleep 5. Learning from others, videos, this forum, books etc. Bonus: being in nature, it always raises the vibration so it's nice
  11. They are completely real, i will probably make a thread on this forum in the future (by the end of this year probably) on how to do them, by "miracles" i mean things like: telekinesis (moving objects with "mind"), telepathy, flying, healing, materialization (spawning objects out of thin air), teleportation etc. You get the point.
  12. Also you may argue that industries involving sexual energies aren't the most toxic legal industries to which i'm not gonna argue back, i can't be bothered, to me it's pretty obvious that an industry that wastes the most powerful energy a human being has will logically be the industry that makes the most damage, also the industry which gives the most and deepest traumas to humans out of all industries, of course you may argue that sexual energy isn't the most powerful energy which i just think is wrong, basically everything boils down to sex however you wanna look at it
  13. And now when i say this you may either say: 1. Nothing matters anyway, everything is God, etc. Which is true but obviously spiritual bypassing which makes the convo useless 2. You will give other examples of bad industries and say how everything has toxicity to which i say yes absolutely but there are levels to it, some things are really damaging, some are less damaging, ultimately we should aim to heal all toxicity but our primary focus should be healing the most toxic ones
  14. It's not ok for both men and women, it's a lose/lose situation for everyone, that's the whole point, it's not about women being the bad ones, it's just a bad industry and i do think men should be the 1st ones to give up on it and then naturally women will stop as well because they are just mirroring us, but it's harder to stop such industries if we still tell others that there is nothing wrong with such industries, whether they are a man or a woman
  15. I know it's not that type of sex work, you said it was like dancing or whatever, but i used that term because you used it in another thread, and i'm asking this to try to understand if you honestly enjoy doing it or if it's a matter of survival? Like if you could do something else that isn't sexual in any way would you do it, you know something else that you would enjoy?
  16. Do you aspire to leave your sex work job? Is it something you enjoy or just do it for survival?
  17. I believe you because i know these things are possible, i've seen others do it and had experience witih similar stuff myself
  18. you miss every time bruh 🀣🀣🀣
  19. Spiritual bypassing by using the absolute to cover up the trauma. If what you were saying was true you wouldn't be in a position where you need to be a sex worker in the 1st place.
  20. True, it takes 2 to tango, but i do think men should be the ones to stop indulging with porn 1st and then naturally women will follow, they are just mirroring us and we fell off 🀣🀣
  21. Unbalanced perspective, you're literally just talking from the absolute, both absolute and relative need to be 50% / 50% balanced for a healthy life, you can't just ignore the human self. Of course from the absolute there is no problem with anything, including porn too, but if you see a woman getting raped on a street you will still intervene even tho ultimately there is nothing bad about it.
  22. This is not a competition no one is better than anyone. Women are not dumb and idiotic. Manipulation is not the way to go with anything in life ever. Everyone is sinning but there are levels to it, any sin involving the most sacred thing there is will indeed be the biggest sin possible, there is a reason why raping a child is worse than hitting a child, because it makes a bigger trauma to that child because it involves the most sacred thing there is, sexual energy.