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Everything posted by strika

  1. Exactly, and God is always present = God's plan is always unraveling, meaning both Trump's shooting and basketballer missing are both God ordained miracles, it's just that one has a grander impact than the other in the short term timeline.
  2. I would consider all those miracles too, miracle is just a word for luck planned by God, usually it's used for events where luck happens on the bigger scale, whether it's for the short-term better good or worse doesn't matter.
  3. But did God plan that shot to be missed or no?
  4. Everything happens for a reason, the type of luck you're speaking of doesn't exist.
  5. If the same happend to Biden who i see as much worse than you guys see Trump i would also call it a miracle, this is really not that much of a controversional view in any serious spiritual community.
  6. A sign? I never called it a sign, i called it a miracle.
  7. And to translate this into spirituality: He experienced a massive miracle.
  8. I can't believe a spiritual forum is trying so hard to not call the biggest miracle we have seen in decades a miracle and all of this because the person that the miracle happend to is the person they hate with the entirety of their low vibrational state of being.
  9. Best post i've seen in a while, i've been thinking about the exact same thing, beautifully written.
  10. Well it's both, hard determinism while at the same time not, special while at the same time not special, not a bug but a feature as Leo would say.
  11. Satan = negative polarity basically, things that lower the vibration, it can be creatures, entities, moments, acts, events, doings, words, whatever.
  12. You can word it that way but ultimately it's all God's doing, God controls satan too, so God pulled off a miracle using satan which is ultimately God pulling off a miracle.
  13. Is this a spiritual forum or what? I'm not saying that this makes Trump more special at all, all i'm saying is God moves all the chess figures on the board and this is something i would expect this forum to know by now. God also made the shooter shoot and made a person die, yes God is behind this too, i don't think this is something outrages to say on this forum.
  14. What's wrong with that statement? Trump surviving was literally a miracle/God's intervention and i don't mean this in some stage blue way, i mean it metaphysically, it was literally a perfect example of God's intervention and these things do happen, just because God isn't some bearded man in the sky doesn't mean it can't intervene and basically script certain moments to be almost impossible. Now you may say that God saving Trump isn't God electing Trump but it very likely could be, much more likely than if he wasn't saved or if the attempt didn't even happen, and if Trump does win that means that God wanted Trump to win, God is the greatest of planners, you never know what God may cook up next or for which team he may be playing on. #God2024
  15. Your whole argument falls apart in this first sentence. It's true that your body has intelligence but in this case you're misinterpreting it, there is no such thing as getting hungry, what you call hunger is the process of your digestive system outstreching and going back to normal and cleaning itself, that feeling of your stomach being empty and when it starts making sounds, that's it. Hunger doesn't exist because humans naturally don't need food, we never did, there was a period in our history when we ate food (and we still do) but there was a period in our history when we didn't eat food, that was before we devolved from 5D into 3D and started sacrificing other beings, everything started going downhill from here, our lifespans used to be 1000+ years old, now they are below 100, we used to be in constant joy, now there is suffering (as karma for sacrifice/eating). Also another point is that you may feel a desire for food in your mouth but again that's not hunger, that's just addiction that goes away at some point, it's normal that if you ate meat for a long time that you will desire it's taste the next day again. And also another point is that you may ask why a person starts to feel low energy when they stop eating, the reason is because food has been a main supplier of energy for them for a long time, of course a person can use prana instead but making that transition from food to prana will be hard and low energy, a person needs to find other sources of energy, for example prana from saving sexual energy, prana from movement, prana from resting instead of sleeping is a major one, etc. Once a person makes the complete transition to breatharianism they will have more energy than they ever had with meat, a breatharian who also doesn't waste sexual energy and doesn't sleep beats a meat eater in any kind of physical competition 100/100 times.
  16. I'm open to the possibility of Trump being a pedo too but as of now Biden has shown to be the more obvious suspect, to me it's really not a matter of question at this point, with Trump i can see it possibly being the case but the fact that he is not as pro-LGBT/sexual depolarisation as Biden is is simply a green flag considering LGBT is just a slippery slope for legalizing pedophilia.
  17. The reason why they lose teeth is because they need to make the transition to breatharianism at some point, if a person continues eating fruit/raw vegan diet for a long time without switching to breatharianism their body will start to ruin itself and this is usually the point where people make a big mistake and go back to meat thinking raw vegan diet was bad all along even tho it completely cleaned them and prepared them for a breatharianism transition that they never made. Eating fruit (or any other diet) is just a phase a person should go through, if one tries to keep the phase permanent it will start to destroy them and ultimately kill them, a creature that eats dies. Btw a person doesn't have to make these transitions gradually, a person can go from eating meat to breatharianism too, it may just be a bit mentally harder that's all.
  18. I'm neutral, i just keep it real, i'm not a fan of either Trump or Biden but the truth is Biden is a more evil individual than Trump.
  19. I give you in-field footage of Joffender, you respond with woke Alex Jones commentary video, there are levels to this, as long as you can't give me in-field footage of Trump in the act you got no proof, this is the game that you anti-conspiracy theories people play at the end of the day, and i'm not a Trump fan so you can't use this stuff on me and the truth is that in a pedo-off Biden wins 9/10 times!
  20. But this is just completely wrong, we are naturally breatharians and if we are really gonna indulge with the 3D reality/survival and actually gonna eat food then fruitarianism/ raw vegan is the way to go, it's the most alive/highest vibrational food, everything else, especially meat is complete trash for any human being that wants happiness, eating meat is basically black magic, there is no human being on this planet who eats meat and who is in permanent bliss, maybe a dopamine hit from time to time at best lmao Don't get me wrong i used to eat meat at one point of my life too, but this is just huge misinformation that i had to jump in, sacrifice of another sentient being is never the way to go and i'm not coming at this from the compassion point of view, i'm telling you what the laws of the universe are, and to simply put it eating meat = death, eating fruit = life, breatharianism = immortality.
  21. The difference is that if Trump was to fuck a minor he would go for a 17 year old while Joffender on the other hand goes for the ones that aren't even blooming and he is direct about it as well 😭😭😭