
Member P3
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Everything posted by strika

  1. Damn you also got banned in the political forum, welcome to the club. But neverthless i'm firm about my political stance, even tho Tim got ridiculed for it by the Nazis i believe that it was a brave and courageous 1st step towards the right and joyful direction, to put tampons in the boys' bathrooms, i understand the closemindedness about this from the MAGA people but at the same time we have to progress, we can't stay still forever, saying all this i do hope the next step is condoms in school lunchboxes for the 1st graders and above, the faster our youth learns about sexual side of things, both in theory and practice (they can't only mentally masturbate, no pun intended 😅😅) the earlier will they get spiritual benefits of sex, masturbation and pornography, and the faster we get to 5D consciousness of mankind! ❤️ #Joy
  2. Facts, this whole talk about about masturbation and sex being energy draining and spirituality damaging and vibration lowering has been pissing me off lately, not only is masturbation and pornography fundamental foundation for spiritual development but i think it needs to be promoted in schools to the 1st graders, the faster they get the pornography spiritual benefits the faster we get to mankind's utopia. The heaven on earth, actualized!
  3. No, women don't have sexual energy.
  4. Check this out, amazing and funny impression from both of them, especially the Trump guy
  5. I'm aware that this fits more the Politics sub-forum than this Spiritual one but i'm posting it here because this is half Spirituality half Politics topic and i got banned in the Politics sub-forum a few days ago so i can't post there, if mods want to transfer this topic over there that's fine with me. Here is the link of the podcast that i'm sharing about: This is just one episode of the podcast, it's the most recent one, it's about Trump's assassination attempt. One of the 2 guys on the podcast is Aaron Abke, some of you may know him, he has his own spiritual channel and makes great content there and actually walks the talk of what he talks about spiritually, point being he isn't just all in his mind when it comes to spirituality, he actually embodies his words to a degree, he does the spiritual work and doesn't try to skip over it, his VIBRATION is HIGH. The reason why i'm sharing this video is because i see it as an actual example of conscious politics, a balanced and actually conscious perspective with no one vibration of hate uttered throughout the whole video, there is no angry rant against any side at any point, there is no hate against any person masked as an essay about The Devil, there is no name calling or Hitler calling, this is an actual example of what it means to be CONSCIOUS about POLITICS, this is high consciousness embodied, not just presented by the mind and then uttered out of the mouth in the lowest vibrational manner possible but a perspective that actually uses love and understanding of both sides as a foundation. I recommend as many of you to watch this video (and the rest of the episodes if you want, there are like 7 of them in total), keep in mind that seeing a perspective like this coming from a low vibrational perspective that uses hate masked under high consciousness can be triggering because that mask starts to get exposed. I especially challenge you to watch this is if you are attached to the left/anti-Trump views, which of course a lot of people on this forum are, i don't expect you to agree with this perspective, i don't expect you to approve of it, you may see it as unwise and low conscious and that's fine, but just give it a watch, just be actually OPENMINDED, try to be unbiased for 3 hours of your life and once you're done with the video go back to your current life mechanism. As long as you watch the video openmindedly i see that as a success no matter what your opinion may be afterwards because at least if you watched it that means that you had that seed of that perspective planted in you and that seed can grow beautifully sometime in the future when the time is right and that in my eyes is mission accomplished. Enjoy!
  6. Wrong message in my opinion, that type of mentality never works out ultimately, it's better to do something out of love for it than for any other selfish motives like competing and ego boost, i always saw Messi as a perfect example of that, he is basically the greatest athlete of all time and the reason why that's so is because he played the sport out of love for it, of course he was competitive too but his main motive was love for the game, not stats, being the best, winning everything, just enjoying himself in the game he loves and making others enjoy it too! I think that type of mentality is just the best in general, not just in sports, selflessness ALWAYS beats selfishness in the long-term, doing something out of love rather than out of fear.
  7. "Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days" perhaps the Greatest ever
  8. Well Leo would be the 1st one to disagree with you it seems, it's not like i made my own post about it, i was responding to Leo who disagreed with the possibility that God has anything to do with what's happening in the world which is a weird position from someone like him, but of course he is just being hypocritical and i was calling that out, if Biden escaped the bullet in such manner he would drop a blog post with a title "Why God Is A Democrat"
  9. I wasn't defending the entire post, what happend is: Leo quoted that part of his post where he says that God wants Trump to win based on everything that happend and Leo told him he would ban him for posting that, i found that absurd because it really didn't seem insane that God would want Trump to win (whether for better good or worse, doesnt matter when making this point) considering just the assassination attempt alone and how miraculous it was that Trump tilted his head in the last second in such a way to just escape the bullet to his head, i was never arguing other parts of the post and i don't want to go into them now anyway, this thread should be focused on Joever.
  10. For example if some Christian came up to me and asked me my opinion on this i would try to escape the conversation, i wouldn't want to talk about it and if i did talk i would say something along the lines of "in my opinion it wasn't the type of miracle you think it was, i personally do think that there is a higher power that prevented Trump from getting killed but it wasn't some Christian God or anything religion-releated and this doesn't make Trump a saint or the devil, but the higher power absolutely wanted him alive for whatever purpose that may yet unravel".
  11. That's why i wouldn't post that in such comment section or anywhere right releated, that's why i posted it on this forum where people will get what i mean. I haven't yet called this a miracle anywhere else and wouldn't because it would be misunderstood, unless i wrote it on another spiritual forum/channel.
  12. They wouldn't because if i was talking to them i would start my explanation of Trump's miracle by saying that the type of God they think of doesn't actually exist and that most of religions are just a big misunderstanding.
  13. You're being overdramatic, whoever wins the world is in for a shitshow, of course i would still move out of US, but not so much because of politics but because of enviroment, go to Ecuador or something, South American non-cartel areas are nice, New Zealend is always cool too@Hardkill
  14. Not pointless, if i called everything a miracle then it would be, but it's hard to discuss it for sure, it's one of those nondual topics that cant really be wrapped with words.
  15. You tagged me with my quote without saying anything so i didn't understand.
  16. Btw to comment on the topic itself, if i was pro-blue i would want Biden to stay, getting him out now would be a mistake, as long as he is alive he is the better option to win over Trump, if he was to be replaced Trump would win 100%, as of now democrats still have a chance but i do think Trump wins either way and also there could be a couple of more assassination attempts on Trump this year, maybe with different styles but i think he will prevail and stay alive and win. But even when he wins the world will be overall fucked, it will be just less fucked than if Biden wins. Also we could see a transition of the planet from 3D to 5D in the next 15 years, i personally believe it will happen.
  17. Well by event i meant a moment, not necessarily a long period, i wouldn't call a period a miracle, but Hitler surviving assassination is a miracle that if it hadn't happen would prevent holocaust from happening. I don't see Trump as a god-appointed savior, i see Trump tilting his head as a planned head-tilt made by God which would change the course of the future, for better or worse.
  18. I'm not really a Trump supporter, there are some good qualities in him but i don't really have any qualities that i share with him. I'm only pro-Trump because i'm anti-Biden, i'm basically a reverse version of this forum. Also about this forum being conscious politics... This forum is the best forum i have seen and it's better at politics than most forums but it's still pretty bad considering how good it could actually be. It only focuses on literal politics and never goes outside the box. Only goes outside the box when it's anti-Trump/anti-anything right releated, as we have seen a couple of days ago when at least half of the people were calling the most obvious assassination attempt "a staged PR attempt to get the perfect story and the perfect picture", it was a beautiful moment that exposed the level of consciousness of the "conscious" politics on this forum. Same goes for that Leo blog post on The Art of Devil, i was laughing at the irony of that post, but it is what it is, i believe in the next decade or so if this forum exists people will be more openminded and less tribal, very often reading these conscious politics threads is like reading a sports thread. Btw checkout Aaron Abke, he is an example of a spiritual teacher who shares similar views that i do when it comes to all this stuff, he has a youtube channel where he has a podcast called The Great Awakening, i would consider this to be a better example of conscious politics. Also i find him more trustworthy too because he integrates God, he walks the talk, he is high vibrational unlike Leo, Leo understand God at a high level but doesn't integrate the lessons and when he tries he tries to integrate them with his mind which can't be done which is the reason why he is relatively low vibrational which is why he just like most of this forum is more mind orianted and can't talk about politics without brainstorming the politics, this is why even tho psychedelics are fine they won't get you to God, they will just show him to you, other alternatives are better, psychedelics won't raise you vibration and keep it high, neither will brainstorming and honestly neither will meditation necessarily, even tho it's better than the other 2. Here is the link for the podcast if anyone is interested:
  19. Yes God moves the figures and God made you shit today, i wouldn't personally call it a miracle because i would use the word miracle for less mundane events and because it wasn't an event that if it went the other way would change the course of world events in the short term despite the fact that God was the one behind that event just like God was the one behind Trump's tilt of the head.
  20. Obviously i didn't mean in the Christian way, that's why i said in my 1st post that i'm not talking from blue stage perspective when calling it a miracle.
  21. Everything is determined from the lower self perspective, there is no lower self free will.
  22. I won't go into it to not get banned, i was already threatened with a perma ban when i said something on it a couple of months ago despite the fact that a couple of days ago i saw the exact same types of opinions just reveresed (i would say they were much more insane) on that thread about Trump's assassination but i couldn't call out the hypocrisy at the time because i had a ban of a couple of days for something else, point being this forum is closeminded when it comes to speaking about politics outside the politics so i won't be giving detailed pro-anything right releated views anymore to not get banned because i value other segments of this forum, i will just say this to show an example in a more subtle non-detailed way of why i'm more pro-Trump than i am pro-Biden, this is just one simple and short example: The sniper from Secret Services had the shooter Thomas Crooks (who had his rifle with him) under his scope for at least 45 seconds before the shooting occcured. Just this example alone, even if you put it in vaccum, is something that i can't see happening on a Biden rally, ever. I hope i've said enough without having to say much while getting my point across. Of course there are so many more dozens of examples just like this one when it comes to that assassination attempt but i think that giving just this one simple example is enough.