One Day

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  1. Facts. Intermittent fasting with black coffee (not more than 2 cups per day) + Low carb will shred fast. Weight lifting also increases metabolism. What I am doing now for a week is doing Intermittent Fasting for 6 hours, then bulletproof tea (tea blended with grassfed butter and coconut oil in 2:1 ratio), to semi-prolong the fast. I am having stomach issues which causes extreme acid reflux and bloating when eating. Just like Leo I found that plants have the worst effect on this. So Fasting and high fat works extremely well for me. I eat veg only in the evening but it causes the most pain of all foods except for maybe sugary foods which I have cut out completely, grains almost completely.
  2. " The teachings is that self and other is a duality that can collapse." This i agree with. This is not what Leo teaches. He writes and teaches like the ego is real and imagines all of reality. "YOU invented OTHER! Silly." word choice is almost never unintentional.
  3. How can a "bubble of conscioussness" even exist? Why do you assume such a bubble to exist, when it clearly does not? I thougt the only thing that exists are appearances, which according to y'alls logic would exists within the bubble. but the bubble itself does not have an appearance, so why assume it exists? Also, if this is the truth, seems very simple. So simple that I thought of it years ago as a possibility of reality, years before discovering Leo's work. Seems a bit to easy to think off for a 15 year old weed smoker sitting on a bench to think off, if it is the ultimate truth of all things and creatures nature.
  4. Just as i am looking at a screen and keyboard now, there are many objects. if there are many objects why wouldn't there be many subjects, even if all imaginary. You are saying all subjects are imaginary except 'the one'. What bullshit. One God means oneness, not solipsism. you equating the two is completely ungrounded. Ill tell you exactly what I have a problem with. I know everyone in my dream is imaginary, and also in life. yet you tell me it is my "own" construction, like there is a seperate self in this context of discussion. Like you want the disfunctional psychological self suffering of the ego, to co-opt this story of imagination. You want the ego to think it is imagining all things, instead of having the ego realize it's own non existence, to then realize Consciousness, God and imagination. This is proven by your use of language, using very personal language and imagery which speaks to the ego. Even in the imagined world, no matter imagined by whom or what, It would be extremely deluded for any creature to say it is the only one present, and that all 'others' are just imaginary. the very notion, that I am sitting here with an experience, is actually untrue, even for myself assuming I am the endless solipsistic subject. Who are you to say, that you have an actual experience? You just assume you have. And you take this assumption to the ultimate conclusion of God and Solipsism. Any criticism of your theories you shut down as mental masturbation and not doing the work. This is honestly so fucking sneaky by you. I am imagining my own body, my own mind, I am imagining other bodies, other minds. So this "I" is just infinite and formless and does not have anything to do with solipsism. This I cannot be inside this body or ''mind" since it is being imagined by the real self. So what is your problem? Also, there is the question of your benevolence. You say this work is not about belief but this is fundamentally impossible in the way you have constructed it. Basically when you, Leo, look into your camera, talking about how "you" are the only one, solipsistically so, and not holistically, you are forcing people into either 1 of 3 options. option 1: you are malevolent, and do not believe your own solipsism talk. This means you are actively trying to harm and torment your audience. option 2: You are benevolent, yet completely insane and detached from reality. You take the non-falsifiable aspect of solipsism to its ultimate conclusion simply because you mentally can, and actually believe it to be true. option 3: You are benevolent and sane and are just saying the truth. People would never accept option 1, even though it literally might be true, supported by the fact that you talk to your audience about solipsism in a psychological thriller type of way, always saying "It's twisted as fuck" etc. Saying that the only thing holding together the illusion of life is your fear and denial of solipsism and death. YOU ARE LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD SAYING THIS. THERE ARE NO OTHER SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS WHO SAY THIS SHIT!!! (Like traditions all over the world have done with "God is Love") WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! LEO COULD ALSO TALK ABOUT IMAGINATION AND IDEALSIM IN AN INSPIRING AND LOVING WAY BUT HE DOES NOT! WHY IS THIS!? People also do not want to accept option 2, because you are so smart in other areas of life. So you force them to either deny a very smart person as malevolent or completely deluded, or to completely accept your shit. Hello Cult! I know everyone in my dream is imaginary, and also in life. Believe me I really have seen that there can be no reality but hallucination. but The way I see this is with complete equality, as a literal infinite dream universe. It caused me to realize the people in my sleeping dream are actually real! The human that I am is also a dream character. Yet you purposefully, nihilistically turn this around to make the people in life not real, instead of extending life to the dream characters. You want your audience to suffer and have anxiety about themselves, not trusting themselves. You have people believing they are scheming themselves endlessly with illusion of literally infinite power. How do you think that affects their self-love and self-confidence if you are constantly telling them not to trust themselves. You have done so much damage. This is the most twisted thing to say. It implies the very existence of YOU and OTHER even though they are literally words on a screen, to create this psychological thriller effect to ruin peoples lives. There is no original you imagining others, at least not in the "One Personal POV"/Solipsism way you say. That is purely imaginary.
  5. Lol. If you still think you are the ego imagining things than you are indeed not awake. Do you realize there is literally no imaginer except for imagination itself? There is no core person which imagines all others. You are God precisely because there is no you to be God. There is only God. Zo the zoom call analogy is actually quite accurate. Where is the non imaginary core of your existence that imagines all other people? Why do you believe you are imagining others, and not that you are being imagined? Hello ego! Take some salvia and you will find out that this entire forums obsession/perversion with solipsim has just been a utter delusion.
  6. Wrong answer. He literally already said it is all a dream of being finite. Now you are even saying that this description of reality (that being finite is a dream/unreal) is a story made by god. So what are you even saying here. Nothing at all, you are just trying to one up @Javfly33 while making the exact same argument as him. This is pretentious and stupid. You are completely negating any spiritual point being made about seperation and union, by just parroting some shit that Leo has said. "That is just a story by god" could literally be a reply to anything said ever. You are not making any point at all here.
  7. Aka just saying the same stuff that Leo says to come across as awake in this forum. Dream on. If solipsism was really true why has not any religion or spiritual tradition talked about it untill now. But suddenly now there is a guy called Leo saying to other people that solipsism is real (which by itself is already so ironic its sad) and suddenly the people on his forum also experience this "truth". Show me people from outside this forum who think the same way. You are threading in dangerous waters with this post. More cult like behavior will not be accepted. Why do you just parrot the shit that Leo says? Because he is awake and now you are too? So basically that would mean this forum/community is the only one with the truth. That would be some major cult shit.
  8. So if the stories about Shunya are true, we can conclude that a high degree of wokeness does not preclude extreme forms of ego still manifesting in the physical. More research needs to be done on this. We can not just presume the stories to be true.
  9. @Leo Gura Shunyamurti states in his biography that he has done "deep and extensive entheogenic shamanic practice". ( ) Do you, as a no-joke psychonaut, think he has had deep trips like you? how many teachers actually do psychedelics?
  10. Some advice I can give: -Love all, trust few. You can still have compassion for people without trusting them or allowing them in your life. -Set personal boundaries and write them down. So you will always be sure what to do in unsure situations.
  11. @Nahm Thanks for your advice. By the way the above post makes my life sound quite grim, and it has been at times, but there is also a lot of love, joy and inspiration that I am happy and grateful to have lived through. I Love life and that I is why I just have to move past all the bullshit from my past.
  12. Makes sense, but inside my own mind everything is also "absolute nothing". What ontological distinction are you making here?
  13. How do you organize goals and progress in personal development? Would it be a smart idea to create a file for yourself similar to an rpg character? And to organize everything in personal development like skills and knowledge just like you would with an rpg character?