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Everything posted by Cathal

  1. can you describe a situation that would likely evoke a panic attack? in what kind of setting/what kind of people?
  2. Your whole effort is to remove the obstacles including your attachment to spirituality. It just is, you lack the awareness around what is making you percieve things the way you do, otherwise you wouldn't be looking for yourself. It's just traumas. That's all. Purify the traumas in the chakra centers and what you seek is always sitting right there in front of you. Confront your conditioning. Meditation for us westerners, is 1/10 of the work
  3. people will stay in your religion if you convince them the world is going to collapse and this religion is your saviour really some big brain marketers back in the good old days
  4. understanding why you are experiencing the emotions you are experiencing but also taking the action you need to for those emotions, if i lets say understand i feel bad because i feel this lacking within that i don't have a partner and i don't take action because of some limiting beliefs about myself that i don't have X, i need Y first, maybe when i have Z in the future then that's not emotional intelligence i think social intelligence comes from being able to understand people through cognitive empathy as they are and being able to mold yourself to cater to them, from a place of love and not fear. as in not being a chamaleon who manipulates and avoids but being truly understanding
  5. @Raptorsin7 uh so many things m8 something like shamanic breathing can surface up 20 year old trauma in some intense cathartic while talking with my therapist can bring softness to repressed emotions from high school. but it's really the understanding through loving and allowing what is that heals it all you can pm me if you struggle with something also check my youtube
  6. @Jacob Morres Just be vunerable man, hiding that shit is going to keep this behaviour going on repeat and you'll always have this lurking fear in your head about OH NO WHAT IF THEY SEEEEEE expose yourself so you don't give a shit if someone exposes you, that kills the shame like repellent
  8. It has really hit me so hard, that there is no one else. That I, you, are imagining the self and everything we think about each other is happening in our minds and not in reality. It just hit so hard doing shadow work, that everyone is truly a reflection of your 'I/self' being witnessed by the Self - it's really hard to truly see it until you feel the silence when you're around people. You have to really be in that state of silence, like your awareness looks around it's just looking at form, no disturbances/no judgement/no fluctuation - everything is just wildlife/nature, but man it's the most intense work and the most uuuuuuuuuuuugh it's like knowing you have to wake up at 7 am to pile shoves of shit outside your door, it has to be done but hey... are we playing this game for real? Meditation can never bypass these disturbances, nothing does. Just facing it, facing the shit you swept under the rug that molded over decades and gave birth to some bacterial monster but honestly, you just pull back the fucking rug and realize there's nothing there. It's just when you're always walking over it and too worried about what it is it creates the whole terror in your mind
  9. sure you guys can do all of this and exist 'as nothing' but you're still not seeing clearly and have a shit load of work to do on your attachments
  10. @ThePoint your lack of emotional intelligence as in the understanding of the cause of why you are feeling numb is how you stop it for good. there's no other way, there's nothing else you can do to escape the numbness because it's just a consequence of emotions you're experiencing that you are not feeling, so it's about going inwards and understanding your life and the pain you've experienced, understanding what are your emotional needs (having friends, relationships) and how can you fulfill them and so on.
  11. @Bazooka Jesus sorry my friend but it's just embracing your fear and jumping into the abyss - surrendering to god basically, completely give up the struggle of what makes you inactive and take action
  12. @Thought Art you don't, you change yourself from within by dealing with your karma and reflect to people that they can do it, that's the only way reality changes. doing it the other way around is pointless and not responsible and just ineffective
  13. @puporing haha yes i never worded it like that that's almost exactly the same as me, my therapist (also a healer) is shockingly so wise and understanding of how to get out of the collective traumas we have to deal with that it blows my mind and yes it's really that understanding that you, love/god/source whatever, are always looking for yourself and we get raised up to believe we will find it in some 'thing/person' and then get ourselves so entangeled and emotionally hurt but the joy in knowing it's all within and always was and that independance is who you really
  14. @Wisebaxter this guy has really nailed down how to approach things and i've found it really fucking useful
  15. @puporing hahah yeah i know what you mean, well i would hope the therapy is helping molding the life of a person who creates these relationships for themself because if we can learn to be as vunerable and truly open with people as we are with therapists then connection and bonding creates the feeling of acceptance and belonging the truth is about that i've realized is stop projecting therapists as authority figures and put the authority inside of yourself and you'll truly not give a shit what people think of you because realizing by being absolutely open about everything (as in being vunerable) you naturally attract the people who are right for you and not constantly worried about rejection or being alone - it's how you shift to the right attraction for yourself like you're a wild bird learning a new dance, it's hard and takes time but it really works
  16. What was the most impactful insight that has been the most helpful in the sense you used that insight to transform yourself?
  17. @softlyblossoming hmmmm wait ill msg u
  18. @softlyblossoming no that's awesome, sounds like you found integrity knowing all the grasps of the illusion that perpuate suffering like you say. reminds me to keep strong on integrity. by far by far by far the most important thing too, integrity that no matter what we feel we can keep on seeking the kingdom
  19. yeah that's a big one, trauma is not in your control but suffering is. suffering will force you to see that at some point... i donno, i don't think there's so much you can do. rationality and beliefs about how you feel make you go around in loops what we humans need is community, belonging, acceptance, sharing, friendship, relationships - the lack of it just fucks you hard and if you really look at your behaviours you're mostly seeking it out but it's usually dysfunctional
  20. @Preety_India i have no idea really, what in your heart is okay for you? because that's all that matters, as long as you don't take your own beast out on her and you push yourself to create a boundary then you are good - otherwise it will also have its consequences i think you are a really nice person, people with a lot of misery need company
  21. meditation is not going to bypass your mental issues but it will definitely help you see more clearly. a person who doesn't meditate will just go on being trapped by identifying with there thoughts and emotions but being able to be grounded in observing will help you take the right action - but it will not bypass at all any of your unresolved shit maybe try to reframe what you value so meditating even 30 minutes a day makes a lot more sense that what you actually do
  22. sorry to hear you have to deal with that, fuck i understand it pretty well - all i would say is it's important to show your mother she can't just take her shit out on you. that's up to you to figure out maybe you must learn to use violence if necessary there will be a day you'll get out of it and it's best to just do what you have and leave it there don't let her behaviour cause you to do the same and don't let her step on you.