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Everything posted by Cathal

  1. @Someone here i dont know, im seeking to know
  2. for the wonder of the creator, to truly realize who i really am
  3. what is it exactly, the emotional pain that you run away from? why do you think it arises? you don't need help with addiction with your weed because if it's not weed, it becomes something else, maybe chocolate tomorrow, maybe video games the next day, maybe you become a workaholic, you need to go straight to the source of understanding what is causing you to behave like that
  4. I have asked about this like, 8 months ago. But even now I still cannot understand in the sense that, what the fuck can I do about it? Blue sphere of hallucinations 24/7 both open and closed eye - the thing is, it takes a very long time of concetration but once the visuals become more vivid it's a tunnel, a tunnel that becomes extremely real and always ends up in a feeling of bursting into a landscape of some kind, it's usually floating over landscapes that have absolutely no logic to them at all, very video game PS1 graphics looking shit, it feels very unbalanced and nothing has worked and is just too distracting, i literally use to rub tumeric powder into it because of some indian guru on yt The pressure is just crazy, it's an unbelivably dense pressure of energy that pulstates, vibrates (sometimes pleasurable), swirls etc - what is it? why in particular inbetween my eyebrows is there so much pressure? imagine someone was pushing there thumb in between ur eyebrows as hard as they can, that's what it feels like every time I meditate, I cannot actually use my nostrils as an object of meditation anymore I have to move to the belly man can sum1 do internet reiki and help me
  5. @Vision you already have the answers then, you want to practice letting go - so you avoid doing something to avoid feeling of regret, do the thing and let go of identifying with the regret as you, the real you knows the right thing to do. keep doing it over and over, for sure you will notice a difference. just ask yourself, do you want life to go by because you avoided feeling a negative emotion? lets go back to the root ft. buddha aversion, craving so, you want to suffer less and enjoy life more? lets work on it bro, aint gonna come easy
  6. @mandyjw the sheer density of it feels like a migraine sometimes, but mostly when i meditate it begins to start jerking all over the place, like i just want to put a magnet to my head sometimes and hope it gets sucked out also, i had went really intense this year on seeking and tried many things, i would have hoped i could have gotten more insight into it, just feels like its blocked or something. anyways, sometimes its pleasurable so theres that lol
  7. i dont feel any felt realese but it feels a lot less intense and warm. @Nahm =D
  8. @Nahm yes go ahead im totally surrendered
  9. regret just makes no sense. come to a conclusion about how it makes absolutely 0 sense to regret things, see the errors you've made, forgive, and take new actions aligned with your new level of understanding. until you do that, the action part, you will be enslaved by it u couldnt ask for a better book for this, letting go by david r hawkins
  10. i think people shut the heart off in fear of not being accepted, loved, rejected etc - the conditioning takes over an you resort to the head (what should i say, and not say), but inevitably you suffer immensly from being conditionally accepted, loved etc because you always whether it's on the surface or heavily repressed are insecure as fuck. and this is a widespread disease, so the do urself a favour and cure it by working on being authentic
  11. @Hugo Oliveira that is a massive opportunity when you can see what the emptiness and discontent is with friends is reflecting about what you are saying and behaving in public, and why. maybe you are in your head when you are socializing, maybe feeling unable to express true you. very important to explore ruthlessly as to why
  12. just use your intuition to feel out is this a person who has realized themselves as a person devoted to helping others? you have to really be very specific like that because i think most therapists are just egos unfortunately but if you understand yourself pretty well it won't be hard for you to find a good one just try to grab a bag full of consulations and let the heart choose
  13. @myself an environment where like minded people who want to evolve as hard as possible and to live this lifetime as fully as we can a fuken cult i guess
  14. @Breakingthewall you ever talk to a therapist? i like how you wrote this 'i know that my father is my master. To love him is the goal.' because i feel exactly the same way and i see him as a blessing now, it's crazy. he was the typical narcissist who physically hurt me and abused the shit out of emotionally for most of my life. for me it was, constantly going into states of consciousness where i could experience unconditional love via psychedelics and returning back to the conditional. over and over, i saw how much we all suffer and contemplate for hundreds of hours about my family. but the fully true realization of what your father done to you is a reflection of the pain he carries but it has to come from developing so much understanding that you will see this hatred, the blame, the pleasure of blame, the pleasure of being a victim, why hate is useful for protecting you, but ultimately the futility in hate and the all these kinds of things that make you see your father is just like you, a piece of god trying its best to survive.. damn there's so much to go into. but yeah, i don't think you should try to love him. that is a trap, you just need to see this hatred is a brick in your wall, because it's always you here. you created it all, you are creating it all yourself, all your suffering is your responsability. when time comes for truly forgiving yourself you will see you will forgive your father because you are as much as him as he was. he is inside of you, hating him is hating yourself, running away is running away from yourself, idk a mixture of therapy (with a good therapist), psychedelics, contemplation and cognitive empathy, visualization, doing activities things like imagining you raising you father as a child, holding hands, being intimate and loving. all the things that surface turmoil emotion and to allow yourself to feel and let it go and so on
  15. @Iesu yes defo, some of my best experiences were on dxm and i've done a lot of shit now, if you can get it clean in then it's definitely a good insightful trip. like ket, but way longer comeup and a massive afterglow. the prob is the inactive ingredients, sorbitol for example. i used to have to sit on a toilet and pee out my asshole for hours lol - a counteract to abuse apparentely, well you learn the hard way sometime shuh
  16. @unborn_chicken i think you should reconsider tripping a few times, maybe with mushrooms if acid isn't doing it for you. you will look at what you wrote and laugh for sure
  17. @Terell Kirby yeah me too how do you feel on a daily basis in which you are trying to develop self-compassion?
  18. @unborn_chicken have you done psychedelics before?
  19. @Crane Bahnsteik like this for me i see everything as a projection of my mind, if i am afraid of something then i'm afraid of a part of me, when i don't deal with the fear it becomes neglect and then i experience the consequence as some kind of suffering so why abuse myself because of an illusion? fear only is present because of imagination. a pain in your past is constantly imagined into the future, to what degree you are aware of yourself will determine how identified you are with your thought and the degree of which you face fears or avoid fears. so honestly, i say fuck that shit with trying to single out your deepest fears. work on developing awareness, and you will be VERY HAPPY you get to face your fears, you will be so thirsty for growth that you will put yourself consciously into situations where fear will arise so you can let go of the 'I' that has imprisoned you
  20. 'It sucks not having a community of real life people to share this path with.' yeah i feel that holy shit... , i was hard gaslit by a commune voluteer group a while ago i joined but it has helped in the long run. i think ultimately it is important not to sweep it under the rug and keep searching but in terms of your own spiritual growth i think it's essential, especially for a repressed westerner who needs to constantly try to surface up things with other people. being alone is really limited in this part of the world, maybe that would work if u were born in some indian village where u were praised for doing it
  21. have you ever really truly contemplated what it would be feel like to die? not what happens with death itself but the few hours prior sitting on a bed, really visualizing your entire family, all your childhood memories, your possesions, your pets, your income, your status in society, your wardrobe, your social media status, your achievements medals and awards, the people you hate, the traumas you avoid dealing with, the fear you keep holding onto, the places you never went to... everything you ever done is going to just go poof. really try to visualize it right for a few mins, you are going to lose everything. there's nothing to hold onto, it will be taken away from you. i found this helpful when i sincerely tried this and it makes me a bit more motivated to make changes
  22. hey i am struggling a lot with developing my meditation routine, i really have a strong desire to get into it but i just really feel like i need proper teachings and guidance at this point, mostly i am really struggling between my regular life of eating and shitting and meeting people and things like this and going deeper into meditative practice i can't seem to find balance, so yeah i just feel like i need guidance i would also appreciate if you have a community/know of a community of people trying to meditate and learn that you could pm me? basically just wondering did you struggle trying to do this yourself and how did you learn/ what did you do? (such as go on retreat, i havent yet) thanks a lot
  23. @Salvijuswhat do u think of online retreats? @TheAlchemist yeah im about to try that out now, looks interesting
  24. forgive him and stop taking it personally, it has nothing to do with you
  25. @Enlightenment im just commenting i hope people do not fuck with dxm like just get yourself ket somehow bros, or be vigorous in your research about the inactive ingredients of your cough syrup shit