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Everything posted by kinesin

  1. Only because you've seen it before with your eyes, and your brain used that visual sense data to build a detailed model which it can recall at any time. If you'd been born without eyes, your brain would have built a similar 3D model of your face based on sense-data from the times you touched it, although it would be different in nature than the visual model.
  2. In order to ascend, you must transcend...
  3. What the hell are you talking about? This is nonsense.
  4. @Godhead No, don't do this, you make it sound like some kind of indoctrination or sneaky conversion. If you want to share your insights, just share them. If the other person doesn't respond well, they're either seeing something you're not (for example a manic, crazed expression on your face or emotions which contradict the things you're saying, such as frustration at them not understanding), or they have their own biases against this kind of thinking. It's possible that you are going a little crazy, OP. Many parts of the spiritual path are practically indistinguishable from mental illness, especially when insight has been gained but has yet to be grounded. If your girlfriend isn't familiar with the spiritual path, it's no surprise that she'd be scared by some of the things you're saying. Remember, ultimately your spiritual journey is a personal one, and other people won't always be able to relate to it at all, as they're on their own journeys.
  5. Good post. To recognise such a thing indicates you have a pretty good understanding of the nature of being. That said, no teaching is perfect in its communicability, and I wouldn't be surprised if somebody without such an understanding responded to it with "no way! if I were swapped with a bird, I'd become the bird king and lead all the other birds in battle against the egg industry!"
  6. Why do you do those things? Because you happen to be a human, and that's what humans do. Why do humans do such things? Because the structure of our brains and body has evolved over millions of years to do such things. Your body feels impulses to have sex, because there's a biological structure within you which has evolved to perform that function. Your mind feels impulses to socialize with friends, because there's a biological structure within you which has evolved to perform that function. You don't need to force your heart to beat, it just happens. You don't need to force yourself to breathe, it just happens. You don't need to force yourself to *be human*, it just happens. Why? Because your body and mind is a highly complex machine which has evolved to function and behave in certain ways, regardless of any input from 'you'. So what comes next after god consciousness? Being. 'Sit back' and relax in your own mind, and watch yourself be human. Watch yourself hanging out with friends, watch yourself laugh, watch yourself cry, watch yourself get into a fight, watch yourself grieve, watch yourself fall asleep, watch yourself wake up, watch yourself prepare and eat food, watch yourself think, watch yourself move, watch yourself reading this comment, watch yourself respond to it. 'You' don't need to do any of it, you just have to watch it happen.
  7. You described some very deep realizations at the beginning of the thread, particularly your observation about being with your feelings, however you seem to have lost touch with that realization in subsequent posts. The impression I get from the things you've written are that you seem to be under the impression that it's your job to manage your thoughts, feelings and emotions, almost as if you're conducting an orchestra. You're trying to find ways to manually pull negative feelings toward positive ones. This is not your job. Your thoughts and emotions don't need any input from you whatsoever, they're simply going to continue playing out in response to external and internal stimulus regardless of what you do. Your neurochemical activity is continuous, like your heartbeat and your breathing. Stop trying to curate it and simply be with it once again. You're bothered by the fact that nothing is apparently bothering you, because your 'manager-consciousness' is neurotically scanning around for things to fix, and it can't find anything. The only thing holding you back right now is the fact that you're thinking, rather than being. Just notice it... you're feeling bored with this downtime, you feel frustrated by the fact that you're bored, because you'd rather be accomplishing things. Notice that feeling and simply be with it, explore it, let it wash over you, let it happen. This emotional state will evaporate and morph into something else eventually regardless of what you do. If the universe wants you to be bored for a while, then be bored for a while.
  8. Tony Robbins is basically the Old Testament God. There's no such thing as a perfect guru - only different kinds who cater to different people, with different needs. If many people respond positively to simply being told to buck up by a man with a giant skull and a deep voice, then the universe necessitates the existence of a popular guru who exhibits such qualities - that's Tony Robbins. Of course, the existence of such a guru also necessitates the existence of people calling out his unjust methods. It's all just part of a perfect unified system. "Be happy and make something of yourself... or I'll find you and kick your ass. Got it? Good."
  9. The word 'addiction' has become warped of its meaning, as many people tend to still think of it in terms of chemical dependency. The chemical dependency model of addiction has fallen out of favour. The question is - is it possible that after a month of microdosing you might decide that you enjoyed so many benefits that you want to continue microdosing on an ongoing basis? That's possible. Is it possible that that action may put you on a path toward slowly increasing dosages as your behaviour and thinking becomes slowly more and more disordered over the coming months, until you're essentially tripping every day without even realising it? That's possible too.
  10. There's no official consensus on what energy really 'is', similar to how there's no official consensus on what mathematics really 'is'. Energy can be described and measured, its behaviour is quite well understood but if you're looking for a root causation, you might be disappointed. Spiritual language gets the closest to what it is, imo. It's a formless eternal lifeforce which exists within all things - without it, nothing would exist. Ironically, that description is also perfectly compatible with the scientific view. If you want to call it God, call it God.
  11. Yes, just look for the environments and activities which require the traits you're seeking, and take part in them. There will be anxiety, you'll feel nervous and unsure, that's normal. Power through. Ignore videos, forget trying to change your mindset or your focus, simply put yourself into the situations.
  12. You can't think yourself toward developing new traits - they're things you realize about yourself when you involve yourself in things which require them. So the question really is - where can you put yourself that you'll begin manifesting those traits? Imo one of the best answers you'll find is to join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class. That'll make you energetic, adventurous, confident and hardworking. The people you meet there will make you noisy, spontaneous and kind. As to being creative, original, imaginitive and artistic? Take an art class. Learn an instrument. Go to a yoga class. Try your hand at whatever people with those qualities tend to do. Think of yourself like a piece on a game board which takes on new qualities when moved to different places on the board. You want a specific quality? Physically move yourself toward situations which bring it out of you. Truly, the hardest part is actually taking the action to put yourself in such situations - but if you develop the ability to do it, then a whole new world of possibilities will open up to you.
  13. @ShardMare Can you list some values and traits which you think you don't have?
  14. @bejapuskas The entire premise behind this thread is about finding ways to spot and support users who show signs of being in spiritual turmoil, and particularly those who give the impression that they could possibly be considering Mahasamadhi... and then literally the one person in the thread who actually seems to fall into that category gets mocked and muted. It's absolutely absurd, and totally against the spirit of the thread. @Leo Gura , thoughts on this?
  15. @Inliytened1 Awakening isn't awakening until it's integrated back into the dream. The dream is an illusion, awakening is another illusion, and reintegration is a unified understanding. I agree with you completely that full awakening is possible without harming the body - infact I believe those who value Mahāsamādhi have only a partial awakening, and in my view a partial awakening is worse than no awakening at all.
  16. @Opo I'm not talking about overt statements like "you're an idiot". I'm not talking either about thinking "this person is an idiot". I'm talking about the innate feeling which precedes both thought and action, the feeling that the person is 'just' an idiot, or 'just' trying to cause drama, or 'just' trying to make things hard for themselves and others, or 'just' being delusional. These feelings can feel quite objective when we experience them, but all they succeed to do is make us feel disunity with another person, which doesn't lead to positive outcomes. When I say non-judgment, there is a sense in which I'm talking about a different way of percieving who that person is, fundamentally. Are they their behaviours? If they are their behaviours, then when their behaviours are bad it becomes hard to feel positively about them. Are they a core of childhood innocence which may still remain buried within? This is a more useful way to interpret them, imo, but it doesn't go quite far enough. Are they a formless awareness, experiencing phenomena in material reality? Yes, this is what they are. A person's formless awareness precedes their thoughts, precedes their actions, their behaviours. When a person in a therapeutic or teaching role posesses the ability to retain unconditional, non-judgmental love for a difficult person no matter what they think, say or do, it's because they're percieving them in this way. Look beyond the character and percieve them instead as a soul in difficulty, and it becomes not only easier to empathise with them, but the only natural reaction.
  17. @Opo Non-judgment doesn't mean agreement, it simply means not judging them for it. To agree with everything they said would be harmful indeed.
  18. @Zeroguy Yeah, I understand what you're saying - there is a very apparent hypocrisy in 'awakened' teachers telling people to overcome the dream because it's all fake, yet at the same time begging you not to harm yourself and being unable to explain why without contradicting themselves. That hypocrisy shows me that they don't have the whole picture of understanding - I myself believe I have the whole picture. You see, you have to reclaim the reality within nonreality. On one level there is no conversation here - that is true. What's stopping us from allowing ourselves to flow in the dream by treating it as if it were infact real, though? I can't describe in words the process by which I became once again able to see the dream as real despite it being simultaneously nonreal - it was a long process with a lot of meditation and other contemplations. I do know that this is the 'cure' though, which surpasses the perspectives given by many prominent teachers. Find a route toward seeing it as both real and nonreal without any contradiction, then the desire for Mahasamadhi fades away.
  19. @Opo I don't know what 'the way' to help them is, there are many approaches which could help or hinder for different people, and many people simply cannot be helped externally. Putting aside the practicalities of which methods work the best for a moment, there is an element which precedes the practical 'help' which is absolutely necessary - an unflinching attitude of absolute nonjudgment and loving empathy. This is the most difficult part of the process, because as I said, many mental illnesses manifest as highly difficult behaviour which becomes very difficult to entangle from the individual themselves. One very common sentiment to hear is along the lines of "I wanted to help X, I tried by best, but then I realized they're just a shitty person who doesn't deserve my help, so I give up". Being the genuinely helpful person who will actually bring peace to the mentally ill individual requires never allowing yourself to reach that point - infact, the very prospect of a 'shitty person' needs to be nonexistent to you. When they scream at you and spit in your face, your response cannot be to flash in anger, it has to be one of sympathy. When you try and try and try to get through to them but they keep sabotaging any efforts to get better, you can't get frustrated, you have to remain genuinely sympathetic, you have to love them no matter what. Of course, the ability to hold on to that loving perspective no matter what is shockingly rare, and that's why mental health issues are so difficult to treat. If everyone had a 'guardian angel' so to speak who would genuinely love them unconditionally, the world would be a very different place.
  20. @Julian gabriel I'm a major loner, and I think it has something to do with noninvolvement. When you're removed from a situation and able to look at it from a distance, you see things which people who are immersed in it cannot see. To be a loner means being distant from many social norms and group behaviours, so you get a broader view of what's really going on in them. That said, I think it's important not to fall into the trap of believing that this wisdom gained from noninvolvement is superior to wisdom gained from involvement. For example many people can relate to the feeling of being the 'loner' at a party watching the action from the sidelines, and feeling that by watching they're able to see the 'true reality' of the situation which the partygoers seem oblivious to. Who is really seeing the true reality of the situation though? The one who watches it all unfold, or the one who directly experiences it? It's a false dichotomy of course - both are seeing equally valuable halves, and gaining equally valuable but different forms of wisdom from it.
  21. This is the attitude which needs to go away. I've had many struggles with mental illness over the years, and one aspect of it which I often see people neglect to appreciate is how complex it is. It's quite natural infact to respond to a person with mental illness with anger and hate, because so often their illness causes them to appear like terrible, deluded, uncaring people. If you want to avoid making the situation worse, it's important to look beyond those behaviours. Based on his comments in this thread, I think @Zeroguy is one example of a user which these new measures are intended to spot and help.
  22. @BipolarGrowth Who am I to tell you what you should or shouldn't believe - do what makes you happy I suppose. It is simply wrong, however, and I won't be taking part in any such delusion. I will say though, that once you get further down the path, seeking to cause such changes in material reality starts to seem very childish. Deeper insight completely negates any sense in doing such things - it's like if you had a lucid dream and decided to spend the time learning a new language, only to wake up and realise it was nothing but gibberish.
  23. You can't just put out a vague open call for 'empathetic people' to act as mental health support staff. Actualized is a business, right? If new demands are emerging, then the business will have to expand its scope to meet them. These individuals will need proper, standardized training with accreditation, they'll need compensation for their time if any reasonable level of quality is to be expected of them and they'll need some degree of legal backing in the event that any of their support leads to a harmful outcome.
  24. If you believe another person would actually *recieve* that email, then that's nothing more than a drug-induced delusion. There is a grain of truth to such beliefs - everything you see and feel around you right now is a simulated 3D construct being put together within your own mind. It is possible to access states where it is possible to change that construct as you see fit, as if controlling a dream. You could make it so that the walls move around you, you could create a doorway where one doesn't exist, you could bend a spoon with your will alone... but the thing you don't seem to realize is it's just a hollow mind trick. When you cause your mind-simulation of the spoon to bend, you'll say "look, it's bending!" but anyone sitting next to you would just think you were crazy because in material reality, nothing would be changing. It's a bit like how I can go to the front page right now and press F12 to open the dev console and change the text on the website so it says "Owned by Kinesin". I can do that, but the change would only be made in a superficial manner, visible only on my own computer. You're stuck in a serious trap of viewing enlightenment and 'levels of consciousness' in terms of trippy mindstates and cheap magic tricks, and you have no idea just how much it's holding you back to think that way.