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Everything posted by thisintegrated

  1. I don't think Leo changed his stance. He was asked to remove it or something iirc. SD isn't so linear. Green and Yellow aren't richer and more intellectual than Orange. Orange achieves what it needs, and then moves onto other things.
  2. I don't really agree that "Turquoise is when you take the lessons of Yellow and properly share it with the world". Turquoise recognizes that every step is necessary, and that people will come to the right realizations on their own, in time. Turquoise doesn't feel a need to intervene. It doesn't want to tell people how to do their jobs. Sadhguru is Turquoise, but that's not why he's famous. He's famous because of his personality, energy, and experience. He enjoys being active and doing stuff. Not all Turquoises are like this.
  3. If you have too much time then you're simply not meditating enough.
  4. Red = power / freedom Blue = stability / safety Orange = abundance Green = better world / peace Yellow = perfection / optimal order Turquoise = love
  5. Less intellectual. More wise. The intelligence adapts to serve the higher needs of Turquoise. Though, these needs aren't gonna be anything exciting from an outside perspective. Turquoise will be more intelligent when it comes to understanding love, emotions, happiness, existence, etc. But it will be less interested in war strategy / geopolitics / anything "normal". So Turquoise may underperform in some tasks due to a lack of interest, but that's more the fault of the rest of society for being so far behind Turquoise.
  6. Yellow is more nerdy, intellectual, and curious about earthly systems. Turquoise doesn't give a shit, and just lives in ecstasy, basically. Look at Sadhguru or Osho dancing, that's basically the essence of Turquoise. Now, although Turquoise isn't intellectual, it isn't stupid like Blue. Turquoise is so wise that the intellect would just be a distraction and serve no purpose. No explanation, no logic, no reason, just enjoying life.
  7. No, why? I'm young, so in my generation there are plenty of Greens. I also live in a relatively progressive country, so they're easy for me to find. You'd struggle finding Greens who are 40+, especially in places like the middle east or less developed regions. Pure Yellows are very hard to find, but finding people who exhibit strong Yellow traits is very doable. Most of the Yellows I've come across have been either public speakers (e.g. someone like Andrew Yang), or experts in various fields doing talks/interviews (e.g. someone like Brian Eno). This forum might be the easiest place to find Yellows. Otherwise, become an expert in something and collaborate with other experts. Just be careful not to go into something heavily dominated by Oranges.
  8. Watch the Turquoise video. It addresses conscious (turquoise) relationships.
  9. I feel like on the surface they can seem really fun and great, more so than Blues (and often even Greens). But they seem to really struggle with love, and just feel cold / machine-like to me. Many I've met are rich and have everything they want, but their behavior is kind of "aggressive" like they're fighting for survival. idk if that's just my experience.
  10. I agree that most people are cool when you get to know them. I have no problem empathizing-with / understanding Blues/Reds. But, I at least, always get a vibe from people, and figure our their stage without trying. Interesting perspective. Though I'm not sure that thinking and following are mutually exclusive. There will always be times when it's best to defer to an expert on something.
  11. People would rather fall into a good identify than a bad one. E.g. introversion can be interpreted as being "a loser" or "cool", and identifying as "sigma" just ensures you fall into the latter identity for yourself. It's good and healthy to have positive identities to form for yourself. That said, the beta/alpha/omega/gamma/sigma model is shit and no one should be using it.
  12. Wondering if anyone's had experience with something like this. I expect my friends to be smart and "developed" but only because friend-relationships are mostly intellectual. With women it's more about love and enjoying each other's company, but idk if one day I'll just get fed up of dealing with Blue problems. No real problems so far, but I can't talk about meditation, I can't discuss sensitive topics easily, can't question things too much. She's Blue-Orange, really, but from a very Blue culture.
  13. omg, why you gotta be such a Karen????
  14. Ayo, finally another "integrated" bro? Meditate more, and in more places, and in more ways, until meditation becomes natural in every possible setting.
  15. I didn't even see it !!!! I'm mad at Leo for this.
  16. I believe I have found the solution. I don't know how I didn't see this sooner. Have multiple GFs at the same time??‍♂️ Feels good weird interesting, man??
  17. Yes, you're gay AF my dude.
  18. Whatever he's feeling here:
  19. Why not share here what you’ve find about coral ? Or at least pointers/subjects/values within coral value system, so that people can do their own search ? I think that would be of great benefit to The forum and Leo. Even if people couldn’t comprehend it, It’ll be useful to know it actually exists. SD is a model of trends. Not enough data on Coral to identify any trend associated with it. However, Coral can represent a level of evolution beyond Turquoise. Such people do exist, but it's hard to determine exactly what aspects of their personality are due to their level of evolution, and what aspects are just unique to them as an individual. I will say, though, not a single person on this forum is anywhere near Coral, and likely never will be.
  20. Can't find any good options in the UK, and all tests are very expensive. Is it safe to just take DMSA/DMPS without testing first? Edit: Just noticed I meant to post this in another section. Move/delete if needed.
  21. ..which is exactly why I don't use SD to date and have a blue gf??‍♂️ I gave up looking for tier 2s long ago.
  22. Tier 1s all have their own problems. Blues are traditional and boring, but easy to deal with. Oranges are materialistic and arrogant, but less boring. Greens are self-important and annoying to deal with. They tend to strongly believe in their ideals and are hard to reason with. And as for tier 2s.. Yellows.. well.. I've never met a yellow woman in my life. Turquoise.. lol. Even if I had a Green gf, I'd still be settling.
  23. No. I actually enjoy debate and welcome challenges. But she doesn't like to "argue"??
  24. Our reality is all about consequences and dealing with them. Life happens, you deal with it. That's how you learn. You don't make bad decisions on purpose, but when you do you feel it and you learn. You're not being lead anywhere. You're just getting better at not causing problems for yourself.
  25. It's been moved already. Good to hear. Were the effects noticeable? Was it worth the cost? Here, even just the DMSA/DMPS will cost me a few hundred. This is what I was considering. If I hear enough evidence of this causing significant improvements I'll order some.