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  1. Wait.. so does he support Putin or what? If I was Russian I'd want Russia to lose. Leo's Russian, iirc, making this a Russian forum. And I'm pretty sure he wants Russia to lose too. I don't really get how leaving a Russian forum makes OP show support to Russia?, if that's what he's going for.
  2. Where did he say that? Do people get offended when someone says they hate humanity? If someone said they hate Russia, would Russians get offended? I don't see how this could possibly be the reason for leaving. If someone told me they hate europeans/humans I wouldn't get offended.
  3. Wait.. are you saying Leo needs religion then?
  4. Yeah. I've always been a happy person?
  5. Statistically, children are also more happy than adults.
  6. I agree. But humans aren't evolved enough to love everyone fully/equally. For 99.9% of people, it's more productive, and practical, to spend time learning to love just one person deeply.
  7. tbh I'm surprised she's not talking about the illuminati injecting 5G into everyone's veins or something..
  8. We must confront him???
  9. You can go infinitely far in either one. One is not better than the other. Just pros and cons. That said, statistically, the more loving/evolved one becomes, the more importance love gains in life.
  10. Why would anyone care about this? Why do people care so much about race?? Actually, this isn't even about race or equality, it's about black americans (probably OP's race)???? If it was the first Korean or Chinese serving as "SCOTUS justice" you wouldn't give a shit. At. all.
  11. lol, most of these are Green or Blue. Teal Swan is a good example of pure Green.
  12. "Intend" to "deeply realize God" and it will happen sooner or later.
  13. Of course I'm not dismissing it. Would you consider "rape is wrong" to be a deeply profound concept? No? So you're dismissing it??!?!?!?!? You get what I'm sayin? IF you considered "rape is wrong" to be a deeply profound concept, this would say something about you. Most grow people are long past this being a profound concept. As you progress up the spiral, such basic ideas become so obvious that they're not even on your radar anymore. They cause no reaction. For a blue, however, more basic ideas such as this DO show up on their radar, as they're only now discovering them.
  14. Be careful with jumping to conclusions like this. Consider why you're so quick to get defensive and projecting your insecurities.
  15. It's such a rudimentary concept that only a child / a blue would find it profound.
  16. Why do you guys even need a religion? What does it give you? If you're on this forum you must be aware enough to know yourself as god, so why cling onto an outdated stage Blue ideology which opposes free thinking and questioning authority? Religiously following this dogma or that dogma isn't exactly conducive to gaining enlightenment.
  17. Inherent value = no inherent need to gain value Women have inherent value in society. The dumbest, laziest woman will still automatically have value. Women don't need to prove anything to anyone. Their ability to give birth automatically secures their place in society. Men, however, must earn their value. Their lack of inherent value is what motivates them to achieve things. People are judged on how well they fulfill the role expected of them. As all women automatically have a "woman's role", they are judged on this. They are not judged on anything else. Men are judged on everything else, as so become spiritual leaders and whatnot. It would be unfair / unbalanced if women started with value greater than men's AND had the same level of competency / power / potential as men. It's either high starting stats, but fixed, or low starting starts, but dynamic. Can't have both.
  18. I've brought this up many times. Leo ignores. He does not admit even the possibility of fault, or validity of alternate views.
  19. Now I'm really confused by your post. OP was saying how "Leo is great, I love his metaphysical stuff, but I like his practical stuff even more!" (Leo's practical stuff being "sex", "money", "gym", "confidence" etc. ) My point was "uhh, that's mostly what he does now, so much so that people have left the forum specifically because of this, so I don't think there's a lack of practical stuff. In fact, there's not enough deep meta stuff, imo.".
  20. Confused by your post. He's still very much a "grab them by the pussy" kind of person.. In fact, iirc that's the reason so many people left this forum and started their own. [link to copyrighted content removed]
  21. This is just really bad science. This much should be obvious even to a child. Bottom of the article: Don't spread misinformation on this forum, please.
  22. Since I asked about Orange, why not this too. I have limited experience with Yellows, but I always love them so much. They're the only people that can "leave an impression" on me, or can "inspire" me (besides Turquoises). They're the first stage that I can actually respect. I feel like the difference between Orange and Yellow is massive, yet subtle in a way. Oranges seem like kids. Even the biggest, most respected Orange CEOs seem like children when compared to a Yellow. That said, they can be a bit too immersed in the unimportant details of life, and maybe struggle to enjoying life fully. As Yellows discover the validity of contradictory perspectives, they often fail to choose the best perspectives for themselves. Objectivity gets in the way, and their unbiased nature limits their happiness. What are Actualized's impressions of people at this stage?
  23. Buddhist monks aren't gonna be very complex. An engineer who thinks and works on hard problems 24/7 is gonna have a more complex and developed intellect than a monk who meditates all the time. SD isn't a model of the intellect.
  24. You think Sadhguru/Osho is much more nerdy than.. someone like Orange Elon Musk? Turquoise isn't "Yellow, but smarter". It's its own thing.