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Everything posted by thisintegrated

  1. Men and women used to have different roles in society. Men and women became known for the roles they performed. Over time, each sex became better at performing its expected role, and started identifying with that role. Now roles aren't a thing, and women even have an advantage over men at the things men used to be relied upon. Salary isn't determined by strength, but by the ability to sit down and do physically easy work. The problem is, we still have gender roles deeply ingrained in society, so people have become confused and unsure of what their identity should be as the identity expected of them doesn't seem to have any basis for existing in the modern world. A boy might see that males are expected to be strong, he may recognize that he isn't strong, and may conclude that his gender is wrong. And if he's born in Sweden, he'll have his dick cut off?‍♂️ It's really not that complicated.
  2. Same here?‍♂️
  3. Depends on how you decide to view it. But still there's no duality. Everything and nothing aren't different things. At what point did they separate? How are they not identical? What difference between them would you perceive? You've spent your whole life experiencing your brain, and nothing else. This idea of a "real" world has always been just an idea. Yes.
  4. Boys can be feminine. Femininity doesn't suggest they're actually "a female at heart, and should have their dick cut off" or whatever. Can you think of a single thing that would differentiate a fem-boy and a boy who's actually a girl?
  5. Not celibacy. Just energy work and meditation.
  6. You might wanna start with content from someone like Jordan Peterson or any other "normal" self-help youtubers out there before you jump into this abstract existential stuff which you're not yet ready for.
  7. I recommend the Spiral Dynamics Stage Green video.
  8. So you still believe other people are real? Just stuck in their egos? . . maybe try 3 edibles next time (lol, kidding)
  9. You speak as if there are humans, and they receive data (from elsewhere), and that their goal is to become conscious. You speak as if the starting point is on a physical earth, and the physical humans eventually evolve beyond the physical.
  10. So earth is fundamental, and consciousness is just an accidental by-product? Yeah that's wrong. Though the bit about humans being robots and everything being data is good. Everything you say is basically the perspective I had as an Orange child, back in the day.
  11. The aim is not to kill the ego, but to develop it into something good/flexible/light so life runs through it without getting stuck. The only thing you want to kill is fear.
  12. Uhh, all responsibility is imaginary.
  13. Transitioning is only really an option if you're still a child, and no kid can be trusted with such a choice, so it's never really an option. With future technology it may be an option, but for now it's not. Gender is purely an ego thing, and if one hopes to ever self-actualize then it shouldn't really matter much anyway. Just another delusion to overcome, like everything else.
  14. Why do you want other people? To help you learn? To verify your thinking? There's nothing others can give you that you can't give yourself. If you got what you needed from others, you'd become dependent on them. Being alone isn't the problem.
  15. The desire for stimulation is to blame.
  16. Sex is a skill. You won't enjoy it if you're not good at it. It takes decades of training to reach your full potential. .. of course if you're a woman then it's different.
  17. He's never suggested it's anything related to academia. It's mostly just systematic / multi-perspectival thinkers, who can be anyone. But of course Yellows are gonna be smart. There's no such thing as a Yellow idiot. No intellect = no Yellow.
  18. I think you're referring to the void state, or point consciousness. But that's still a part of everything. This still doesn't explain your reason for believing other people have awareness. You're over-reliant on your intuition.You could dream your life, and it would be indistinguishable from your real life. Since we know that a dream is just as convincing as anything else, why would you think this is anything but a dream? You believe there are both dreams, and real life? Why would there be two fundamentally different modes of existence, if they're both 100% identical and serve the exact same purpose?
  19. Base chakra would activate too much and I'd get super horny out of nowhere.
  20. God-will wanting to understand and experience.
  21. Who even cares. US politics sucks. What's the point in talking "Trump good, Biden bad, Biden good, Trump bad", etc. It's childish. This is the most boring topic anyone could come up with. If you want a good conversation, debate Andrew Yang's ideas or something.. smh
  22. Do you consider Leo's words to be "music"? Cause that always does it?