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  1. Why do you misinterpret what I say? I was pointing out that "healthy is good" is an assumption, and only logical from an ego's POV. You don't even know your reason for existence, yet are confident in assuming you know what kind of life you're here for. Illnesses can be great tools for learning to deal with difficult situations, and for deconstructing the ego. What's important isn't to "achieve and succeed", or get to a promotion at work. What's important is overcoming your problems and delusions. Strength and power are really only important to an insecure ego.
  2. Why would you assume it's better to be healthy??
  3. Keep doing it 'till you get bored.
  4. Are you saying emotions are the one and only exception to our reality? Everything else has a physical aspect to it, every memory has a physical, measurable component in the brain, etc., but emotions are unique?
  5. Well DMT is naturally present in the body/brain, so just having more of it should produce more of what you're already capable of experiencing.
  6. Just search youtube "Tom Campbell afterlife". Probably like 100 hours on this subject alone. E.g.
  7. Therefore.. chemicals can, in theory, explain every emotional state imaginable. Including all the Jhanas. In time, we can expect a "Jhana II", and even a "Jhana III" chemical to be released.
  8. Yeah. They're just not aware enough to consider asserting dominance, and so they don't. Although Reds are more aggressive, they're more advanced.
  9. Heroin is very far from the theoretical "best" drug that is possible to create. Contemporary chemistry is still in the dark ages, and I have no doubt in 1000 years we'll have drugs many times more powerful. So what we have available today shouldn't be used as a benchmark for what's possible, in terms of chemically induced highs.
  10. Have you considered the possibility that the reason these "Jhanas" feel good is because of the chemicals the state releases in the brain? Meditation has been proven to stimulate the release of dopamine. This is why meditation can be so blissful, it's the chemicals. Now, of course, the chemicals, and the brain itself, aren't real, and the sensations have no cause, they just are. But reality still follows physical logic, and all feelings have some physical source that "in theory" is what's responsible for the sensation. For the game to make sense it has to be self-sustaining. You can't have ~100% of physics be logical, and then have emotions be some mystical force with no real world explanation. Within the frame of our physical reality, everything makes sense and has a physical explanation.
  11. Like I said, be careful with falling into belief systems. If you really want to know, look up Tom Campbell's videos on the topic. Although he'll give you the best answer you'll ever find, it's still just a model and shouldn't be taken literally, or as a belief.
  12. Sure it's "capable" of violence, but what I was referring to was the fact that they will not think to use violence for personal gain. Purples are like children, they do as they're told. They're not long-term thinkers, and they're unaware of the possibility of gaining power. That's why they're less aggressive than Reds.
  13. I still have an interest, but it's increasingly feeling more pointless. E.g. Geopolitics is interesting, but it's always the same old stuff, just in a different order. Design is fun, but it's just a game. Politics is interesting, but it's always just about some stupid childish quarrels. Someone today showed me a very "stage yellow" book, which should've made me interested and curious, but it's just more "systems" and understanding the state of the world and where it's headed. I just don't care anymore. Even if a book had some great new insights, so what? It wouldn't teach me anything of value. I still love to talk about these things to socialize, but nothing feels as significant/deep as it used to. Anything that's not God/Consciousness related feels boring. It feels like this is the only area of "study" that will actually lead somewhere, or still has some room for progress at least. I'm kinda sad I can't really be the fun/excitable/curious guy I used to be for the people in my life. Actually I had the best relationships when I was Orange/Green, as a kid, when I would get overexcited about stupid things, and everyone could relate to me. Not sure where I go from here. I will continue to progress, and will hopefully get some insights about what I want to do. No games, no anime, no pointless intellectualizing, no pointless debating, no pointless teaching.. what's left? I actually had an answer for this years ago, but the same things don't matter to me anymore.
  14. It's.. "Totoro". And I don't think he can die.
  15.'s literally the same feeling that amphetamine gives you, and amphetamine = dopamine. If there was a theoretically "best" way of learning what dopamine feels like, it would be by taking amphetamine. I can tell when dopamine is high, and when it's low. It's not just the high, but other factors I can pay attention to as well. The high is just an unmistakable side-effect of elevated dopamine levels. Though, I don't think a high is possible without the dopamine.. dopamine is like a form of energy. Too tired = can't concentrate and can't feel high. The more dopamine I have available, the easier it is to generate the high.
  16. I know what dopamine feels like. I get dopamine rushes every day. It's pretty easy to identify.
  17. Then how can I generate a dopamine high "above the neck"? It's distinctly dopamine, and definitely above the neck. I'll add.. all emotions are felt in the body, most in the head. If I help someone and feel good from it, the feeling is in a specific location within the head. I can amplify it, or even generate it without any trigger.
  18. This is so funny??? Then you're the same type as @AtheisticNonduality, if he's right about his type.
  19. Anime. Being more awake doesn't change your personality. You do the same things as always. You enjoy whatever life has to offer.
  20. I guess Purple might see it as magic. Kinda how today in some cultures the "shaman" takes a "ritual drug" and starts getting "visions from the spirits". Purple would just see it as spooky magical shit. They wouldn't really be interested in trying anything themselves. I know a Red who's into drugs. They don't seem to take drugs seriously, as it doesn't contribute to gaining social status or anything. It's just a resource, like money. Many drugs = power, but that's it really. Also, in some cultures Reds may see drug-use as weakness.
  21. You seem to accept these as facts for some reason. They're all a big stretch, to say the least, and are, in fact, BS to fit an anti-liberal agenda. The whole post sounds like "Blue rebelling against Orange", tbh. At least separate economic ideas from political/cultural. When you hate something so broad, that's a clear indication of bias and a lack of any actual thought put into the argument. Do you hate the associated lack of traditional family values or do you hate the economic ideology? Saying it's the cause of all the world's problems is just one-sided, biased, and naiive. But to answer your question, it's a necessary step, just like the stages. No stage is bad, they're all necessary. Blues will hate it, Oranges will love it, generally.