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  1. Well, if you watched the Spiral Dynamics videos, you would know that this is what Orange is all about. Wanna get to Green? Then become a selfish Orange asshole. Where does Leo say to skip stages, or to "act" like a nice person? I've said this many times here. It's a problem on the channel, and on the forum itself. Leo's content attracts 1. Orange self help guys, and 2. Spiritual people. Someone talks about spirituality here, and the Orange guys get annoyed. But then the Orange guys just talk about pick up and the spiritual people are like "where tf am I?".
  2. Sorry I'm not quite as important as you. Would you be happier if I wrote a book and referenced myself?
  3. I think his views are more valid than those of the original Blue creators tbh. So.. curiosity = IQ = stage??
  4. A ridiculous argument? N-No, conscientiousness is more like being "planned" and "organized". Really nothing to do with confidence. It's supposed to be the opposite of "spontaneous" or "random". If Carl, the Big 5 expert, gets these definitions confused so easily, what hope is there for the model? I don't think that's relevant to the point. If you don't like the numbers, then just address the descriptions. How can I be both Agreeable and Disagreeable at the same time? Not at all. If it seems ambiguous, you just need to google Ti vs Fi and have the definitions cleared up.
  5. You were saying anyone is free to talk to you. But you attack anyone who comes close.
  6. (I can't reply as fast as you as I must wait "119 seconds before submitting")
  7. Wait.. so what you said about being able to talk to you was a lie?
  8. omg??? This is funny. I like Joe Rogan, he's generally pretty smart, but he's still only a stage Green thinker.
  9. Is this solely because life was harder back then, and everyone had to be more aggressive to survive, or is the average default/initial human level of development increasing over time? I.e. are babies born in 2022 more evolved than babies born 1000 years ago? I'm assuming by "being born into Blue" you mean bornto Blue parents? I'm pretty sure even Sadhguru's parents were Blue. I don't think anyone at Yellow+ here had Yellow parents. What does that even mean? Everyone starts at beige, including everyone who's Turquoise. Balance is needed, imo. Get what you can from one stupid community and move onto the next. Getting trapped within your own ideas is worse than getting trapped inside a community. Spiral Dynamics progress. And iirc everyone starts at Beige.
  10. The N vs S dichotomy isn't super obvious without knowing MBTI, yet it's the single most obvious and defining characteristic once you do know MBTI. The dichotomies in big 5 are far less meaningful. Spontaneous vs Conscientious doesn't really tell you anything, and neither does Agreeable/Hostile, nor Stable/Neurotic. If I know someone's an INTJ, I know how they'll react to my Ne. I know what makes them happy, and I know what makes them angry. If I know someone's an ISTJ, I also know how they'll react to my functions, and I would talk to them in a completely different way than how I'd talk to an INTJ. If I know someone's neurotic.. wtf does that tell me? I'm one of the most stable people I know, yet I'd probably fall under the neurotic category. It's not in any way meaningful information. Where would you put a perfectionistic (aka neurotic) person who's super-confident and happy? Or a 7w8, like me? 7 = agreeable and friendly with everyone, 8 = disagreeable with everyone. I'm literally agreeable and disagreeable at the same time. I debate against people (8) who I actually agree with (7). Another problem with the big 5 is.. I can't say e.g. "I don't like C users" as the system is ill-thought-out, and C is ambiguous. There are no ambiguities with "Ti", for example. My big 5 would be: Oxxxx. As I'm equal for all the last 4.
  11. So.. "literally just smarter"? That's the belief in a "soul".
  12. Bashar al-Assad, of course??
  13. Intelligence ime is mostly just the absence of stupidity. It's the mistakes that are easy to notice. "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all." But sure, there are plenty of notably smart people. E.g. Tom Campbell, Andrew Yang, Bashar, Bruce Lipton, Shinzen Young, Jordan Peterson, and you've probably heard all the Yellow/Turquoise examples in Leo's videos. The first 3 basically don't make mistakes. Their cognitive abilities are flawless, though sure I still disagree with Tom on some stuff, but he's peak Turquoise and his views are valid in their own way.
  14. You're Blue? I'm so sorry to hear that?? I doubt that. Though maybe there's a demon inside every rainbow?
  15. It's not anything specific. It's usually lots of little things that add up. E.g. Errors in basic logic, prioritising feelings over logic, etc. Like, if I said "I feel that sensors are smarter" you could conclude I'm retarded. Why? Not because the statement is incorrect, but because of a number of obvious problems with that statement. If I considered that to be a good argument/assertion, it would suggest a lot of things about the way I think. "Because the quran says so" "Because pork is haram" "Pigs are filthy, so we shouldn't eat them" "don't you want to believe in an afterlife" "But I feel x" "They're bad people" "but you can't know that" "I have my beliefs, you have yours" "God is good, but people are bad, so we need religion as it's God's words [interpreted by the people ..who are bad?]" "Without religion people would kill and rape" Are some failures in reasoning I commonly hear.
  16. Cool, me too.
  17. I get this exact same thing sometimes. All emotions are felt in the body. You can move or intensify the emotions if you want. I could give myself an overwhelming euphoria right now if I wanted to. I feel it most intense around where the neck joins the head.
  18. Really makes me want to dance.
  19. Without knowing MBTI, I might think I'm the problem when I feel like someone's too boring or stupid. Without Spiral Dynamics, I might think that religion vs atheism is just personal preference. That one isn't better than the other. That there are no deeper implications to the fact that someone takes the bibe/quran literally. As a NeTi user, I never needed personal experience to show me there's value in these models. It was always obvious. And now, personal experience has completely validated all the theories. It really is as simple as you imagine it to be. If MBTI or SD or Enneagram says you're incompatible with someone, then you are. You can make it work, but it's not worth it. If someone's a Blue, dump them. Just something for the Carls of the forum to think about?
  20. Oh damn, nice sound design. Pretty decent, though a bit monotonic, with a weak climax and unorganized structure.
  21. I am a little shocked. One if the INTJs I've been talking to has turned out to be a Blue!!!!! (the ultimate betrayal) It's so weird. They were seemingly smart, well-educated, multi-lingual, etc. but turns out it's possible to be a real INTJ, living up to the title, yet still have the awareness of an 8-12 year old?? I thought if I simply avoided all the SFs I'd avoid this situation, but there's just way too many Blues ! We're getting overrun !!
  22. Leo will be blown away when he sees this?