spiritual memes

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Everything posted by spiritual memes

  1. transcendence is often used to bypass repressed emotions rather than to truly heal from them. Many legitimately enlightened spiritual teachers still had dysfunctional behaviours and end up in scandals because of that due to the fact that they never really worked thorough their traumas properly.
  2. yes because I have been guilty of the exact same thing and its pretty easy to spot in others.(even though others are imaginary, I know...) Psychedelic God consciousness is an amazing experience but its not a good substitute for actually taking about it to a therapist.
  3. surely there are better ways to prove a point to someone than molesting them?
  4. Uhhhhh... that sounds a lot like spiritual bypassing. within this dream you are a human who potentially went through something very traumatising. That human might want to see a therapist.
  5. I'm not biased. just stating that showing love by grabbing another mans genitalia has potential homosexual connotations
  6. sounds kinda gay when you say it like that
  7. Yeah I agree with you on that. But if you really don't feel anger about what happened to you, it could be because you're stuck in the denial stage and suppressing it rather than healing from it. And idk about you, but saying that the guy molested you out of love sounds a lot like denial, at least from my perspective. Have you ever spoken to a therapist about this?
  8. While I agree with you on your second statement, I don't think you've truly considered his argument. Leo is arguing that love is the primary substance of reality and therefore everything in the universe is love, including that which you perceive to be evil. What you define as good and evil are human constructs that help you survive. Therefore to fully accept reality you have see every aspect of it as love. Even if you want to be logical and scientific about this, reality is just a bunch of vibrating quantum fields according to the currently accepted view of physics. These quantum fields are neither good nor evil but the mind projects good and evil onto reality to benefit survival. Of course, none of this is particularly practical for healing or living a human life, but actualized isn't really about that anyway.
  9. I agree that anger should be let go to truly heal. But anger is absolutely necessary at the beginning stage it serves the purpose of telling you 'NO! what happened was fucked up and must never happen again'. It pushes you to take action in your reality and only once you know you are safe, you can then heal. The anger is there to protect and avenge the scared and helpless part of you that you have probably repressed. Once you have truly felt and worked through the anger then you should let go of it to fully heal. But by choosing to not feel anger because of some spiritual principle, you are not healing. Only spiritual bypassing.
  10. Anger and hatred for a reason and serve a good function. In fact anger part of the healing process which follows denial and grief. Anger, hatred and demonization is also love. If you loved yourself the same way you loved your child you would be enraged at what happened. Perhaps you're in the denial stage?
  11. im talking about the exact same guy doing the exact same thing. Not molestation in general
  12. If he says no then he shouldn't be ok with it happening to himself as a child.
  13. its a valid question
  14. @Leo Gura So if you had a child and someone did the same thing to your child, would you be ok with that?
  15. @P Michael Thats a very biased way of looking at reality and human behaviour. I think your comment is a coping mechanism.
  16. For some reason or another I went on a binge of crime against humanity and I've seen some shit... The particularly disturbing ones were the belgian occupation of the congo, the ukrainian massacre of the poles and the rape of nanking. The latter is particularly disturbing because I'm chinese and it literally happened to my relatives. According to the radical implications of oneness, I have experienced all of this fucked up shit which doesn't sound fun. However, according to the solipsism and god realization videos, others are imaginary and i'm the only one in existence. So doesn't that contradict the radical implications of oneness? Am i still going to experience all the human suffering in existence or not?
  17. I would if he was much older than me and molested me...
  18. Also holy shit, @Leo Gura that's some pretty big information to drop on us out of nowhere. So are you just ok with the fact that you were molested? like no trauma whatsoever?
  19. but killing a pedo and locking up a murderer is also love.
  20. @Ulax Thanks for the tips! I'm quite experienced with labelling so i'll try that out. My financial situation is not great atm so I don't think I can afford an IFS therapist anytime soon.
  21. I'm currently experiencing heavy ego backlash. My protector parts responsible for addiction and distraction are backlashing hard on me. I spend almost the entire day distracted and unfocused. This is not ideal as I have a job interview coming up. I'm also experiencing extreme anger against people who have wronged me in the past. I used to suppress my anger in the name of spirituality but I don't think that's healthy any more. On the other hand this anger is getting pretty extreme. I'm heavily temped to exact revenge on certain people for things they did to me in the past, however many of the people in particular are friends and family who no longer treat me that way. They are extremely kind towards me and yet I am feeling intense anger towards them for things they did years ago. I hope this is part of the healing process.
  22. The majority of the western world is stuck in materialist ideology. This is the biggest obstacle to any kind of awakening since materialists will never even attempt to awaken. idealism opens the door to awakening while still being compatible with science which is why its important that idealism can be more widely accepted. the path goes: Materialism > dualism/panpsychism > Idealism > Nonduality > God Realization/infinity Its pretty much impossible for a materialist to reach infinity but easier the higher you are on the path.
  23. @Ulax They say character is built by going through tough times...
  24. Thanks! I'm in a pretty stressful time in my life right now but I'm surprised at how much progress I've made.
  25. I managed to unburden an exiled part. It was a traumatized inner child part which contrubuted to a sense of constant danger, especially in social situations. I can walk around in public now and feel no anxiety at all. I can even look random strangers in the eye with no inner reaction. The energy of this part is still there, its just not problematic anymore.