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Everything posted by Windappreciator

  1. @acidgoofy It's not the mental illness that is a problem here, it's the psychiatric drugs that don't go along with psychedelics. And to be frank these drugs cause mental illness to in the first place.
  2. I see noone really bothers to catch you from where you are coming from, but rather parrot no duality to avoid diving into it.
  3. @Ananta what the fuck is a mental illness.
  4. There is nothing interesting going on, it's just radiation, no mutants, no fractions, no trancended beings.
  5. What you mean is that we have the skills to create our own paradise already, but our minds keep us from using it that way. I guess we could see psychology as a technological development of the psyche and group both under one category and see that there are deficiencies in this region. But as it goes, I feel with you.
  6. Animals can have awakenings, that should be enough to answer your question.
  7. Yeah, good point. Although I would add thinking about society is also a form of thinking for "your own benefit". One recognizes more of society as part of self and transfers values over it.
  8. No they do, they can believe it is good to rob society of money. In your idea the don't, in their idea they do. Their concept of society and self just isn't the same as yours.
  9. That's what everyone thinks they do. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. Including you and me.
  10. Just like you are in denial of its legitimacy, people are about other things. What diet is the diet of veganism?
  11. Parth... This is not a good response. You are leading yourself into suffering like this. Relax on the paranoia a little bit, please. You are not in the mind of a collected person.
  12. Look my friend, you're too bitter about it. You are not being forced to believe anything. But adapting values unquestioned is inevitable. We are not born as reasonable adults with blank minds to choose in the world what we want as part of our paradigm. Therefore we must convey values through mainstream media that lead towards what we believe to be the most conscious outcomes. And it's a process that drives on trial and error correction.
  13. Uff, that is some serious orange railing against faith. It looks like you don't even understand what mainstream means. Even in a more holistic society, mainstream media will exist. Moral development can be conveyed through media, I don't know how you cannot see that. Media has an impact on your level of consciousness. It's not merely coming out of it, it's also influencing it, otherwise you wouldn't be complaining if you didn't believe that.
  14. @Parththakkar12 Woah, that's a lot of bitterness for something you can't much about. Mainstream is not as bad as you think, there must be a mainstream narrative, it is an inevitably necessity. We must choose healthy and morally developed narratives for it and that's not going to work if we demonize it.
  15. @kieranperez you better turn that frown upside down.
  16. Why do guys need to listen to the same stuff over and over. These teachings are overdone.
  17. @Harlen Kelly Not convincing. I could just tell you the same with the conspiracy theories.
  18. @Harlen Kelly no, leo very much so destroys science. He even says most scientists are a joke. How is that not a conspiracy? He is going against science, without science, just like the stupid joe.
  19. @Harlen Kelly yeah, but he is not mainstream and he is critizim mainstream as well and spreading ideas that destroy mainstream science. So what's the difference between leo and the stupid joe?
  20. @Harlen Kelly you know Leo is not regular media and jesus was neither. So how do you make sure that the stupid joe is not going to become mainstream media and jesus demonized as stupid joe?
  21. Time is the ability to order events without knowing all their causes. You can see an event as generated by other events. If there were no time, perceiving this one event would inevitably lead to becoming aware of all its other events, of which there are infinite, ultimately leading to a break down of the illusion of a seperate self. With time, you are able to view an event independent or unaware of all the other events before hand therefore keeping the finite illusion of a seperate self. This happens by attributing that event to a certain "sense of time". Because of time, looking at a boy catching a ball does not lead you right back to the big bang, because you simply intuitively attribute the boy catching a ball as seperate and therefore create a sense of a time period where that happened.
  22. @Karmadhi In an existential level, there is no difference between a nazi and a jew, that doesn't say anything, because we still perceive these differences. Those distinctions are not simply made by us, but by that which is us all. If you were to call the killing of the jews evil simply because of the general idea of identity then so it is with the animals. There was " no reason" to kill jews, neither is there one to kill animals.
  23. @Karmadhi Eating animals is not needed for pure survival.
  24. Very good, but please call it nazi-germany not simply germany. Also recognize that this applies for eating animals as well, it is because one's identity is limted in that regard one holds carnism in the mind.