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Everything posted by Windappreciator

  1. @Johnny Galt Did you not read what I posted? You shouldn't approach this with mind. Find the hidden feeling behind it by stumbling over them otherwise it won't be much.
  2. It's important to know that those a visual representations of states and feelings.
  3. @Opo How about you make a productive approach instead of mockery?
  4. Seems elevating and reconfirming seeing someone else's form of self conservation against the same source.
  5. I knew you wouldn't like that answer. I should have used something simpler you can stomach.
  6. It's never too late to decide differently for the next time. Mistakes make the right approach complete.
  7. You humble yourself unnecessarily here. This user doesn't need it.
  8. Why are you giving your power to this user?
  9. @KennedyCarter hey ehm. I really appreciate your stuff, being vegan myself ( of course, what else ), but try not to pay attention to the low vibe people here. They're just energy leeches.
  10. @Johnny Galt That would be one reason why world needs to go whole foods vegan, so obesity can be ruled out in most cases.
  11. Yeah, I mean. Give me a break from that conservativism. That cancer is everywhere. ?
  12. @Nahm Sometimes I don't know what perspective is true and to take anymore. It's good to have your stuff as a reference point once in awhile.
  13. @undeather Thanks
  14. @undeather Why an MRI scan?
  15. @The0Self Hm, I am kinda siding with raptorsin. It's seems like surpressed resentment for the sake of fairness.
  16. @Opo And what else have you done so far?
  17. @Opo I am not sure. Although I am fully aware that you're using this out of spite against me.
  18. @Someone here I do not think it was your wanting, it's that you egoically profiled a selfimage that got broken. This process is part of getting wiser and the pain is the only way through it. If you will keep avoid the pain of self reflection and the pain of admitting to yourself you will hardly grow in wisdom.
  19. Are you sure you want to be wise? You would have to deconstruct a lot of the things you believe that people around you believe. It will be painful.
  20. It's just to spread ideology. That's what they do across the internet.